Some stuff I never got around to posting before the war started.
In Tadjikistan the Russian base there still had a btln of T-72AVs. Unlike the T-72As in the 90th TD, these are proper AVs with the K-1 set up in a V-shape. It's unclear what happened to their tanks, since they were presumably in good working order (they saw exercises regularly). They took delivery of T-72B3 mod'16s.
2S7M deliveries started pre-war. For a long time the Russian Land Forces had one btln each of the 2S7s and 2S4s. This was increased to two before the war, but they remained rather rare. They are now very common. Note this upgrade has more to do with replacing components that were manufactured in Ukraine then actually upgrading the vehicles, though reported they did get new comms.
State trials of the 2S35 were starting with an anticipated end date of Sep. 2022. There were experiments with a modified 8-gun battery, and it wasn't clear in what organization structure they would eventually be deployed in. The type is conspicuously absent from the current war.
Pacific Fleet Marines took deliveries of T-80BVs. The marines lost their tanks for a while, and then got them back. The plan was eventually to get them T-80BVMs but only a few units ever got them.
A look at the PRP-5. Russia hasn't gotten them yet, only the PRP-4A, an upgrade of the Soviet artillery-recon vehicle on a BMP chassis. The PRP-5 will reportedly have a variant on the BMP-3 chassis as well. Russian definitely needs a new artillery-recon vehicle.
An upgraded T-62M variant was shown off pre-war that included a mast with an IRST ball on it. It also got K-1 sidescreens, with cage armor on the back. It also got thermals. This raises questions about whether it would have been smarter to install better ERA and not bother with the mast, but presumably all of these are options. In the current war we've seen the 103rd Repair Plant putting the thermals in question on T-62s, and the same thermal box on T-72 and T-80 variants.
An interesting look at the Magnolia artillery system, basically a Vena 2S31 module on a chassis of a new Russian Arctic armored vehicle. The type will likely not see production with the current war, and was always a tad questionable, though presumably if this platform became the standard for all Arctic units, it could see a production run of 300 vehicles or so (~200 as primary APCs/IFVs), a handful of command and MEDEVAC vehicles, and presumably some comms platforms. The artillery/SAM platform is the DT-30, so distinctly not this new platform.
Russian ground forces took delivery of the new Metka MANPADS, a follow-on to the Verba.
In Tadjikistan the Russian base there still had a btln of T-72AVs. Unlike the T-72As in the 90th TD, these are proper AVs with the K-1 set up in a V-shape. It's unclear what happened to their tanks, since they were presumably in good working order (they saw exercises regularly). They took delivery of T-72B3 mod'16s. | VK
Российские военные в Таджикистане получили танки Т-72Б3М
2S7M deliveries started pre-war. For a long time the Russian Land Forces had one btln each of the 2S7s and 2S4s. This was increased to two before the war, but they remained rather rare. They are now very common. Note this upgrade has more to do with replacing components that were manufactured in Ukraine then actually upgrading the vehicles, though reported they did get new comms.
Военным передали Малку
Уралтрансмаш отправил первую партию САУ «Малка» в Минобороны РФ В рамках выполнения гособоронзаказа екатеринбургское предприятие КонцернУВЗ поставило 203-мм самоходные пушки 2С7М «Малка» после капитального ремонта с глубокой модернизацией. В изделии произведена замена коробок передач, механизмов…
State trials of the 2S35 were starting with an anticipated end date of Sep. 2022. There were experiments with a modified 8-gun battery, and it wasn't clear in what organization structure they would eventually be deployed in. The type is conspicuously absent from the current war.
Государственные испытания САУ «Коалиция-СВ»
Pacific Fleet Marines took deliveries of T-80BVs. The marines lost their tanks for a while, and then got them back. The plan was eventually to get them T-80BVMs but only a few units ever got them. | VK
A look at the PRP-5. Russia hasn't gotten them yet, only the PRP-4A, an upgrade of the Soviet artillery-recon vehicle on a BMP chassis. The PRP-5 will reportedly have a variant on the BMP-3 chassis as well. Russian definitely needs a new artillery-recon vehicle.
Подвижный разведывательный пункт пятого поколения ПРП-5
An upgraded T-62M variant was shown off pre-war that included a mast with an IRST ball on it. It also got K-1 sidescreens, with cage armor on the back. It also got thermals. This raises questions about whether it would have been smarter to install better ERA and not bother with the mast, but presumably all of these are options. In the current war we've seen the 103rd Repair Plant putting the thermals in question on T-62s, and the same thermal box on T-72 and T-80 variants. | VK
An interesting look at the Magnolia artillery system, basically a Vena 2S31 module on a chassis of a new Russian Arctic armored vehicle. The type will likely not see production with the current war, and was always a tad questionable, though presumably if this platform became the standard for all Arctic units, it could see a production run of 300 vehicles or so (~200 as primary APCs/IFVs), a handful of command and MEDEVAC vehicles, and presumably some comms platforms. The artillery/SAM platform is the DT-30, so distinctly not this new platform.
Новейшие разработки ЦНИИ "Буревестник"
отрывок видеожурнала УВЗ Сегодня от 06.12.2021 - немножко испытаний Магнолии
Russian ground forces took delivery of the new Metka MANPADS, a follow-on to the Verba.