Length 79m (overall)
Beam 8.4m (maximum)
Submerged displacement 3,600 te
Operating depth 200m+
Propulsion Diesel Electric, with AIP options
Maximum submerged speed 20 knots
Range 9,000nm (snorting) with extended range options
Active and passive cylindrical, flank and intercept arrays,
reelable towed-array, mine and obstacle avoidance sonar
and optronic, radar and CESM masts
Torpedo tubes Six (21”)
Weapons Up to 18 (including heavyweight torpedoes, anti-ship and land attack missiles)
Mines Up to 36
Special forces Five-to-ten-man lock-in lock-out facilities plus special forces mission packages
Eight modular mast bays for optronic masts, radar, CESM,
satellite and integrated comms masts
UUV capability
Launch,operation and recovery of autonomous and tethered
unmanned underwater vehicles
Communications Satellite and integrated comms; buoyant wire aerial, underwater telephone