Or a redneck from the south.merocaine said:Come on you have to be at least 65 to call someone 'boy'!
Or a redneck from the south.merocaine said:Come on you have to be at least 65 to call someone 'boy'!
Well, now that hes gone, we might be able to have a logical and sensible discussion, not an imperialist idealRich said:Nobody is "blabbering" boy. If you cant discuss this like a gentleman then you can find someone else to insult since I will be leaving the thread.
You know what's funny, the US is heading that way. With spates of corruption charges in politics in recent years, (The corruption charges against congressmen, and senators) I think a lot of americans (backup by CNN survey) have already lost faith to the beuraucracy in the congress and senate. They just might vote to have it closed down in the future...icelord said:Well, now that hes gone, we might be able to have a logical and sensible discussion, not an imperialist ideal, and for the record, swerves here, so i'll just insult him some more, bloody POME
Now then, perhaps biggest advantage that China has over the US is to do with politics, the US has a senate to review, tear apart and demand whatever it wants in its miltary budget, where as china, has a much more centralised power system, with the Premier holding a stronger vote then their parliament. If Chinese military leaders went to him with a request for more ships, and a way of payment from their ever increasing economy, then approval would most likely be given on the spot, no delays through a senate overview, just a sit down with the minister for labour on where and when it can be done, and next thing, china has a few more ships. I'm not saying it can build as much as it wants, its just they have a much faster and simpler way of getting military equipment because of their centralised system, with the Party having the final say. There is a military affairs commision, but it to reports to the party, and is somewhat, a review board more then a senatorial probe.
Also, china is building itself up on the world stage, the US is already there, so china can afford to increase its military if it wants to become a world superpower, while the US reduces its forces.
Not like I would argue with an expert non-native of America on internal politics but you have no idea of US political history. Even if Bush claims as much executive power as he wants it will all be over the second he leaves office. Every new congressional session enters a whole new contingency and what one president gets is taken away depending on the power balance and the times. For example, Abraham Lincoln had the most executive power of any president, if you wanted to call any of our presidents a dictator it would have been him. But as soon as the next legitamate election came around U.S. Grant lost all the executive power. He was a weak and powerless president, due one to the times and secondly to his character. Your inference is a bit over the top. We still hold elections ya know.dioditto said:You know what's funny, the US is heading that way. Bush adminstration have not so subtlely ever increasing, and centralising the powerbase to the executive branch, and as the old saying go, the power they acquired, the freedom you lost - are not going to be given back. and if this trend continues, it won't be long before US politics becomes a mirror of Chinese communist.
I am sorry, I may sounded extreme, but it is just how we see it here. (well atleast how I see it.. from the few essays on Harvard Review, Quadrant, and American Prospects I read, and the other media and papers... ).Big-E said:Not like I would argue with an expert non-native of America on internal politics but you have no idea of US political history. Even if Bush claims as much executive power as he wants it will all be over the second he leaves office. Every new congressional session enters a whole new contingency and what one president gets is taken away depending on the power balance and the times. For example, Abraham Lincoln had the most executive power of any president, if you wanted to call any of our presidents a dictator it would have been him. But as soon as the next legitamate election came around U.S. Grant lost all the executive power. He was a weak and powerless president, due one to the times and secondly to his character. Your inference is a bit over the top. We still hold elections ya know.
That's still debatable...Har har harWe still hold elections ya know.
If this is all you read no wonder you think about us the way you do. You are only getting a rather socialistic view of my nation. If you want the whole story pick up some US history books, get the facts of where my nation has been and you can intelligently decide where it's going. Don't rely on socialist pundits. History will set you free... :dbananadioditto said:I am sorry, I may sounded extreme, but it is just how we see it here. (well atleast how I see it.. from the few essays on Harvard Review, Quadrant, and American Prospects I read, and the other media and papers...
Ofcourse that's not all I read, and ofcourse, the history will prove one of us wrongBig-E said:If this is all you read no wonder you think about us the way you do. You are only getting a rather socialistic view of my nation. If you want the whole story pick up some US history books, get the facts of where my nation has been and you can intelligently decide where it's going. Don't rely on socialist pundits. History will set you free... :dbanana
You misunderstood what I wrote. I'll put it another way:dioditto said:Much larger than US?? last I check (which is 5 mins ago) US's economy is 10 times larger than Chineses'.![]()
All true, but an administration can change certain roles in goverment in order to centralise power, witness Henry Kissinger and the Role of National Security Adviser, it was never the same again, the National security adviser now controls much of the defence information that the President hears, and it takes a very well informed President to act contary to his advice.Not like I would argue with an expert non-native of America on internal politics but you have no idea of US political history. Even if Bush claims as much executive power as he wants it will all be over the second he leaves office. Every new congressional session enters a whole new contingency and what one president gets is taken away depending on the power balance and the times. For example, Abraham Lincoln had the most executive power of any president, if you wanted to call any of our presidents a dictator it would have been him. But as soon as the next legitamate election came around U.S. Grant lost all the executive power. He was a weak and powerless president, due one to the times and secondly to his character. Your inference is a bit over the top. We still hold elections ya know.
I did'ent mean America or anyone else would go communist, just that the democratic instutions might become hollow, with real power consentrated in theI find that the two party system along with three branches of government ensure that we will never become communist
This is very simple. Congress holds the purse, if the president steps out of line he gets his credit cards cancelled. End of problem.merocaine said:I did'ent mean America or anyone else would go communist, just that the democratic instutions might become hollow, with real power consentrated in the
hands of the few.
Now that could be a real threat to Americas position in the world.
30+ and around 10, not including as i've said, South Korea, which manages to build cargo(yes cargo) ships as well as worlds largest oil tankers, as well as frigates, submarines and destroyers in the one place, and could quite easily build a super carrier, as its currently building the Dokdo, and a range of Sth Koreas LHDs,with some technical assistance could quite easily do it, and on time! Argue all you want about the mass difference, but they could do it, ask and you shall recieve.How many nations out there can build cargo transports and how many can build super carriers???
No, or at least he doesn't use the same IP address if he is the same person with different handles...Rich said:Is Ice Lord and DioDitto the same person here? Or does Dio just enjoy talking to himself? I went thru all my posts, and while I do like to defend my position energetically, I saw no post insulting enough to be called a "blabber'er" by an apparent insulting nit-wit.
I think the US debate should end with this... :spamicelord said:30+ and around 10, not including as i've said, South Korea, which manages to build cargo(yes cargo) ships as well as worlds largest oil tankers, as well as frigates, submarines and destroyers in the one place, and could quite easily build a super carrier, as its currently building the Dokdo, and a range of Sth Koreas LHDs,with some technical assistance could quite easily do it, and on time! Argue all you want about the mass difference, but they could do it, ask and you shall recieve.
True, but if congress gets feed a line of bullshit by the NSA advisor the Sec of state or the Sec of Defence, then congress can be led into all sorts of open ended wars....This is very simple. Congress holds the purse, if the president steps out of line he gets his credit cards cancelled. End of problem.
Aussie Digger said:No, or at least he doesn't use the same IP address if he is the same person with different handles...![]()
Thats always the problem, everyone is human, and their own personal view may distort the information their giving, they don't ever give the raw data, just an overview, with an analyst feeding them his input.merocaine said:True, but if congress gets feed a line of bullshit by the NSA advisor the Sec of state or the Sec of Defence, then congress can be led into all sorts of open ended wars....
If there was a conflict over taiwan, an invasion around 2015, 2020, do you think America would intervene, if Chinas defence moderenisation continues at this pace would it be wise?