The Russian-Ukrainian War Thread


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I am looking for more news about this missile strike can't seem to find any. When they struck tgat base near poland a few days ago the media was full of reports of that attack.

This strike seems to have been just as if not more effective, I am surprised I can't find any news about it.
I don't think it's surprising that journalists were not near such an attack, compared to one much closer to the Polish border. Sounds completely normal to me.

There are some independent journalists in Ukraine, some who've been around since before the invasion began, however a lot have left the country which is hardly surprising. Of course in areas that Russia controls it would be nice to have some independent journalists, however unfortunately journalists from Russia are restricted in what they can report. Sadly it seems the truth in such areas will be very difficult to come by until this is all over.
Military Watch isn't a credible source. In the past there have been reports of it copy and pasting RT reports and the two articles that you link to strongly suggest Russian disinformation.
I didn't know they could be linked to RT. However, the information published in the first article is also confirmed by volunteers' recordings made after the attack. Of course, here too one cannot be sure that the accounts are authentic - they can be found mainly on Russian websites, such as Colonelcassad's site; when published on Western websites, such as Reddit's military threads, they disappear quickly.



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Some clips that appear related.



The Bunker Group
Information that not collaborating Ukraine sources, or shown too much Russian success, will be hard to be accepted by Western media or online sources. While on the same time, any information from Ukraine sources or Western media that deemed too bias against Russia will not going to be added by Russian or Chinese media.

Sometimes this kind of information can breach either side media. Like CGTN reporting Ukraine claim on Russian kill civilians in line getting bread. Face it both side information are bias and clouded in propaganda, as both side playing information misdirection campaign.

I don't want to debate which one done bigger misdirection, however in this is war you will find claim and counterclaim all the time. For me any information from any side on the ground situation in war, better be treated as grain of salt, until more confirmation can be get.


Active Member
Information that not collaborating Ukraine sources, or shown too much Russian success, will be hard to be accepted by Western media or online sources.
There are plenty of places I can find claims of Russian success, sometimes collaborating (or at least to some extent - disputing exact figures etc) Russian media.

I'm not aware of a block on me (in the "West") accessing pro-Russian media sources.


The Bunker Group
There are plenty of places I can find claims of Russian success, sometimes collaborating (or at least to some extent - disputing exact figures etc) Russian media.
They will be limited on mainstream media in the West or big online sources. If they add something from Russian media, most of the time with counter-arguments. So, does Russian and Chinese media.

That's all part of Information War conducted by both side.


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Strikes landing in Kiev.

A Ukrainian SAM launched and fell in Kiev, allegedly.

Around Kiev.

Footage of a firefight near Kiev, from the POV of a Ukrainina RPK gunner. He is wounded by what appears to be a ricochet at the end.

Unconfirmed of two KIA Georgia volunteers near Irpen.

Allegedly Russian strikes on Ukrainian positions near Kiev.

Alleged Bayraktar TB2 downed near Kiev.

Ukrainian Su-25 downed, allegedly near Kiev.

Battle damage in Vyshgorod, Kiev region.

Russian T-72B3 and BMP-2 column near Kiev.

Satellite imagery of Russian artillery near Kiev.

Russian forces are setting up checkpoints north of Kiev.

Russian VDV near Kiev, upgunning their vehicles with Kord HMGs.

Russian National Guard in Kiev (SOBR unit).

Old footage out of Gostomel', allegedly being narrated by one of the gunship pilots. He says they took out a MANPADS team, and a ZU (presumably ZU-23-2) that was covering it. They were taking heavy fire so they backed off and started methodically clearing air defenses from the airport. He says the air defense positions were well concealed and they had to draw fire to reveal the positions. He says they were using regular civilian cars to mask the positions, and that he registered 17 MANPADS launches. He says they took damage, but destroyed 6 ZUs, and an unknown number of MANPADS teams, too many to count according to him. They made a forced landing near to friendly forces and spotted mortars trying to strike them, but friendly Mi-24s arrived and hit the mortars.

The North.

Satellite images of battle damage in Chernigov.

Russian Su-34 striking Grads near Chernigov.


Battle damage in Kharkov. Allegedly police and military targets.

The institute of government administration in Kharkov got hit. It was allegedly being used as a staging area for territorial defense fighters.

Battle damage allegedly in Kharkov but I wonder if this is footage of the damage in Merefa near Kharkov.

Kazachya Lopan', a village in Kharkov area, was apparently hit by a Ukrainian artillery strike when Russian forces were handing out humanitarian aid, killing 4 and wounding 2 locals.

BM-30s firing near Kharkov, targets unclear.

Russian Grads firing near Kharkov, targets unclear.

Russian 2S7 firing near Kharkov.

Russian 2S7 counter-battery fire landing at Ukrainian positions. I wonder if the intent is to use the superior range of these super-heavy howitzers for counter-battery work in particular.

Russian BM-30s near Kharkov. This concentration of super-heavy artillery near Kharkov raises some questions. Are they planning to resume an assault on Kharkov, possibly after Mariupol' falls?

In the town of Merefa, Kharkov region, Ukrainian forces were hit, presumably barracks based on the photos. 21 KIA, 25 WIA, due to a Kalibr strike.

Burning fuel storage near Sumy, context unclear.

BTR-4 captured near Kharkov. Unclear if it's one or two.

Damaged and destroyed MT-LBs (Shturm-S for the first one MT-LBu for the second) in Konotop. Unclear whose and the footage is old. I suspect these are Ukrainian due to the lack of tactical markings.

Here's a report from Kharkov area, possible near Izyum. The first ~3.5 minutes are an interesting interview with a Russian truck driver in Kharkov area. He says and does some interesting things. When they approach two civilians on the road, he makes sure his rifle has a round in the chamber, and when asked why says "Just in case". He also mentions he evacuated two wounded civilian women who had negative things to say about Ukrainian authorities, and mentioned that weapons were mass-distributed to locals. He also says territorial defense fighters are harmless, they usually drop their weapons and scatter. He's served for three years and says it decent, sometimes easy sometimes hard. He thinks Russia will win. They then arrive at a Russian SP Arty position, Msta-S. Based on the footage from inside of it with the screens and the sideskirts I think this is an upgraded 2S19M1 Msta-S, not a regular 2S19 and not an M2 Msta-SM. The artilleryman passes along greetings to his family and says everything is great. In the last minute the artillerymen sitting around a fire mention they've taken counter-battery fire recently including mortars and 152mm.

Russian helo over Volchansk, Kharkov region.

Russian troops are in Chuguev, Kharkov region.



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Reports of a large fire near Melitopol'.

Stepanogorsk, Zarporozhye region got hit.

Battle damage in Zaporozhye, small village. Warning footage of corpses.

Ukrainian MT-12 Rapira abandoned near Tokamak.

Mongolian news reporter in Melitopol'.

Remains of a Tochka missile in Melitopol'.

Near Zaporozhye a father and son stole a pack of candy (according to them) from a store, had their faces painted green and were taped to a pole, including the child.

Allegedly Azov members harassing locals in Dnepropetrovsk. Circumstances and what is happening is unclear. So far this is a completely unreliable report, and the first mention of Azov in Dnepropetrovsk. This might be an important first indicator or an irrelevant unverifiable.


The barracks of the 79th Para-Assault Bde got hit in Nikoalev. Casualty count is unclear but the damage looks severe. Warning footage of corpses in the last link.

Artillery exchanges continue on the Kherson-Nikolaev axis.

Ukrainian munitions dump in Voznesensk, north of Nikolaev, got hit.

Strikes landing near Nikolaev.

Stranger then fiction footage of a Ukrainian train slamming on the brakes to avoid hitting a Russian BMP-3 crossing the tracks. It's apparently part of a T-72B3 and BMP-3 column near Nikolaev.

Russian SpN raiding homes in Kherson.

In Kherson a night club was raided by Russian security forces. It was claimed to be a Red Cross site, but no Red Cross documents were found, some weapons were found, namely an assault rifle, some rubber truncheons, gasoline canisters, and grenades. One of the individuals claims he found the items in question.

Russian forces moving around Kherson at night.

Two Ukrainian Su-25 going down in Kherson, presumably old footage of that well documented incident.

Russian warships off the coast of Odessa.

There are reports that improperly installed land mines in Odessa are detonating.



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LDNR Front.

A map of the LDNR front near Severodonetsk. It appears I was mistaken and the town is not yet surrounded.

Rebel infantry in action at Avdeevka. At one point one of them yells Allahu Akbar, suggesting that some Muslim volunteers may be among the rebels, or that these are Chechen forces fighting with the rebels. It's also possible they're just doing it to mess with the enemy.

Russian helos firing near Donetsk.

Russian Msta-S firing near Izyum. I wonder if it's the same unit as in the interview above. The news agency is the same, and the location is too.

Battle damage in Izyum. The town has seen heavy fighting. The southern end of it is still held by Ukrainian forces as of the last reports.

The SBU building in Kramatorsk got hit.

Destroyed Ukrainian S-300PS unit near Svatovo.

Destroyed Ukrainian T-72B near Rubezhnoe.

Russian helos near Popasnaya.

A US AN/TPQ-48 counter-battery radar captured by rebel forces near Marinovka, along with a rocket launcher.

Rubezhnoe, LNR, has been taken by rebel forces.

Rebel artillery, location unclear.

LNR forces handing out aid at Novaya Astrakhan'.

The DNR receives thousands of captured Ukrainian grenades from Kherson region.

NLAW captured near Izyum.

Another destroyed bridge, this one near Svyatogorsk.


A rebel T-64BV taking hits in Mariupol'.

Rebel forces assaulting Mariupol'.

Chechen National Guard in combat, Mariupol'. Towards the end you can see civilians exiting the basement of the building.

Russian strikes hit Azovstal', where allegedly Azov fighters have taken refuge.

Battle damage in Mariupol'.

Rebel forces have taken the Left Shore Administration offices in Mariupol'.

The theater in Mariupol' allegedly blown up by Azov.

Russian Ka-52s heading towards Mariupol'.

Reports of Ukrainian roof snipers in Mariupol'.

Rebel reservists manning checkpoints near Mariupol', Russian armor supporting. At first it might seem strange to put mobilized LDNR citizens to such a role, but they are locals, and Ukrainian citizens with cultural and region-specific knowledge. It makes sense to put them on this role.

Chechen fighters manning a checkpoint near Mariupol'.

Chechen National Guard near Mariupol', with the Arlan MRAP.

Russian SpN arrive in Mariupol'.

Russian BMP-3s near Mariupol'.

Rebel soldiers riding a BTR-80 near Mariupol'.

Civilians exiting Mariupol' en masse. It's curious how, while the city was under Ukrainian control, no mass exodus. But as soon as some parts fall to the rebels, the civilians are able to get out. It lends credibility to the claim that Azov and others were preventing civilians from leaving.

Civilian out of Mariupol' claims their home was destroyed by Ukrainian forces.

Footage from the outskirts of Mariupol'. Fighting there has ended, locals are evacuating, the damage to the city is severe.

Civilian out of Mariupol' claims Azov fighters shot up civilian columns of buses trying to exit. They say Ukrainian forces did nothing to aid the locals, and that civilian casualties had to be buried in yards. The words "war crime" come to mind.

Civilians existing Mariupol' report terrible conditions, no heat, water, or power.

Civilian cars that exited Mariupol'.

Civilians exiting Mariupol'.

Civilian out of Mariupol' claiming most of the damage to the city was done by Azov, and again saying they positioned themselves near residential buildings and used people as "cannon fodder".

A local in recently taken Volnovakha apparently thanking Putin for their liberation. It's important to place this in context. Volnovakha is not a small village. It's also former DNR territory, and very much near the front line, so they were under effectively Ukrainian military control, not regular civilian administration (though I'm sure that was also present). It's quite likely the town saw activity from volunteer formations like Azov, Aydar, or Tornado, that don't treat civilians well and often resort to crime. So it's quite possible some locals would feel this way. That having been said, this is literally the second (out of hundreds) video I've seen of a civilian (not plural civilians, singular) being happy about Russia's operation in Ukraine. It's important to note that attitudes in rebel and former rebel areas markedly differ from attitudes in the rest of Ukraine. In areas like Kherson the locals will protest Russian occupation and run scared from Russian security forces. In the areas recently taken by LDNR forces within their own regions the locals are far likelier to be complacent or even friendly to rebel forces and unhappy with Ukraine or at least with the Kiev government. There is also a major age divide, with the older generation often being more pro-Russian. This, however, is not a hard rule, just a likelihood.

Before and after battle damage in Volnovakha.

Allegedly Georgian legion fighters in Volnovakha, old footage.

The West.

L'vov airport got hit with 4 missiles. It caused a fire. Other sources report it was the aviation repair plant near the airport.



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Russian National Guard taking fire, date and location unknown. The armored vehicle is an MT-LB, likely belonging to a regular army unit.

Ukrainian Tochka launch, target and location unclear.

Russian UAV strikes, location unclear.

Russian Su-25s operating at night, Ukraine.

Russian strikes hitting Ukrainian howitzers, location unknown.

Russian strike hitting allegedly a Ukrainian comms post, likely near Kiev based on the landscape and footage.

Russia has now conducted over 1000 missile launches at targets in Ukraine.

A T-72B mod'89 hit by a HE-FRAG shell, survived. Unclear if Russian or rebel tank.

Two knocked out T-64BVs knocked out, presumably and allegedly Ukrainian.

An abandoned BMP-1 allegedly used by the western PMC Forward Observation Group.

Russian forces captured a Turkish MP-5 submachinegun.

Russian ATGM technical, likely near Kharkov.

Ukraine's 72nd Mech Bde gets new thermals.

Russian SNAR-10 artillery recon station, location unclear.

Ukrainian BM-27s, location unclear.

Strange and disturbing video. It appears Chechen fighters have detained a man presumably in his own home. He has what appears to be a Ukrainian army uniform in his posession. He's bleeding from the nose, probably beaten. The Chechen fighter, in broken Russian, confirms repeatedly that the uniform belongs to him. Based on the context, it appears the Chechen thinks this uniform is evidence of something, and makes the man chant "Akhmat Sila" or "Akhmat is Strength". There is very little context and I can't help but wonder what reason they have for detaining this man.


A Ukrainian refugee camp in Poland.



Well-Known Member

"Zelensky's caught in the mddle. He wants to end the war, get the Russians out and maintain his country's sovereignty. Putin I'm sure would like a face saving gesture which would allow him to withdraw. In the past I questioned the extent in which Western assurances and prodding may have influenced how Zelensky handled things. Now the danger is that Western insistence on certain things may undermine or limit his position at the peace talks.

"US President Joe Biden labelled his Russian counterpart, President Vladimir Putin, “a war criminal”, and instructed his administration to investigate Russia’s “war crimes”, in a clear attempt at undermining the negotiations, which Washington considers superfluous.;

"By demonising Putin as a “war criminal”, Washington made it clear that it will accept no compromise as long as the Russian leader rules over the Kremlin, and is ready to continue the fight against Russia until the last Ukrainian standing, alas.""

"The hawkish American position may further dissuade Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, and disincentivize president Putin for whom any peace deal would only be meaningful if it involves the lifting of the US/Western sanctions."

"Squeezed between the Russian and American maximalist positions, Zelenskyy is left with little or no room for diplomatic manoeuvring;

"Now, Putin may be a lot of things, but he is no fool, and seems to have learned from Moscow’s (and Washington’s) past mistake, ie, avoid the total occupation of another vast country like Afghanistan, even if it does not have such rough mountainous terrain.

"That’s why his strategy, dubbed “special military operation”, thus far has had limited objectives, notably to force a regime change or change of behaviour in Kyiv, and ensure permanent control over “Russian majority” areas in eastern Ukraine, including Crimea, in the context of an “asymmetrical peace” that favours Russia on the long run
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As others have noted, the main bias is that reporters, bloggers, and other people who like to hear their own voice have a tendency to tell stories based on things we know – as opposed to describing the unknown; and we certainly don’t know the true state of Ukrainian losses on the battlefield.

There is some serious fighting in some key locations, mainly urban areas, being defended determinedly, and in the areas not defended we see continuous attacks by small units, indirect fires, as well as drone and potentially air strikes against smaller Russian units and logistics trains.

I'm going to do an update. I'll let you know if I see any traces of it.
Is there more news on this counter offensive?
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None so far. No confirmation on the defeat of a Russian BTG near Voznesensk either. Though the fact that Russian forces have halted north-west of Nikoalev without fully enveloping the city suggests that they may have met with some reverses there.

Russia has performed poorly in the information war and very clumsily in the propaganda war. After Mr Putin's recent Nuremburg like rally, some clever soul noticed some of the footage alleged to be from it was from a year earler NEXTA on Twitter: "Some of the footage from yesterday's TV broadcast of the #Luzhniki concert strikingly matched a video from a year ago." / Twitter
Why lie, what's the point?
Incompetence plus laziness? Remember when Putin had video game footage handed to him even though there plenty of perfectly good real Russian footage out of Syria?


The Bunker Group
Now the danger is that Western insistence on certain things may undermine or limit his position at the peace talks.
Just curious what US do if Zelensky and Putin meet to make compromise, and it didn't involve US? Moreover what if Xi is the ones who manage to bring Zelensky and Putin?

What if Zelensky serious on Neutrality in exchange for Russian withdrawal with concession on Donbas autonomy and Crimea? What if this neutrality means that no Nato including US can come to Ukraine soil again ?

In short what if Zelensky and Putin make compromise under China mediation, and leave US and EU out of influence on the agreement ?

If that happen, I predict the sanction and Trade War with Russia still be there, and China will fill the void. Perhaps China will bank roll Ukraine infrastructure rebuilding (especialy in south and east, afterall that's where most Ukraine Heavy Industry and ports lies).

Then what US and West will do ? Interesting scenario, but can happen. Afterall Biden push China to take side, and China said I'll take my side, bring them to compromise, while I take both Russia and Ukraine market.
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Just curious what US do if Zelensky and Putin meet to make compromise, and it didn't involve US? Moreover what if Xi is the ones who manage to bring Zelensky and Putin?

What if Zelensky serious on Neutrality in exchange for Russian withdrawal with concession on Donbas autonomy and Crimea? What if this neutrality means that no Nato including US can come to Ukraine soil again ?

In short what if Zelensky and Putin make compromise under China mediation, and leave US and EU out of influence on the agreement ?

If that happen, I predict the sanction and Trade War with Russia still be there, and China will fill the void. Perhaps China will bank roll Ukraine infrastructure rebuilding (especialy in south and east, afterall that's where most Ukraine Heavy Industry and ports lies).

Then what US and West will do ? Interesting scenario, but can happen. Afterall Biden push China to take side, and China said I'll take my side, bring them to compromise, while I take both Russia and Ukraine market.
It raises the question on de-nazification. Ukraine's government used right-wing extremists to maintain power and fight the war for many years. Will those organization self-disband? Will Russia be ok with them remaining? Will those kinds of groups be ok with a neutral Ukraine? What happens if there's a thousands strong armed march on Kiev from Azov, S14, and Right Sector? I suspect that Zelensky will have a major domestic crisis on his hands. And if they topple him, will the west condemn the coup d'etat, or simply cooperate with the new government that continues the fighting and denounces all deals with Russia?


The Bunker Group
Ukraine's government used right-wing extremists to maintain power and fight the war for many years. Will those organization self-disband? Will Russia be ok with them remaining? Will those kinds of groups be ok with a neutral Ukraine?
Perhaps it will be back on how many of them still left after this. Ukraine not the only one who used 'fanatics' on this. Ukraine also use them on Donbas theater and other hard fight theater in East and South, just like Azov in Mariupol.

We see video's how Khadirov men hunt those Azov mercilessly, and enough information come out from Mariupol that the local despise them. Even give information to those Chechnyan on where hunting them.

It's back on what kind of resources those right wing fanatics can still have after all this. If Zelensky make deals with Putin in the end, and he got in to domestic trouble by some Right Wingers from Western part, perhaps even Putin will help him.

Many scenarios can happen, but if Zelensky want to make compromise with Putin, Western leaders better support him. Unless they want to face potential back fire within Western public support. At least I see Turkey and German seems going to support any Zelensky compromise, as long as it get the cease fire.

VZ Code

New Member
The Russian MOD says that they've destroyed a large ammunition depot in Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast (Western Ukraine) with hypersonic Kh-47M2 Kinzhal missiles. This is a Air based missile which is usually launched from the Mig-31k Interceptor. This is one of their newer hypersonic missiles and is capable of carrying both conventional and nuclear warheads.

This is their first usage in Ukraine and since the attack occurred near the Slovakia and Polish border it might be a two pronged message being sent which is that the Patriot defense batteries are not capable of stopping these missiles and that foreign weapons sites, underground or otherwise are not safe.

I’m assuming there might have been intelligence reports indicating this underground site was used for storing the western military aid.



Active Member
The Russian MOD says that they've destroyed a large ammunition depot in Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast (Western Ukraine) with hypersonic Kh-47M2 Kinzhal missiles. This is a Air based missile which is usually launched from the Mig-31k Interceptor. This is one of their newer hypersonic missiles and is capable of carrying both conventional and nuclear warheads.

This is their first usage in Ukraine and since the attack occurred near the Slovakia and Polish border it might be a two pronged message being sent which is that the Patriot defense batteries are not capable of stopping these missiles and that foreign weapons sites, underground or otherwise are not safe.

I’m assuming there might have been intelligence reports indicating this underground site was used for storing the western military aid.

The apparent footage of the Kinzhal in action. Looks to be going very fast, considering the delayed sonic boom effect.

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Active Member
It raises the question on de-nazification.
It raises the question of whether Ukraine has more of a neo-Nazi problem than other countries, Russia included - every country has an element, so some cherry picking of footage etc is hardly classed as evidence IMO.

I've be very interested to hear why you think a Jewish president is running a pro-Nazi country.

Straight to the point, I think Putin has fooled yourself and a large segment of the Russian population into believing this his justification of invasion. After all plenty in this thread have hopped between "Nazi problems" and "NATO expansion" as justifications for the invasion.

edit: I should add - you're talking about a level of Nazification to the level of justifying a full blown invasion of another country. Are Russia not also guilty of using groups with similar ideologies, such as the Wagner Group? Will groups like Azov now also not be MORE popular in Ukraine due to the invasion? This whole thing sounds like a cover for the real reason for invasion.
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