We have had LAVIIIs for years, they have only just deployed to Afghan in modest numbers on the tail end of our time there therefore tanks would have been a good investment??
Our jets flew circles around NZ and fired shots in anger once, at a speeding fishing vessel, and the rest of the time they ALL sat at one of our two operational bases so unless we got a two week heads up or any potential enemy decided for some strange reason not to infiltrate first, then chances are all they are is expensive targets. A perfect operation would have been Timor right on our back doorstep however no, they revved their engines in Ohakea instead. Don't get me wrong they were some of the best around but if we do not have the right equipment expenditure, operational funding or government commital then they are merely token boy racers of the sky awaiting WWIII to kick off.
Submarines??? are you guys serious? Australia can afford billion dollar failed equipment we cannot, and I would prefer alot better capabilities before a submarine and ones we will actually use like AOR, sealift and surveillance(to intercept that chugging fishing vessel).
We are not a war machine so instead of doing everything mediocre trying to pay for everything under the sun because it looks good parked on the tarmac channel the funds into projects we can do well and concentrate on that. Next thing we'll be getting an aircraft carrier,Tonga can get the Abrams, Timor the predator drones and Samoa can take on a few Raptors to pull their weight, just in case.
Our jets flew circles around NZ and fired shots in anger once, at a speeding fishing vessel, and the rest of the time they ALL sat at one of our two operational bases so unless we got a two week heads up or any potential enemy decided for some strange reason not to infiltrate first, then chances are all they are is expensive targets. A perfect operation would have been Timor right on our back doorstep however no, they revved their engines in Ohakea instead. Don't get me wrong they were some of the best around but if we do not have the right equipment expenditure, operational funding or government commital then they are merely token boy racers of the sky awaiting WWIII to kick off.
Submarines??? are you guys serious? Australia can afford billion dollar failed equipment we cannot, and I would prefer alot better capabilities before a submarine and ones we will actually use like AOR, sealift and surveillance(to intercept that chugging fishing vessel).
We are not a war machine so instead of doing everything mediocre trying to pay for everything under the sun because it looks good parked on the tarmac channel the funds into projects we can do well and concentrate on that. Next thing we'll be getting an aircraft carrier,Tonga can get the Abrams, Timor the predator drones and Samoa can take on a few Raptors to pull their weight, just in case.