Sansei442- who are you agreeing with?
-I doubt the F-35 will go to egypt. It would be a gift to Russia.
-I don't know what they mean, but strange statements came out after Olmert met with Bush and the USAF held exercises with the IAF in the Negev about the US and Israel sharing any and all information on new technology, developments, equipment, purchases, sales, etc...
Something slightly similar (statement) has come out of Japan.
IMO, the US is moving Africom from Germany to probably Morocco (I posted a link a couple weeks ago). This doesn't hurt Europe (European opinion?), but provides the US with not only bases directly in Africa (next to oil), but is an added counterweight to Iran on the other side of the ME. Allows quicker strikes in Africa and strengthens Israel by our placement. Israel still acts as a forward base for us and permits us to enter Gaza/Lebanon/Syria... (out of those talks, I wouldn't be surprised to see,
PERHAPS, Israel, Japan, and maybe Australia get permission to buy the F-22) except moving equipment around doesn't require the eye's of several other countries.:unknown
The US is definitely worried about the weapons we've sold Egypt, and the stability of the country--namely succession (also linked this a couple of weeks ago... i can look for it if people want).