I thought Westralia was a cert so for one of the reasons they named it Choules - to have a WA connection and media event.Amen to that. The only other option was really Jervis Bay
I thought Westralia was a cert so for one of the reasons they named it Choules - to have a WA connection and media event.Amen to that. The only other option was really Jervis Bay
lol agreed and yeah no disrespect to the man.The only problem I have is her horrendous name, HMAS "I happened to live a very long time and just happened to die recently"
You didn't rule out French designs???????????????? I can't wait, imagine all the integration issues when we try to shoe horn in a US combat system; ITAR and IP hell here we come. Is it possible to completely firewall a CS from a platform?cut and shut virginias are a (highly) unlikely option.
I'd be betting strongly that we won't be investing in spanish or german subs.
no decision has been made on a sub type although some prelim work has been done.
That's an awful big ship to carry two tanks!Troops will be trained to operate from the two new Landing Helicopter Docks, the equivalent of small aircraft carriers each able to carry two Abrams tanks, Tiger attack helicopters and landing craft.
and the french. we've got enough problems with french gear at the moment to rule them out for years....You didn't rule out French designs???????????????? I can't wait, imagine all the integration issues when we try to shoe horn in a US combat system; ITAR and IP hell here we come. Is it possible to completely firewall a CS from a platform?
yep, its the systems ontegration which is the issue - and some countries have got buckleys and none chances of working with the US systems that we may get.I actually like the Australian concepts that are starting to leak out, if you can call them Australian with all the UK and Swedish ( some Germans too I think) guys on the team, not to mention the Electric Boat (Virginia Class lead yard) tie in. The platform is the simple part its the systems and how they are put together and are able to work together that count.
and we have common combat room design advantages....Just remember Australia (RAN, ASC, DSTO etc) are the experts in building, maintaining and improving large conventional submarines designed to operate in Australias region and areas of interest. No other country has the holistic experience and understanding that Australia has.
heaven help us if we go spanish or french... although the latter have done themselves no favours in a few recent programs.Too bad politics and poor journalism will likely see us spending more money on a lesser capability than if we went for a local design incorporating the best and most suitable features and capabilities our alliances can provide us with.
Mate i have just been reading up on a DSTO report on the future subs for Australia.Okay, simply put, is there any new news on the RAN's future 12 submarine project and if so what is it; specifications, design, propulsion, etc![]()
Mate have you read "New Depth is Australia-US Relations,The Collins Class Project"Cool youve read it too.....very informaive and according to people I know who were on the project during the build pretty accurate as well.
I found the info relating to the combat system very informative.
whenever I went to UDT Conferences, as soon as USN staff found out who I was contracted to I used to get free beer.Mate have you read "New Depth is Australia-US Relations,The Collins Class Project"
By Maryanne Kelton ?
New Depths in Australia-US Relations: The Collins Class Submarine Project Maryanne Kelton
Her View on the Combat system and other parts of the project that had pressure, placed on Australia, by the US, is written in a very articulated manner.She explains the politics behind the project rather well i think.
It seems that in the Collins project we chose the wrong combat system for the right reason,that being a close ally of the USA.This will pay off big time for us in our next sub i hope.whenever I went to UDT Conferences, as soon as USN staff found out who I was contracted to I used to get free beer.
The general public is clueless about the capability of these subs, but it pi$$es me right off that its become politicised.
Its impossible to get intelligent debate on subs and Collins in the general mainstream media.
Whilst it may seem harmless to post such information, it is against the rules and for people with clearances posting what may already be publicly available it is still fraut with risk. SorryWhere and when is she due in Oz?
one of the things that people often fail to understand is that the choice of a combat system is not just about that system, there are a whole pile of things and synergies that we leverage off the US - and which under other circumstances would not be available. Both the UK and Aust have some advantage in this. As good as the Euros tout their systems, they cannot even begin to compete against all the other gear and tech material that is made available to us - and well below mates rates. Often there is zero cost to us.It seems that in the Collins project we chose the wrong combat system for the right reason,that being a close ally of the USA.This will pay off big time for us in our next sub i hope.
we could have chosen other maritime engines and done better. Guascor and MTU being obvious contendersThe Choice of engines being an orphaned fleet in hindsight seems like a bad call,but what else could they have done? There was no other call to be made was there? I mean we needed an engine ,that specified a very long endurance that could push 3000 ton ,so i see the engine call as a "Catch 22" Hope we buy Japanese engines or have help from the Japanese with a future engine.
The choice of scaling up 471 SSK to make a Collins ,seems like a good call.Our subs have proven in exercises to be very hard to detect.I see a bright future in Australia next Subs.
the international politics has been well played, but the local politics has been appalling. Both sides of politics should hld their heads in shameThe political game was played well i thought,we get access to US tech for collins and our future boats.Seems to me that the US are getting just as good a deal learning about collins and being involved in our future subs.Its a win win for all partys involved.
When we choose our next components,engines,weapons,batteries ect,i think we need to purchase off companys we know will be around in 20 years time.This seems to have been an issue with the engines on collins?
there's a whole pile of lessons learnt that have been openly discussed by both industry and the sub community.
I am not a supporter of giving capability to australian industry unless they earn it on merit.
we should have learnt our lessons by now on this. companies can lift their game if they have the intent and motivation to do so (Forgacs being an example) but state politics needs booting out of the decision making matrix.
eg the vic yards should have been euthenased years ago as even with new owners they still employ some of the dead wood which caused their original problems anyway.
Whilst it may seem harmless to post such information, it is against the rules and for people with clearances posting what may already be publicly available it is still fraut with risk. Sorry
I will read upon these engines Thanx.we could have chosen other maritime engines and done better. Guascor and MTU being obvious contenders
Hopefully this will cut down on risk,and we get very capable subs that are seen in the public eye as an Australian achievement.there's a whole pile of lessons learnt that have been openly discussed by both industry and the sub community.
I think everyone should be proven on how the preform,anyone who isnt productive should go no questions asked.Its to big a projectI am not a supporter of giving capability to australian industry unless they earn it on merit.
Oh lawwwwd! Some of those comments man. Obviously as I post here, I am very pro defence. But I get really disheartened at some of the redneck comments that get thrown around. All part of being a "tree hugging AJ" I guess.The West Australian[/url]
Not sure whether to post this here or in the Army thread.
Scroll down to the comments for some laughs
Although in all seriousness I thought they would have picked 2RAR for the role, anyone know why they might have gone with 3RAR?
gf0012-aust said:I am not a supporter of giving capability to australian industry unless they earn it on merit
No its just being informed. Who in the ADF thinks we are a few days away from fighting off an Indonesian invasion? No one. Unfort. lots of people in the public think this is Australia's strategic situ. Not helped along by anti VietNam War protesters masquerading as strategic advisers who have leveraged this indophobia to try and build out from the ADF any expeditionary capability. Got to defend the north! From who? Doesn't matter...Oh lawwwwd! Some of those comments man. Obviously as I post here, I am very pro defence. But I get really disheartened at some of the redneck comments that get thrown around. All part of being a "tree hugging AJ" I guess.
Whilst it may seem harmless to post such information, it is against the rules and for people with clearances posting what may already be publicly available it is still fraut with risk. Sorry
The problem is that one of the many possibilities is confirmed, probably the most known example is the f-22 pilot on forums that got severely slapped (though his name escapes me)yep, you can still get nailed for it irrespective of whether its in the public domain...