Royal Australian Navy Discussions and Updates 2.0


The Bunker Group
Verified Defense Pro
Somewhat related to the above, but if someone is familiar with the Senate hearing transcripts reporting system and could find and post a link to the hearing where CN Noonan stated that there was no contemplation of additional Hobart-class destroyers, I would be interested in reading through those transcripts.
Not spefically what you are after, but in the below search it highlights Government receiving "unsolicited" proposal from Navantia, 3rd result down, and many many others, happy reading :)



Well-Known Member
Not spefically what you are after, but in the below search it highlights Government receiving "unsolicited" proposal from Navantia, 3rd result down, and many many others, happy reading :)

Just to be clear
#4 is for the 2 Stalwart class AORs.
#7 is the F-5000 derivative of the Hobart design for project Sea 5000
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el Cid

New Member
Just for the sake of completeness and to hopefully put to bed further questions, I found the original and follow-up articles in the Australian, which is the outlet which first reported on the unsolicited offer from Navantia Australia for three additional AWD's. The first reporting on this was made 5 April, 2022.

A link can be found here to the results in a search for "Navantia" on the Australian site.

A link can be found here for an article dated 30 May 2022 in which the Chief of Navy VADM Noonan had testified at a Senate Estimates hearing on 1 April 2022

Below is a partial quote from the linked article in the Australian.

It appears that original the Australian article reporting on the unsolicited offer is paywalled.

BTW for those not from or familiar with Australian media, the Australian, the Melbourne-based the Age, and the Sydney-based Sydney Morning Herald (SMH) are all major Australian daily newspapers. As such, to just ignore their reporting would be to demonstrate a disinterest in factual discussions.

Somewhat related to the above, but if someone is familiar with the Senate hearing transcripts reporting system and could find and post a link to the hearing where CN Noonan stated that there was no contemplation of additional Hobart-class destroyers, I would be interested in reading through those transcripts.
The video i posted from News Australia states growing support within the navy for 3 new Hobarts, and is dated 30 of august, that is 4 months later than the comments Noonan from 1st of april.
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Active Member
About the S100, what do the Brunei (Brunese? ) navy use? I've only looked at the wiki entry, which says "1 helicopter", and nothing more. Do they have a UAV we can copy?


Super Moderator
Staff member
Verified Defense Pro
Post deleted working now
You held your mouth wrong.
The video from Sky news Austrlia is dated 30 august 2022, so it can be correcting the comments of Noonan, who spoke on 1st of april. For me your post doesnt puts to bed this doubt we have of who had the inititive for the offer.
(2) Navy seeks to fast track new destroyers - YouTube
For your information Sky News Australia is not regarded as a reputable source. They are highly political.

I strongly suggest that you read what other posters are saying. You do not seem to understand Australian requirements and its geography. AS such have a look at a map of Australia and at a map of the Pacific Ocean.

Numerous posters have replied to your posts pointing out the errors within them and trying to give you some guidance. However you have appear to ignore this and apparently are fixated upon one thing.
To the Moderators you are beginning to look like a troll and we do not tolerate trolls on here.

el Cid

New Member
You held your mouth wrong.

For your information Sky News Australia is not regarded as a reputable source. They are highly political.

I strongly suggest that you read what other posters are saying. You do not seem to understand Australian requirements and its geography. AS such have a look at a map of Australia and at a map of the Pacific Ocean.

Numerous posters have replied to your posts pointing out the errors within them and trying to give you some guidance. However you have appear to ignore this and apparently are fixated upon one thing.
To the Moderators you are beginning to look like a troll and we do not tolerate trolls on here.

You dont know how to moderate a forum, nor any of the moderators.


Active Member
The video i posted from News Australia states growing support within the navy for 3 new Hobarts, and is dated 30 of august, that is 4 months later than the comments Noonan from 1st of april.
All the video alludes to is that there was an appetite for the three ships and that should the offer be approved, then the Navy would be endeavouring to acquire them as soon as possible. You seem to be unwilling to let go of your the notion that Australia approached Navantia not the other way around - does it really matter? It has always been known that the Navantia offer was unsolicited and was/is considered by the Government. Unless you can provide firm documentary evidence of the Commonwealth Government requesting an offer be made then perhaps we need to move on. BTW after posting I have just read your response to Staff Member - be very careful.
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el Cid

New Member
All the video alludes to is that there was an appetite for the three ships and that should the offer be approved, then the Navy would be endeavouring to acquire them as soon as possible. You seem to be unwilling to let go of your the notion that Australia approached Navantia not the other way around - does it really matter? It has always been known that the Navantia offer was unsolicited and was/is considered by the Government. Unless you can provide firm documentary evidence of the Commonwealth Government requesting an offer be made then perhaps we need to move on. BTW after positing I have just read your response to s Staff Member - be very careful.
I think there should be some complicity between Navantia and Ran for making the budget, because the new Hobarts should include australanized equipment, the combat system, the electronic warfare, etc, if Navantia doesnt have the data from the Ran they cant put a detailed offer on the price.

el Cid

New Member
There is nothing in that clip which indicates that Australia approached Navantia.
It is true, only says they will review the offer. But there is a channel in Spain called Ruyman Garcia with good record of making eco about news, and he said Albanese came to Madrid to make the petition, so someone somewhere in the media published it was Australian initiative. Noonan said in 1st of april that they dont contemplate to buy more Hobarts, but 4 months later it is published they are review the offer and there is growing support.

Also time has passed and australian government hasnt said anything on the offer.


Well-Known Member
El Cid has received a months holiday.

A reminder to be courteous at all times, no one liners, and don't present media speculation as fact. Oh, and don't poke the mods.
....... I am struggling really really hard not to be a smart ass here and poke you :p

Smart arsery aside in regards to the various topics discussed over the last couple months for the RAN..

  • BAE Strix - Definitely worth looking as a medium/long term solution. It has a lot of benefits compared to similar tasked UAV's, At bare minimum I would advocate for a program for this similar to the MQ-28, but we should be mindful of development time vs immediate/future needs if we can wait/need them now/ what is available now and how long it would take to acquire something interim.
  • Navantia - Pretty well covered by all, Im just glad I missed most of the family arguments. Much as we will likely need an interim solution due to failure in government on both sides in the past getting what would essentially be a unique ship class that comes with all the issues of the Hobarts is not the solution. For ships an interim solution only works if its A. Already in the water or B. off a hot production line, Perhaps even leasing/joint crewing some ships say from the US? Yes I know that would likely bring with it it's own set of drama in regards to operation's, law's command etc but just thinking outside the box. Do with surface combatants what we are doing with the SSN's
  • In regards to the review.... well all we can do is hope for the best... which mostly comes down to government listening and every successive government following the plan....... :rolleyes:


Super Moderator
This is why we ordered the arafuras. Ships that were large enough and seaworthy enough to do the limited constabulary job the PBs were never good enough for. But because they are bigger, more durable and more seaworthy there is pressure to turn them into pocket battleships.
I've seen people complaining because the UK's River class OPVs aren't armed to the teeth. While I can see arguments for a slightly bigger gun, the idea of fitting them with SAMs, anti-ship missiles & the like worries me. They've successfully taken over tasks which were previously done by frigates, & for which the frigates didn't need the weapons they have in excess of those the Rivers have.

Yep, we finally get a constabulary vessel that is large enough, durable enough and seaworthy enough to do the bare minimum, close to zero threat level job required, and it gets recast as a replacement for the ANZACs and Hunters.
Which, if implemented, would push up their cost & crew requirements, leaving less money & fewer crew for the frigates, so you'd get fewer of them.


The Bunker Group
Verified Defense Pro
I've seen people complaining because the UK's River class OPVs aren't armed to the teeth. While I can see arguments for a slightly bigger gun, the idea of fitting them with SAMs, anti-ship missiles & the like worries me. They've successfully taken over tasks which were previously done by frigates, & for which the frigates didn't need the weapons they have in excess of those the Rivers have.

Which, if implemented, would push up their cost & crew requirements, leaving less money & fewer crew for the frigates, so you'd get fewer of them.
I'll have to dig it out but Brown in one of his books outlined how increasing the capability of a "disposable" platform causes it to cross a threshold where it is no longer a disposable platform. This then requires its survivability and durability to be improved, further increasing cost, and requiring greater investment in selfdefence.


Well-Known Member
....... Hobarts is not the solution. For ships an interim solution only works if its A. Already in the water or B. off a hot production line, Perhaps even leasing/joint crewing some ships say from the US? Yes I know that would likely bring with it it's own set of drama in regards to operation's, law's command etc but just thinking outside the box. Do with surface combatants what we are doing with the SSN's
  • In regards to the review.... well all we can do is hope for the best... which mostly comes down to government listening and every successive government following the plan....... :rolleyes:
Returning to an idea originly floated by Volk, do a program similar to the SSN deal.
Build one Burke in US with some Aust workers of various levels included.
Set up a line in WA to produce another five ships at a two year drumbeat.
The final three being direct replacements for the Hobarts.

If you also keep the Hunters on track you will end up with 15 MFU.
9 Hunters and 6 Burkes.

This is not a short term solution and yet it will still put a massive demand on retention and requitment.


Well-Known Member
Returning to an idea originly floated by Volk, do a program similar to the SSN deal.
Build one Burke in US with some Aust workers of various levels included.
Set up a line in WA to produce another five ships at a two year drumbeat.
The final three being direct replacements for the Hobarts.

If you also keep the Hunters on track you will end up with 15 MFU.
9 Hunters and 6 Burkes.

This is not a short term solution and yet it will still put a massive demand on retention and requitment.
This isn’t the worst idea. My main question is why would they be built in WA and not SA? Is Osbourne maxed out?

I think there are significant economies of scale available from having all MFU production at one site if possible.


Well-Known Member
Returning to an idea originly floated by Volk, do a program similar to the SSN deal.
Build one Burke in US with some Aust workers of various levels included.
Set up a line in WA to produce another five ships at a two year drumbeat.
The final three being direct replacements for the Hobarts.

If you also keep the Hunters on track you will end up with 15 MFU.
9 Hunters and 6 Burkes.

This is not a short term solution and yet it will still put a massive demand on retention and requitment.
One thing though, is we have no real option but the path we have taken for the SSNs, we do have other options for building Burkes or Burke derivatives. The US is in no better shape for exporting Burkes than they are for Virginia's, but South Korea is at least and possibly Japan.