The special forces within the Turkish Armed Forces are one of the finest among their counterparts throughout the world. Despite the fact that there are many other special operations commando units, such as the Mountain Commando Brigades, Gendarmerie Commandos and Marine Corps, within the Turkish Armed Forces, they do not fall under the definition/classification of modern day special forces.
The Turkish special forces units could be classified into the following:
The manpower required for the Special Forces Command (SFC), which is publicly known as Red Berets, is acquired from the selected officers and non-commissioned officers (NCOs) of various units operating under the Land Forces Command. In other words, the Army officers and NCOs only are eligible to join this elite unit. This unit directly operates under the command of the General Staff Headquarters. The individuals forming this special unit are selected from their regular army troops on voluntary basis. Not all who volunteer are admitted though since there is a pass/fail written and physical exam. Those who pass the exams become special forces candidates. Adequate linguistic skills in at least one foreign language is a plus for admission. The candidates then have to complete a challenging training period which lasts around 2.5 years. Many drop out during this intense training period. Training encompasses fitness, obstacle, Martial Arts, close quarters combat (CQC), biological/chemical/nuclear warfare, parachuting, diving, sniping, demolition, counter-terrorism, search and rescue, stealth seek and destroy, reconnaissance and survival. Learning foreign languages is a part of the training. During the training, candidates are pushed by their instructors to their limits, both physical and mental. Training schedule includes all aspects of a modern day regular and psychological warfare. 100 kilometer terrain-walking with a 40 kg load is just an example of what the candidates have to go through during training. The size of the SFC stands at a "Division" level. The SFC can be considered as the Turkish counterpart of the US Green Berets.
Within the SFC, there is a top-secret unit which only has 100 members. The name of the unit is Combat Search and Rescue (C.S.R. or M.A.K. in Turkish). However, no further information is available on CSR except for the fact that it is thought to be established and organized like its US counterpart Delta Force. It also differs from the SFC in that its members are selected not only from the Army, but also from the other two main forces, Navy and Air Force. It should not be difficult to conclude that CSR members are the best of the best within the Turkish Armed Forces.
SFC and CSR perform a variety of duties such as:
- Surveillance on enemy structures, facilities, defense systems or strategically relevant buildings.
- Covert sabotage against enemy units and structures.
- Infiltration.
- Reconnaissance.
- Hostage/POW/downed pilot rescue.
- Counter-terrorism missions.
- Close Quarter Combat.
- Organization and training of friendly civilians against the enemy.
SFC and CSR both took part in the accomplishment of several missions. Capture of Abdullah Ocalan, the Chief of the terrorist PKK organization, in Kenya and of Semdin Sakik, PKK's second chief in charge were carried out by the SFC. The SFC acquired vast amount of experience in search and destroy type missions, especially in rural areas and caves in South-East Turkey, during its years long campaign against the PKK. The SFC has also been undertaking missions in Bosnia, Kosovo, Albania, Afghanistan and North Iraq. A few SFC teams were sent to Afghanistan during Operation Enduring Freedom and trained the new recruits of the newly-established regular Afghan Army.
The Naval Special Forces of the Turkish Armed Forces are classified under two categories. Although these two categories, publicly known as SAS and SAT, are thought to be the same by many people, in fact they are not. They are two different units with completely different specialization areas and range of duties. The personnel of both units are selected only from the Navy officers and non-commissioned officers, on voluntary basis.
Underwater Defense Teams (UDT), or SAS in Turkish, are the counterparts of the US Underwater Demolition Teams (UDT). Their main tasks are:
- Deactivation or disposal of explosive material, mines and/or unidentified ordinance under the water off the friendly ports and coasts.
- Deactivation or disposal of explosive material, mines and/or unidentified ordinance under the water off the target coasts or ports. That includes clearing of the target beaches of mines, explosives, booby traps and tank traps, prior to the amphibious assault of the friendly forces.
- Deactivation or disposal of explosives and mines that might be present on the course of the friendly troops and/or VIP military personnel.
- Consultancy in defending the strategic facilities against stealth assaults by enemy commandos.
UDT units do not perform assault, counter-terrorism, recon or CQC missions. A real-time duty executed by the SAS has been the clearing of the Girne Beach, Cyprus, prior to the amphibious assault of the Turkish Armed Forces to the island in 1974.
Underwater Assault Teams (UAT), or SAT in Turkish, are the counterparts of the US Navy Seals. Their main tasks are:
- Surveillance on enemy structures, facilities, defense systems or strategically relevant buildings.
- Covert sabotage against naval units and/or enemy structures.
- Covert landing and infiltration.
- Reconnaissance on beaches being considered for amphibious landing operations.
- Determining secure landing paths.
- Underwater recon within 2.5 m deep water/beach corridors.
- Direct action during first wave of landing missions.
- Hostage/POW/downed pilot rescue.
- Counter-terrorism missions.
- Close Quarter Combat.
The training period of the Turkish Naval Special Forces, which lasts 49 weeks, is shorter than that of the SFC. It starts off with a 5-week-long Indoctrination period, followed by three consecutive training phases, and then Airborne Training and Special Ops Training.
Training and Duration:
BUD/S: Indoctrination Period - 5 weeks Phase I (Basic conditioning + Hell Week) - 9 weeks
Phase II (Diving) - 8 weeks
Phase III (Land Warfare) - 9 weeks
Post BUD/S:
Airborne Training - 3 weeks
Special Ops Technical Training - 2 weeks
Medical Training - 30 weeks
Platoon Training - 18 months
SFC, SAS or SAT, every Special Operations mission needs absolute secrecy and stealth. In consequence to these requirements, some peculiarities are expected in all special operations candidates: Total dedication to the motherland and extreme determination; No fear of darkness, altitude, underwater activity or loneliness at all; resistance and effective reaction capability in extreme situations (including torture); capacity and determination to accomplish the tasked mission at any cost; ability to make immediate and effective decisions; capacity to adapt to changing situations or environments.