I have made several posts regarding the JSF, while quoting various sites.
And i hate to say this i was wrong in my general view of the JSF and its program.
So for that mistake i offer you guys my sorry.
However i was partly right in regards to the cost increase for the Netherlands but mainly due the fact that there are so many sources out there with limited info i totally missed the ball and again i am sorry for that.
But i ask your understanding for the fact that as a Dutch guy i must rely on what the Dutch media releases and what our government releases and frankly speaking the numbers produced by Canada, Australia and all those other potential buyers do not apply directly to the Netherlands and vice versa as each nation bought his own unique package which obviously may or may not carry a different prize tag.
So to correct my mistakes i got here the official (2e kamer brief aka official letter to the second chamber which is the highest government level) as it has been released on their official page.
Because its a pdf file in Dutch i must ask you to forgive me that i am not going to translate all of it. But i will try to make a breakdown specific for the Dutch F35 Order itself.
Kamerbrief met Amerikaanse informatie over F-35 programma
The actual numbers and calculations made by the US government and the Dutch government (Not estimate)
The prize tag for a F-35A was for the Netherlands in 2002 64.4 million dollar per bird and this is the " bare" cost so just the aircraft itself nothing else.
However the prize tag for a F-35A in 2012 is 78.7 million dollar per bird this is ones again the " Kale" or " bare" prize so nothing else just the bird.
And these numbers are without the 20% increase
(Which has been reported by both the government and the national media) of the prize which the pentagon has announced.
A 1 single JSF bought by the Netherlands right now here on the spot will cost 100 million euro which is roughly 131 million US dollars give a take a few cents. And again thats without any extras.
So my question is what would a F35A cost with the whole package at this very point for the dutch specific?
Here the official news report of the Volkskrant news paper + the television program buitenhoff (Which is the sort of watch dog to discuss political and economic issues)
Originally the Netherlands want to buy 85 JSF (F35A) aircrafts with the whole package and for this they saved 4.5 billion euro
Due all the cost increase the same amount of aircraft would cost the Netherlands 8 billion euro to get it fully operational (training and such) this is not the purchase prize as this was originally 4.5 billion but the costs after the initial buy itself to get the aircraft ready for use by the Dutch Airforce (So this includes everything needed to get the bird integrated into the dutch Airforce before it can be used)
So to speak that 3.5 billion more then planned, and to the dutch thats a HUGE amount of money.
And this is the whole issue as has been reported by the dutch government, which causes havoc. Specially with all the drastic cuts they have to make.
And then you have the increased research costs which are not even being taken into calculation in this report.
* Note that this info applies to the dutch specific.
Bottom line is that the 85 F35A mark is not going to be made at this point as there is simply not enough money available to buy it, they are now talking about 50 up to 68 F35A (Which should bring back the JSF total Dutch costs back into budget)
And on top of that there are some serious voices within the government who want out of the JSF program.
Because everyone knew it was going to cost a pretty penny but since the join date of the program June 17, 2002 that the 800 million SDD research funds would come back in economic contracts for the dutch industry with a total worth of around 950 million. Only 310 million has come back. While the 800 Million is already payed for.
And the main thing the government opposition says: This was by the US guaranteed.
Also virtually nothing that the US has guaranteed did take place. However the costs keep and keep rising.
And finally due the fact that the JSF program is taking longer then planned the Dutch did reserve a additional 300 million euro to keep their current F-16 operational till the JSF takes over.
Which was not needed as the JSF would be guaranteed available before that extra money would be needed, but due the delay all those numbers together is draining the treasury faster then a night Las Vegas. and because its still early in the program and the Dutch needed to invest so much extra money already there is no telling what it will cost the next 2/3/4/5 years before the JSF finally start rolling off the production line in mass numbers.
And the main reason why the Dutch went into this project is because of all the guarantees made by the US.
So thats the break down as far as i can get from the dutch media.
But then again this is the Dutch specific situation.