Getting closer, bit by bit, not long now...
I did read a while ago that the Spanish F-105, Cristóbal Colón, will be spending a reasonable about of time here this year and be involved in Hobart's sea trials (another smart move by our Spanish friends too).
As for job Shedding, well what can you do??
Now if only during the Rudd/Gillard/Rudd years (and yes I'm showing my political colours here yet again, and have no shame in doing so too!!!!), some of those many many wasted billions of GFC dollars could had gone elsewhere.
Infrastructure upgrades to Techport (hardstands and ship lift extension) to possibly have the capabilities to build AOR sized ships.
And of course if that option for the '4th' AWD had been exercised at the right time too.
Either of the above two could have been the perfect 'gap filler' between the end of the AWD's and the Future Frigates.
Anyway, what can you do.......