Sandhi Yudha
Well-Known Member
Thank you very much for sharing. I was afraid that also this project was cancelled, on hold or just silently faded away....JMSDF eventough mostly used Japan own system, but also uses many American and some Euro originated system (especially in the beginning where they also used RR turbine. The question will be on 30FFM design. To make it export success, MHI has to make the design easy adaptable for any system packages. This is the real tests for MHI export drive.
Anyway, @Sandhi Yudha you seems in this thread ask info on TNI-AL MCMV projects with German shipyard. Seems according to Indonesian Embassy in Germany sites, they're begin the process.
Indonesia membeli dua unit kapal MCMV (Mine Counter-Measure Vessel) Type MHV-60 dari salah satu perusahaan Jerman Abeking &
This's from Ministry of Foreign affairs, to confirm it.
Kedutaan Besar Republik Indonesia di Berlin, Republik Federal Jerman
Kedutaan Besar Republik Indonesia di Berlin, Republik Federal
"Setidaknya ada sekitar satu ton bahan pelat yang diperiksa dan dipotong pada kegiatan ini."
"Kegiatan Milestone of Starting of Steel Cutting inidilaksanakan sebagai persiapan dan pendahuluan dari acara Seremonial Pemotongan Pertama Baja Kapal, First Steel Cutting Ceremony yang menurut rencana akan digelar pada Januari 2021 mendatang."
Thats confusing, first they say that the metalsheet is inspected and cut, and later that the ceremony yesterday is just a preparation for the first steel cutting januari next year...