Are you admitting to a mistake? There is hope yet.......
I thought you didn't want to "play the man" Occum, or am I incorrect about this too?
You are correct however about AVM Harvey, the questions answered by AVM Harvey were from February 07. My mistake. Today was the first time I read it...
Still by all means please continue to enlighten us with "facts". Forgive my ignorance, but who are CPA?
Are you suggesting perhaps the Department of Defence is paying a Defence Industry Magazine to "promote" it's plans?
Seems to me you've made this smear against the Kokoda Foundation too. Can anyone else detect the common theme here?
Still, I agree with you on yet another point. Some "hard data" would be nice please...
Pray tell where is there a 'play the man' in this post.
If you are referring to your 'drinking their bathwater' this is merely an observation of your debating style; your propensity to regurgitate whatever is said by those with whose belief system you have aligned yourself, with little if any curiosity let alone objectivity; those who do 'play the man' or use ad hominem argument by targeting anyone who has a contra or countervailing view to theirs. Those with whom you have aligned yourself along with their belief system. In debating and real world terms, this form of behaviour is refered to as sycophantic.
In terms of debate, observing how you carry yourself in the debate or argument is not ad hominem or, in your words, 'playing the man' and, since you have asked for facts, is, in fact, quite appropriate and legit, as you will find in any rules of debate.
However, ad hominem argument is one of the most primitive and flawed forms of debate, often employing snide and derisive commentary. The most base and unacceptable form of this style of argument uses untruths, often times known by their originator to be untrue (aka lies). In order to try to make their point and, therefore distract from the lack of substance in their argument, the ad hominem argumentor will often use untruths and lies to put down and demean their opponent/s in the debate in a way that is malicious. This is where and why such a form of ad hominem argument breaches the standards of normal society and becomes slander, or in the case where it is written down for others to see, libel.
In response to your question, CPA are known in Defence and Industry as the Central Propoganda Agency with the formal title of the Coordination and Public Affairs division. That is the 'CPA' that you see in file number of every defence media release. They are a very powerful but misguided group of PR and media types who tell even the generals what they can and can't say.
As for who is paying whom for what, this is not a suggestion but a fact. How do think publications like ADBR survive? It is certainly not on subscriptions. ADBR and several other publications have a number of contracts with Defence. Why do you think the Hon Dr Brendan Nelson was seen putting his arm around Trevor Thomas at the EDS cocktail party a month or so ago and letting everyone in ear shot know how grateful he was for the fine work Trev and Abe Gubler and ADBR had done in promoting his and Defence's position in the debate?
As for the Kokoda Foundation, where do you get off saying I have 'made this smear' against them? What 'smear' are you referring to?
I don't recall even mentioning Kokoda here. If I did, it would be on the basis of what I know about them, namely, the facts - the Kokoda Foundation was established back in 2004; their web site says they are an independent think tank; they are funded by Defence and some overseas companies including BAE Systems; and of the two papers they have published, the one on the JSF - "How much is too little" - made for interesting reading but failed to deliver any analysis or facts on one of the most telling points in the whole paper, namely the statement made about the Su-30 on page 35.
So, where is this mystical 'smear' to which you are referring or are you simply succumbing to the female side of your personality playing out some transferrance and projection game in asking your question of others on this forum, namely, "Can anyone else detect the common theme here?"
The only common theme here is sophistry and spin - commonly known as BS and a less than healthy amount of niavete and gullability!
AVM John Harvey is supposed to be doing the due diligence on behalf of the Australian people yet all that we hear coming out of his mouth is LM marketing spin.
Instead of attacking those who are trying to do the right thing and get the facts on the table, you should be asking the hard questions of those who are marketing the JSF on behalf of LM.
For instance, what is the MTOW of the JSF variants and why is it 'classified'? And, what is the price (UPC) Australia will be required to pay in the dollars of the years that Defence is intending to buy the aircraft?
As for 'hard data', I suggest the web site of those who appear to be your nemesis presents far more hard data, facts and logical argument in this debate than anywhere else. You really would do your self a service by reading some of it, if not all of it.
You might also respond to my request for more attachment space to post more hard data up here for members of this forum to view and, thus, inform themselves which, after all, is one of the main purposes of such sites and, I suggest, a bit more important than stroking the egos of those who carry the title of Super Regurgitator.