Well I'd be a bit p---d off if NZG didn't have the foresight to fund the FLIR as they made a big deal at the time on how it would be fitted with modern systems and countermeasures to operate in higher threat environments unlike the Huey which was confined to low threat environments due to lack of said modern systems (presumably the FLIR can be retro fitted though), anyway I'd like to see that officially confirmed one way or another. Guess we will find out soon as the NH-90 is better scrutinised now.
The engines are the same from what I can gather:
Turbomeca - RTM 322
Turbomeca - RTM 322 01/9
Perhaps the different cowling etc, is a result of NHI mods being applied to the Euro NH90 fleets, being applied to the NZ NH90's (since they were over there & as said earlier by CD, spent the last 2 years in France awaiting certification/probably mods etc?
For NZ an important aspect would surely be what you've mentioned (support other countries assets in a specific maint regime), but presumably that's still do-able anyway?
But also could there have been little chance of NZ offsets/participation in the Australian Aerospace MRH90 project for the NZ pollies to look afar instead?