Exactly! I cannot understand why someone would put FFL in the same league as 1st SFOD. FFL are better trained grunts at best, provided their para regiment might be comparable to 75th Ranger.Gremlin29 said:Consider me jumping in: FFL equal to Delta? That my friend, is just plain funny. They are not equal to the Rangers who are a bit of an odd duck for comparison to the spec war community. They are sort of a big hammer approach to interesting situations and do not do the typical "spec war" type of missions. Not withstanding the Ranger Regiment being a fine organization with all sorts of capabilities, they are nowhere near being Delta.
For an all around do it all formation, I don't think the SAS can be outdone. After that, there are a scant few that are even in that same arena, and then there are others more highly specialized in certain disciplines. Even the individual SEAL teams are specialized. SF does an entirely different type of mission as well.
The problem with the root question is that it's sort of like saying which airplane is best? Well it depends, which "type" of airplane are we talking about? Are we talking overall capability coupled with assetts, training and experience or are we talking about who can build the best field expedient bear trap?
Comparing SEALs and Delta is also sort of non-sense. One is an underwater scout unit and one is a CT team. One of the interesting things is that Delta operatives are selectived from SEALs, Ranger or the SF. Doesn't that tell you something?