Of course! And those Maytag washers will be first to swim with the fishes. I want to make another point here about the difference between Russia and China. Russia has a long, proud, and fairly accomplished naval history. Most of all with submarine operations. Not on our level of course, or the Brits, but still the Russians have paid their dues. The Chinese have paid none. When we graduate a sailor he/she is the accumulation of hundreds of years of tradition, experience, training, and most of all "evolution of doctrine".
The Chinese have none! Thats zero! zilch! nada! In our lifetimes their commanders will never be on the level of ours. The USN is the one who wrote the book on modern Pacific naval warfare. Once you get past all the bombs, planes, bullets, and boats, this is our most important edge. One that will take the Chinese a long, long time to come close to equalling.
Its brilliant how you blabber on about sea warfare doctrine and how china has none, but the amazing thing is, china did create the land warfare doctrine hundreds of years ago,and its still standard tactics in most modern armies. If anything, you've learnt all your traditions and statergy from a little chinese bloke named Sun Tzu
I'm sure they can create a sea doctrine, hell, you could probabley go to a street in beijing and get the USN, UK, and NATO copy for the same price as a a 30pk of coke here. Just because they don't go blowing their tops every couple of months on an excercise here and there, doesn't mean out of a billion ppl, no one is thinking up ways to counter the USN, much like the US Navy has ppl countering the ever increasing Chinese Navy. And some historians believe china did descover more of the world then the Vikings ever got near, so odds on they were sailing long before anyone else.
A Chinese carrier is a definate, you don't go buying foreign countries Ex-carriers just to keep the world guessing. And if the Sh*t hit the fan, i'm sure chinas work force could build hundreds of the bloody things, any country at war that devotes a massive part of its resources to the military increases output for whatever is needed. Strict pilot training, focused building and a large number of resources could see more then 10 built in a year, and i'm not kidding here, hell South Korea has a ship yard which launches 100,000 ton Tankers everyday, because its that well structured to accomadate such building, china could have the same if tensions got to boiling point, no matter who with, being US or Japan.It has the capabilities to over run much of the worlds military ability. If enough people and resources were dedictated to it, china could have a large self sufficent miltary industry, at the moment it relies on others, but many others rely on china for their parts to go with the Vehicles or Aircraft.
People go on about chinas economy falling, i doubt that, if it went to war with Japan it would fall, its imports would of course increase, exports might drop<sorry, no toys with your happy meal> but its workforce would increase, and more jobs would be created to aid the war effort, again we're talking about a billion people here, this is no minor country, this is a massive future superpower.
Don't underestimate the chinese, it could be fatal someday