best special forces

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Tribal Warlord
Verified Defense Pro
Gremlin29 said:
Consider me jumping in :D: FFL equal to Delta? That my friend, is just plain funny. They are not equal to the Rangers who are a bit of an odd duck for comparison to the spec war community. They are sort of a big hammer approach to interesting situations and do not do the typical "spec war" type of missions. Not withstanding the Ranger Regiment being a fine organization with all sorts of capabilities, they are nowhere near being Delta.

For an all around do it all formation, I don't think the SAS can be outdone. After that, there are a scant few that are even in that same arena, and then there are others more highly specialized in certain disciplines. Even the individual SEAL teams are specialized. SF does an entirely different type of mission as well.

The problem with the root question is that it's sort of like saying which airplane is best? Well it depends, which "type" of airplane are we talking about? Are we talking overall capability coupled with assetts, training and experience or are we talking about who can build the best field expedient bear trap?
Exactly! I cannot understand why someone would put FFL in the same league as 1st SFOD. FFL are better trained grunts at best, provided their para regiment might be comparable to 75th Ranger.

Comparing SEALs and Delta is also sort of non-sense. One is an underwater scout unit and one is a CT team. One of the interesting things is that Delta operatives are selectived from SEALs, Ranger or the SF. Doesn't that tell you something?


New Member
adsH said:
Technically they're still her Majesty's Forces, they serve the same Monarch, so you'd expect a alevel of similarities. Amazing how Aussie's, Brits and Canadians find a sense of Brotherhood.
Just because we can't deploy any forces without big hiccups doesn't mean you need to exclude New Zealand...
Of course I believe the NZSAS are the best special forces in the world - they are small, yet they are very good at what they do with little manpower.

Aussie Digger

I don't really care about "ratings" and neither do the specwarries themselves I'd warrant, but if I DIDI, I'd rate NZSAS amongst the very best. Almost as good as SASR... :p:


New Member
nzbm said:
Just because we can't deploy any forces without big hiccups doesn't mean you need to exclude New Zealand...
Of course I believe the NZSAS are the best special forces in the world - they are small, yet they are very good at what they do with little manpower.
Sorry about that You guys are in it too :) Hang in there!!


New Member
But I could never deny that the SASR is very professional and accomplished at what they do...

Aussie Digger

Yep, both units have performed superbly in Afganistan and (probably) in Iraq, though I'm uncertain if NZSAS actually deployed there. I'm guessing they probably did...


New Member
I am sure that New Zealand only deployed a LEG (Light Engineering Group) of around 100 men and women. However New Zealanders serving or on secondment in the SASR and the UK's SAS may have deployed there.


Banned Member
:coffee I think best special forces are those which perform well on the battle ground and as well as in peace to random threat:coffee

Aussie Digger

That's why I feel that 22nd SAS is THE best specwarops unit in the world. Other unit's might be flashier, better equipped/funded etc, but no special forces unit has had the operational success that 22nd SAS has.

It's as simple as that. No other indicator means a damn thing at the end of the day, operational success is all that matters. 22nd SAS's record is second to NONE in this field...


New Member
I think Chinese Special Forces are on par with the west. I forget which year it was but their SOF team placed 1st and 2nd in the International Erna Raid. Does anyone recall what year this was?

Aussie Digger

Exercises and competitions are all well and good, but nothing matches results. 22nd SAS has proven itself on ops since WW2 in every conceivable climactic condition on earth and every type of operational environment. Other units come close but none of them have had the operational success of 22nd SAS, end of story...


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I spoke with a guy last week that just rotated home from Iraq. He's a Captain company commander in a Ranger battalion that has served 2 tours in Afghanistan prior to his tour in Iraq so I think he's pretty qualified to have an opinion on the matter to some degree. I wont mention what he said about foreign forces (conventional or otherwise) that he worked with, for the most part as units he was underewhelmed by their capabilities with a few rare exceptions. He worked with quite a few some extensively, some just once or twice. For the most part he respected the individuals themselves, and their committment to duty and their intestinal fortitude. So as not to start flame wars that's all I'm going to say regarding foreign forces save one.

The good captain did work ALOT with US forces however and since I'm an American my comments good or bad wont be seen as any sort of flame. Reallize these comments are made in the context as viewed by a VERY experienced Ranger, who probably see's things a bit differently than others in the spec war community just as a SEAL or Green Beret would view things a little differently. His comments are thus:

US Navy SEAL's. Fantstic individuals, fantastic as a unit. Formidable in every way. His only criticism was that their planning was somewhat sketchy. He did feel however that this was due to the fact that SEAL teams train as a team, and train so much so hard that each guy on the team know's what the other is going to do. Not a problem for the SEAL's working alone, sort of a problem when working with others.

Delta. The creme de la creme. He said they were again very formidable and probably the best trigger men that ever ran CQB. But that's what Delta does. He also felt they were prima donna's owing to their notoriouty and the vast amount of goodies they get whenever they want. So they were more difficult to work with than they should have been.

Special Forces. He was very impressed with SF, and couldn't think of anything negative to say. Their speciallty is somewhat outside the norm from the US spec war community because A teams are expected to operate with indiginous peoples with not a whole heck of alot of support. They are in a word, unique because SEAL teams, Delta and the Rangers are pretty much dedicated trigger men.

Finally, his opinion on who the best of the best was, he didn't hesitate to say SAS. He said they were a combination of all of the good things the US spec war community offers, all rolled into one very neat package. He was very impressed with the individuals, and the units as a whole. He was also impressed with their helpfullness, patience and unassuming mannerism. In short he said, they were the consumate experts in every way, shape and form.

While this person may not be the "know all" to judge such things, he's probably better equipped to make a judgement than any of us here are. Food for thought. :D


Tribal Warlord
Verified Defense Pro
Number1azn365 said:
I think Chinese Special Forces are on par with the west. I forget which year it was but their SOF team placed 1st and 2nd in the International Erna Raid. Does anyone recall what year this was?
It is good that China won the Erna Raid a few years back, but one must not forget that competitions and exercises are no subsititude for actual combat experience. The British scout team were the last(28th) in Erna last year, but that doesn't prevent the British SAS to be one of the best, if not the best, special operation forces in the world today.

Talking about Erna Raid, here is the results for 2004.


Well-Known Member
Aussie Digger said:
SAS are normally very good, but they've had their stuffups. Bravo 2 Zero ring any bells? I can't think of any such widely known problems with SASR... ;)
adsH is right - the SAS gets involved with a lot of operations, so it's inevitable something would go wrong eventually. Sure the SASR does more than is publicly admitted - but then again that's the same for the SAS too :rolleyes:

Yes, I would agree with previous opinion. No one force beats the rest because most of them have specialities, and there are scenarios where they wouldn't want to operate. But I still like to think that the SAS rules generally :D


New Member
From my point of view SAS and Navy Seals are equaly good.The worlds Finnest.
They both have their history, experience in every kind of fight on diferent terrains
all around the world, also they are highly motivated and the last but not least they
are equipped with all those hi-tech gadgets.
I`s going to be interesting to see them working together in Bosnia where they
need to catch warlords accused for war crimes.


New Member
If u are looking for Best forces u even have to look at the terrain aprt from their mission also . For the mountain terrain I think The ghurka regiment are the best . U will not find any others more experienced than them in high altitude and rugged terrain warfare


New Member
I think the SAS has to be one of the better ones because they've had probably more experience than anyone in the field. And compared to Delta or the Navy Seals you can't say that they've messed up more because the SAS has had alot more field time therefor more time to mess up.


New Member
shivap_24 said:
If u are looking for Best forces u even have to look at the terrain aprt from their mission also . For the mountain terrain I think The ghurka regiment are the best . U will not find any others more experienced than them in high altitude and rugged terrain warfare
yea I completely agree. Don't the British use some gurkas in their fighting force. I think there are a few of them in the SAS too.


New Member
The British have a Brigade of Gurkhas plus other Gurkhas dispersed throughout the British Army...There are probably Gurkhas in the there are Fijians etc...


New Member
the british like to recruit people from their colonies, this would be to their advantage because they would get troops specialized in diferent fields like mountains for the Gurkas etc etc.
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