Diggers turn to helmet cams to avoid military prosecution
DIGGERS are using their own money to buy miniature video cameras for helmets and weapons in a bid to avoid military prosecution for mishaps during firefights in Afghanistan.
The father of an army medic deployed in Afghanistan has revealed that the use of helmet cam has become routine.
But the army maintains it is being used as a training tool - not to escape prosecution over life and death decisions.
Earlier this year, manslaughter charges against commandos involved in an incident in which five children were killed in Afghanistan in 2009 were dropped. The soldiers had been under fire at the time.
Chris Campbell, an ex-serviceman whose son, Ben Campbell, 23, is an army medic, said he was "absolutely disgusted". Parents were also lending soldiers cash to pay for backpacks, boots and pants that were "falling apart".
"Most of these boys now have videocam so they can video what happens. They're covering their a*****, basically," he said. "I mean, how ridiculous. We're sending these boys to war. Ben doesn't complain, but I am disgusted."
Major General John Caligari, the head of defence modernisation and strategic planning, said video was being used to review performance but was not being used to "avoid prosecution".
"It's true to say they are carrying cameras and we are using them as debriefs after every patrol," he said. "We're using them as lessons but there's no culture in Afghanistan (of) people (being) petrified about being hauled up in front of courts martial. They are not taken for protecting themselves from the law.
"We intend to turn it all over to the National Archives as part of what we call a commanding officer's record or the battle records of the units."
Major General Caligari said he believed the videos "saved lives" as lessons learned were passed on to the next patrol.
The Defence Department has put a major effort into improving options for soldiers' kits, including the trial of a $192 boot allowance for the next deployment and the establishment of Diggerworks, which aims to apply the lessons of Afghanistan to improving boots, uniforms, body armour and equipment.
He said soldiers were given generous tax-free allowances and feedback indicated troops were happy with new kit improvements over the past 18 months.
Opposition defence spokesman David Johnston said he had been told by ADF chiefs that problems had been solved.
"(But) you'd have to ask why our troops (are putting their hands) in their pockets to buy the most basic of equipment such as backpacks, pouches and webbing," he said.