40deg south
What is the reason for lack of air crew? Poor pay and benefits? Competition from the private sector? Lack of interest from the populace to join the military? Lack of funding from government?
Nice new kit should be a huge draw to join.
Was there not an initial push to deploy these on the OPV? I understand the lack of auto folding blades is a challenge and they aren't marinized.
Thanks for the insight.
Poor pay and benefits would be the primary factors, as with most defence forces.
A decade ago, there was also a very poorly-executed restructuring programme that drove morale through the floor, and led to an exodus of skilled trades. The intend was to reduce costs, largely by contracting out support functions. So experienced staff were given their marching orders, then promptly invited to apply as civilians to carry out their old job, on much reduced terms and conditions.
The mining boom in Australia through the early 2000s also caused significant retention issues for certain trades (e.g. diesel engineers) in both the Aust. and NZ forces (NZ workers have free access to the Australian labour market, but not to all welfare benefits). The mining industry was paying huge wages that neither military could match - the situation has stabilised with a down-turn in mining. I woudn't be surprised in Canada experienced some of the same issues.
The base rebuilding programme announced a couple of months back will probably also help with retention, simply by providing better living/working conditions over the next decade. Much defence real estate has a run-down look at present, which can't help with morale.