Russia has received another batch of 2S34 Mal'va SP howitzers. This is essentially a wheeled Msta, that should properly be called Msta-K or SK. Quantity is unclear, though it's likely either a battery of 6 or a btln of 18.
The TOS-3 has made it's first public appearance. It looks a lot like a TOS-1A externally but you can tell the difference by the longer rocket pack with a smaller quantity of rockets. A closer look suggests it hasn't solved the TOS-1 problem, requiring the crew to exit the vehicle and put up the support mechanism for the launch packet.
A BMD-4M with roof cage and up-armor kit. Reportedly this is now how they will be delivered. This implies the resumption of production but of course doesn't guarantee it.
Another batch of BMP-3s got handed over. The type remains a big piece of Russian efforts, and increasing production of BMPs is probably the biggest component in whether Russia can move away from Soviet stockpiles as those run dry.
In addition to extra armor kits, Russia is apparently now making Nakidka and EW standard for BMP-3M production. Note, we don't have good evidence to support the claim just yet, but the EW piece is quite likely to be true and the Nakidka is at least plausible.
The BT-3F APC on BMP-3 chassis is up for state trials. Given that it's a relatively simple vehicle it's likely to pass. However the layout looks terrible, repeating the ergonomic issues of the BMP-3 itself. And of course without extra armor kits it's protected on a level comparable to an M113, with worse ergonomics. It probably beats MT-LBs and BMP-1s converted into APCs, but it's not a great choice. I think Russia should be shifting to re-worked BMP-3 layout, namely the Manul (not Dragun). If they really want an APC, they can do it on that basis, but at that point might as well make them all IFVs. I can only guess the reason they're not doing this is that they would have to retool the production line and that would require halting production. On the flip side, I'm not sure why they can't simply build a new factory from scratch. The Manul variant existed pre-war for some time, and they've built other factories from scratch during the war.
Russian ground forces have received a batch of Planshet automated artillery systems. They link data from UAVs and counter-battery radars, and the system reportedly involves 8 Atlet MRAPs as carriers, or alternatively can be infantry carried in pelican cases. It's not clear if they're being delivered on the Atlet chassis. Curiously enough this system can apparently also work for SHORAD to coordinate information. How exactly this works is unclear. It's also not clear if this is the first batch. One source implies this is a new thing, another that this has been used in the war already.
The UMZ-G minelayer, on T-90M chassis, was seen on a trailer in Tver'. It's possible the type is going to war. Russia actively uses remote minelayers on all kinds of chassis, including jeeps, trucks, Desertcross buggies, etc.
T-62M, upgraded at the 61st Plant heading through Novokuznetsk. Despite their age and initial use as erzats artillery, they are now being used as MBTs alongside newer tanks. They're still a minority in the Russian tank fleet, but unless something changes drastically in Russian MBT production, they're here to stay for many more years.
T-72B3s also heading westward from possibly the same 61st Plant. Previously it wasn't seen working on T-72s, but of course anything is possible. Alternatively these might be tanks from line units in the Far East being sent to the front.
An interesting look at the T-14 without the exterior coverings, showing off portions of the hull and the turret.
A trail full of new T-90Ms with the new roof cage.
An interesting modification of the ERA layout to the T-72B3 upgrade.
An interesting photo of the Sokol missile, a project for a Russian barrel-launched fire and forget missile meant for upgraded tanks, and the T-14. So far the project is in OKR status, no word on progress or trials. Reportedly it retains beam-riding capability on top of other methods.
The Lipetsk plant that was originally involved in production of the S-300V hulls is now also producing Tor-M2 hulls, suggesting increased production of the type.
The Kalashnikov concern, an umbrella company, has shipped more 9M333 missiles for the Strela-10M3. This creates an interesting contrast where Russia and Ukraine are both using Strela-10M3s but Ukraine is down to old Jordanian re-exported missiles, and Russia on the other hand is using upgraded new missiles.
Russian production of Kurier unmanned ground drones is picking up. They were debuted around Berdychy west of Avdeevka, and are a volunteer project.
Russia has received another batch of 2S34 Mal'va SP howitzers. This is essentially a wheeled Msta, that should properly be called Msta-K or SK. Quantity is unclear, though it's likely either a battery of 6 or a btln of 18.
VK.com | VK
The TOS-3 has made it's first public appearance. It looks a lot like a TOS-1A externally but you can tell the difference by the longer rocket pack with a smaller quantity of rockets. A closer look suggests it hasn't solved the TOS-1 problem, requiring the crew to exit the vehicle and put up the support mechanism for the launch packet.
ТОС-3 "Дракон" Не так много времени прошло с момента регистрации товарного знака ТОС-3 «Дракон» до появления его реальных фото в сети. На торжественном мероприятии 1-й гвардейской мобильной бригады РХБЗ был продемонстрирован один экземпляр новой тяжелой огнеметной системы. Особенности: 1)...
VK.com | VK
Танки. История и современность. Btvt.info
↑ Похоже «костыль» на месте, но сложен, см крепление. Такое решение не позволяло вести огонь без выхода экипажа из машины. Проблемы с балансом и жесткостью ТПК повышенных габаритов так и не решили. А ведь пилили 2 десятилетия.
Танки. История и современность. Btvt.info
↑В новом ТОС-3 есть определенное противоречие – относительно точно эти неуправляемые ракеты летают на 3 км, хуже на 7 км как сейчас. А вот на 10-15+ км как на ТОС-3 и еще с уменьшенным пакетом это будет вопрос везения. Тут мы наблюдаем подстраивание под ситуацию и отсутствие концепции развития...
В ролике министерства обороны, посвященному 45-летию со дня образования 1-ой гвардейской мобильной бригады радиационной, химической и биологической защиты, впервые широкой публике был показан готовый образец новейшей тяжелой огнеметной системы ТОС-3 "Дракон". Первое, что бросается в глаза -...
A BMD-4M with roof cage and up-armor kit. Reportedly this is now how they will be delivered. This implies the resumption of production but of course doesn't guarantee it.
Танки. История и современность. Btvt.info
С Апреля 2024 г КМЗ начал отгружать БМД-4М с допзащитой. Более-менее, но шатер жиденький.
Another batch of BMP-3s got handed over. The type remains a big piece of Russian efforts, and increasing production of BMPs is probably the biggest component in whether Russia can move away from Soviet stockpiles as those run dry.
Военный Осведомитель
"Ростех" отчитался о передаче в войска очередной за этот год партии БМП-3. Военный Осведомитель
VK.com | VK
In addition to extra armor kits, Russia is apparently now making Nakidka and EW standard for BMP-3M production. Note, we don't have good evidence to support the claim just yet, but the EW piece is quite likely to be true and the Nakidka is at least plausible.
Курганмашзавод холдинга "Высокоточные комплексы" начал серийно оснащать БМП-3 системой подавления дронов. Боевые машины пехоты БМП-3 получают систему локального подавления линий управления дронов. Также "тройки" штатно оборудуют противокумулятивными решетками, броневыми экранами, а также...
The BT-3F APC on BMP-3 chassis is up for state trials. Given that it's a relatively simple vehicle it's likely to pass. However the layout looks terrible, repeating the ergonomic issues of the BMP-3 itself. And of course without extra armor kits it's protected on a level comparable to an M113, with worse ergonomics. It probably beats MT-LBs and BMP-1s converted into APCs, but it's not a great choice. I think Russia should be shifting to re-worked BMP-3 layout, namely the Manul (not Dragun). If they really want an APC, they can do it on that basis, but at that point might as well make them all IFVs. I can only guess the reason they're not doing this is that they would have to retool the production line and that would require halting production. On the flip side, I'm not sure why they can't simply build a new factory from scratch. The Manul variant existed pre-war for some time, and they've built other factories from scratch during the war.
VK.com | VK
Танки. История и современность. Btvt.info
Ростех: Новейший плавающий бронетранспортер Ростеха выходит на госиспытания. В ближайшее время стартуют государственные испытания плавающего бронетранспортера БТ-3Ф, который создал Курганмашзавод и Специальное конструкторское бюро машиностроения. БТ-3Ф основан на базе боевой машины пехоты...
Russian ground forces have received a batch of Planshet automated artillery systems. They link data from UAVs and counter-battery radars, and the system reportedly involves 8 Atlet MRAPs as carriers, or alternatively can be infantry carried in pelican cases. It's not clear if they're being delivered on the Atlet chassis. Curiously enough this system can apparently also work for SHORAD to coordinate information. How exactly this works is unclear. It's also not clear if this is the first batch. One source implies this is a new thing, another that this has been used in the war already.
Ростех досрочно поставил в войска мобильный комплекс управления артиллерией «Планшет-А»
Российский холдинг «Высокоточные комплексы» поставил в войска комплекс управления стрельбой «Планшет-А». Об этом сообщает пресс-служба Ростеха. Командная система «Планшет-А» поставлена российским военным, причем досрочно. Как отмечают в госкорпорации, комплекс способен управлять стрельбой
The UMZ-G minelayer, on T-90M chassis, was seen on a trailer in Tver'. It's possible the type is going to war. Russia actively uses remote minelayers on all kinds of chassis, including jeeps, trucks, Desertcross buggies, etc.
Танки. История и современность. Btvt.info
Куда-то тянут «УМЗ-Г» в Тверской области. Машина омского КБ неоднократно демонстрировалась на выставках, но так и не оказалась в серии.
T-62M, upgraded at the 61st Plant heading through Novokuznetsk. Despite their age and initial use as erzats artillery, they are now being used as MBTs alongside newer tanks. They're still a minority in the Russian tank fleet, but unless something changes drastically in Russian MBT production, they're here to stay for many more years.
Танки. История и современность. Btvt.info
Атамановские (https://t.me/btvt2019/3037) Т-62М едут в районе Новокузнецка.
T-72B3s also heading westward from possibly the same 61st Plant. Previously it wasn't seen working on T-72s, but of course anything is possible. Alternatively these might be tanks from line units in the Far East being sent to the front.
Танки. История и современность. Btvt.info
Т-72Б3 (обр 22) производства 61 БТРЗ, судя по месту съемок.
An interesting look at the T-14 without the exterior coverings, showing off portions of the hull and the turret.
Танки. История и современность. Btvt.info
Голая «Армата» - корпус без комплекса съемно-модульной защиты и прочего обвеса и башня (Поворотная платформа) без защитных блоков и обвеса.
A trail full of new T-90Ms with the new roof cage.
Танки. История и современность. Btvt.info
Эшелон с Т-90М с однотипными (что необычно) сетками на башнях.
VK.com | VK
An interesting modification of the ERA layout to the T-72B3 upgrade.
An interesting photo of the Sokol missile, a project for a Russian barrel-launched fire and forget missile meant for upgraded tanks, and the T-14. So far the project is in OKR status, no word on progress or trials. Reportedly it retains beam-riding capability on top of other methods.
Танки. История и современность. Btvt.info
Сокол-В (3УБК25) – первая фотография нового управляемого вооружения танков РФ. Правда существует пока на испытаниях (доработанных Т-80) и в БК «Арматы» которая «на войну не явилась». Особенностью является полностью автономная система управления, реализующая принцип «выстрелил–забыл»...
Сокол-В (3УБК25) – первая фотография нового управляемого вооружение танков РФ. Правда существует пока на испытаниях (доработанных Т-80) и в БК «Арматы» которая «на войну не явилась». Особенностью является полностью автономная система управления, реализующая принцип «выстрелил–забыл»...
The Lipetsk plant that was originally involved in production of the S-300V hulls is now also producing Tor-M2 hulls, suggesting increased production of the type.
Липецкий механический завод начал серийное производство корпусов для зенитных ракетных комплексов
Входящий в «Калашников» Липецкий механический завод отгрузил заказчику первый серийный корпус для пусковой установки зенитного пакетного комплекса. Об этом сообщает пресс-служба концерна. ЛМЗ освоил серийный выпуск корпусов для российских ЗРК, отгрузив заказчику первое серийное изделие. Как
The Kalashnikov concern, an umbrella company, has shipped more 9M333 missiles for the Strela-10M3. This creates an interesting contrast where Russia and Ukraine are both using Strela-10M3s but Ukraine is down to old Jordanian re-exported missiles, and Russia on the other hand is using upgraded new missiles.
АО «Концерн «Калашников» успешно отгрузило в адрес заказчика крупную партию зенитных управляемых ракет (ЗУР) 9М333 в рамках возросшего гособоронзаказа на 2024 год. Высокоточная ЗУР 9М333 применяется в составе зенитного ракетного комплекса (ЗРК) «Стрела-10М3». Ракета предназначена для поражения...
Russian production of Kurier unmanned ground drones is picking up. They were debuted around Berdychy west of Avdeevka, and are a volunteer project.
Один из сборочных цехов, где собираются НРТК "Курьер". Работа кипит. Требуется собирать дроны в разной комплектации в зависимости от потребностей подразделений, куда они будут поставлены. В ближайшее время три "Курьера" (закупленных при помощи Чингиса Дамбиева) будут поставлены штурмовым...