Regarding Taiwan:
I just wanted to throw a little observation about Taiwan. Do you remember when ROC requested the Arleigh Burkes and we refused to give them? My suspicion is our government feels that Taiwan might very well rejoin the mainland and doesn't want our ABs to fall into PROC hands.
I remember it quite differently. And If I also remember right the request for four Aegis DDs is open ended and still being considered, based on Taiwan's defense requirements. There has also been a lot of good old fashioned capitalist haggling over money regarding Taiwan's defense purchases. The Island is an economic powerhouse so we aint about to give 'em anything for free. I also know there were hangups on the submarine deal, again the tieup was over technology transfers. Call it the boat equivalent of the current row over JSF software and systems. We yanks can be persnickety over transferring our top stuff to anyone and it doesnt necessarily point to a Doomday scenario of The Two Chinas holding hands and kissing. ANY transfer of high end technology is risky no matter who it goes to.
PROCs ability to field and protect CVs:
Like you say, to be a big player in PAC you NEED carriers. Necessity is the mother of invention... or theft. PROC spies have infiltrated our CA bases more than we will ever know. Most of our naval tech is tested and produced in that one state. All the dummy-cover companies they have been busting is only the tip of the iceburg. CIA and counter espionage ops have hit an all time low. I believe they not only have access to the technology but the expertise. Their engineers have been spending alot of time in Shipyard 444 (Varyags old shipyard). They have a carrier and are re-fitting her. They have heavy marine industry. They build 100,000t+ tankers all the time. Why would a 50,000t carrier be all that difficult?
I dont need to tell a Navy man about the short and exciting life a Varag class carrier would have against a USN task force ordered to kill it. By the time they are able to figure out how to build the thing, how to arm and defend the thing, what kind of airplanes to put on the thing, what to float with the thing, how in hell to build a decent enough submarine to escort the thing, and what commissars son to command the thing.......say 10 years from now? Describe to me the typical USN task force this "thing" will be up against.
Take your time, give me all the Hulls, the weapons, aircraft, space assets, boats under the drink.........the whole shebang!, 10 years from now?
As far as protecting a CV, why would PLAN be testing several variants of an early SPY radar? Sounds like they are trying to develop AEGIS. The most reasonable explaination would be for protecting a CBG.
And as they are drowning the little commies will be saying, "I wish we had SPY-E"
Why is PLAN developing SSNs along with AIP diesel-electric? Seems like they want some SSNs to go on longer patrols for a... you guessed it, CBG.
Of course! And those Maytag washers will be first to swim with the fishes. I want to make another point here about the difference between Russia and China. Russia has a long, proud, and fairly accomplished naval history. Most of all with submarine operations. Not on our level of course, or the Brits, but still the Russians have paid their dues. The Chinese have paid none. When we graduate a sailor he/she is the accumulation of hundreds of years of tradition, experience, training, and most of all "evolution of doctrine".
The Chinese have none! Thats zero! zilch! nada! In our lifetimes their commanders will never be on the level of ours. The USN is the one who wrote the book on modern Pacific naval warfare. Once you get past all the bombs, planes, bullets, and boats, this is our most important edge. One that will take the Chinese a long, long time to come close to equalling.
I submit that back in the 1930s, Russia would never have been considered a potential superpower after the crushing defeat the Germans gave them in WWI. It was almost embarrassing how easily they were defeated and left them with the reputation as an easy kill. Everyone underestimated the Red Army and they came out of WWII as the second superpower.
Navy! Different ballgame the sea. War in the Pacific is a clash of navies.
PROC is being fueled by US trade surpluses. Her defense budget is now unofficially half of US expenditures. The US congress and DoD are now officially "concerned" with the growth and modernization of PROC forces. PROC is stealing US secrets at exponential rates. France is breaking the embargo sneaking her technologies. Israel is selling them as well. PROC sub forces are projected to be = in size to the USN in 10 yrs (not quality). PLAN is refitting Varyag at the very least for flight ops. PLAN is developing SPY type radar.
Hard to pin down what they are spending. I agree they are cutting corners by stealing. But no matter how they do it to build a world class carrier navy from scratch is exceptionally difficult and will take a long time. And to do so while keeping within arms reach of the USN in technological terms??? Almost impossible.
The thing that concernes me is PLAN is growing in size and technology at multiple times our levels. Our hull numbers decrease while theirs increase. They even have supersonic AShMs, we don't even have that. Not even to simulate an attack to protect against. For all we know our untested ship defenses against Supersonic cruise missiles could be less than effective, we just don't know for sure b/c no one in the SECNAV office thought it was necessary. I'm affraid if PLAN saturated us with enough super sonic ASMs we'd be sunk.
While you make some good points, which I hope I addressed, I still see a 4 carrier PLAN fleet by 2020-25.
For the record I am against any cuts in our military budget, most of all in the USN. I'm a student of history, albeit with a degree from a manure pile, and its obvious war is prevented thru the maintenance of strength. It might surprise a lot of people but Communists are among the most risk averse leaders ever to murder their way to power. The Chinese only invaded Korea because they had a spy in Enlgand who gave them advance notice we wouldn't nuke em for doing so. They were scared white of our nukes back then.
And they haven't forgotten how to count beans now 50 years later, and it dont matter if they have Play stations at home or not. The way to prevent war with China is to keep the military, most of all USN, strong!
In order for PLAN ships to hose up with these missiles they first have to survive long enough to fire them off. Then they would have to get thru the ring of RAM around the carrier. I agree with you the PLAN is a concern and should be watched. I'm just saying they are not a serious threat now, nor will they be in the near future. To make a situation even worse for them their command and control, navy bases, ship construction/repair centers...ect are not dispersed well and are heavily centralized per the communist model.
In short they have a long, long way to go. They are stuck in a phase of rebuilding an entire society of over a Billion people into a modern nation. Something we accomplished shortly after the Industrialized age began, the one we helped create. The Chinese have a myriad of problems to overcome besides the building of a blue water navy.