UAVs, UCAV, etc, cost money; e.g., at the present point in time Triton costsas much as a P8, so we will not see a P8 Triton combo wearing the kiwi. NZ govts are very adverse to spending big dollars on defence because NZ pollies and NZ media see it more as a luxury rather than a necessity. This attitude informs the public and you get a group of middle class trendy socialists who politicise defence issues.Completely agree. There will always be a requirement for a man in the loop but that does not mean they need to be inside the aircraft. I think NZ should get experience with UAV. Start with ISR and then progress to a UCAV.
Then you have the neoliberal economic and social policies which have held sway in NZ politics since 1984 which have marginalised a large part of the population because the core structure of this philosophy is the belief in individual responsibility regardless of circumstances and that governments should have a very minimal role in everyday life and that market forces will equitably distribute a nations wealth. This is the philosophy of Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher but NZs variant is a more extreme variant, hence the large income disparities and marginalisation. So more money has to be spent on social programs in the long term and far less money in the pot for defence, which makes things extra difficult. In a way what we need here is to replace the neoliberal political philosophy with the US neoconservative political philosophy. That would ensure plenty of money for defence. Hmmm our pollies would probably want to invade Tasmania then
That's the background behind why NZ currently is poor on defence. Just one thing of note. The NZ Labour party voted in 1958 to adopt a policy of not having an ACF so what uncle Helen did castrating the RNZAF in 1999 wasn't a new policy for the Labour party. There is a photo floating around of uncle Helen and Phil Goff protesting tnebarrival of the A4 Skyhawks aboard USS Ranger at Auckland in 1970. The copies of that photo disappeared from the NZ archives and the NZ Herald archives sometime between 2000 and 2007. We know that photo exists because it has been seen.