Kurganmash is continuing the same work as it was doing pre-war, BMP-3s, BTR-MDMs, BMP-2Ms, etc. While we've seen several interesting things including a BMP-2 with an Epokha module and extra armor, there is no sign that we're going to see any such thing on the battlefield any time soon. There is also no sign that the Kurganets or at least the Manul BMP-3 variant are going into production. Note Kurganmash has gone to a 24/6 (yes 6 not 7, not a typo) production schedule and cancelled all time off for their employees.
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BMP-2M work in Scheglovskiy Val, Tula.
The 103rd repair plant continues work on T-62s and BRDM-2s.
Another T-90M delivery. Production appears unaffected by sanctions at this point for at least this type.
Some of the new T-90Ms have K-1 tiles on the front bottom of the tank.
Модернизация Т-90М "Прорыв", которую мы заслужили - блоки динамической защиты "Контакт-1", разработанной в 1982 г. Ещё Брежнева застала...
A unit in center MD took delivery of T-90Ms, I'm suspecting this is the 90th Tanks. They took losses in Ukraine and their current fleet is T-72As with K-1 added.
The 61st Armored Repair Plant in St. Petersburg, working on T-80s.
Footage of a very large AMN batch being handed over.
Deliveries AMN-509951s and Z-STS continue to the VDV. BMDs are clearly relatively scarce and with this increase in size as well as losses taken this is likely what the future of the VDV looks like.
The 55th Motor-Rifles in Tyva also took delivery of the AMNs. For them this is an upgrade though, since they were previously riding Tigrs.
A new Tayfun-K MRAP has show up, looking like some of its components have been standardized with the Z-STS, namely the armored glass.
Появились фотографии обновлённого защищенного автомобиля КамАЗ-53949 "Тайфун-К" Автомобиль получил унификацию с бронеавтомобилем З-СТС (Специальное транспортное средство) (Фото 4), такую же унификацию получил и защищенный санитарный автомобиль АС-Линза (Фото 5). Были изменены корпус и его...
Russian MoD took delivery of a new railroad bridge assembly. These are used to set up temporary rail crossings. I suspect we will also see delivery of new pontoon bridges, since quite a few were lost in Ukraine.