Gidday mate,Hi Mate, yes that 30% reduction in cost of the P-8A is a goodly sum!
Just a pity it's the exception rather than the rule with it comes to military aircraft procurement cost!
And yes it will be interesting to see what happens with the KC-46A cost as the production process matures and they iron out all the kinks, etc, you would expect it to (maybe not as much in % terms as the P-8A), but it is being manufactured under the same 'in-line production' process as the P-8A.
I suppose the big difference, as I see it, between the KC-46A and the KC-30A, is the different 'focus' when it comes to the main deck.
KC-30A gives you that much larger passenger capability, at the expense of a main deck cargo capability (at least until the French eventually take delivery of one or their latter units that I understand is planned to be configured with a main deck cargo door), on the other hand the KC-46A is configure to have a main deck cargo door for greater main deck cargo capability, but at the expense of a lot smaller passenger capability.
Horses for courses, hey?
Yes it is horses for courses and the KC30 is to much aeroplane for us, whereas the KC46 would be at the top of the capability range that we would look at. One advantage that it does have from a NZG POV is that it has the range for McMurdo operations without the point of no return flight restrictions. They did look at trialling an Air NZ B767 a couple of seasons ago but for some reason that didn't go ahead and now Air NZ only have 3 B767 left and those will be retired early 2017. Whilst IMO the KC46 would be ideal, I think that they may go with a B737-800 ER type along the lines of the - 8MAX or similar.