Snipers and armour can mix well in COIN. The Brits rolled with a couple of Warriors as mobile sniper platforms and the Israelis built a special sniper apperture in the rear door of their Merkava tanks for similar.
But in the context of mobile mechanised force warfare the sniper does not have much impact. Unless of course you replace their rifle with a laser target locater and connect them up with a long range anti tank system like SFM or a NLOS missile. Then they can be very lethal.
Sneaky, nasty and not a bad idea. If the locator was light enough it could be general issue to sniper teams, LI Rec patrols and Cavalry Scouts.
I like the sound of Beersheba, optimising the numbers we have to cover the widest range of capabilities.
There probably could be some overlap between snipers, LI rec and Cavalry Scouts, same core skills in field craft, cam/concealment, OPs etc before specialising down the track. The ability to migrate from one speciality to another could also be beneficial.
Another thought, has anyone considered the possibility of merging some of the roles of the RAACs Light Cav with those of the RACMP? Specifically the route recon, traffic control and assisting the civilian authorities etc. that the LH has traditionally performed from its inception. Imagine imbedding a MP Platoon in each LH Sqn, it would flesh out the capability of the MPs providing them with greater presence while also allowing the LH to fill their traditional roles with greater certainty and authority.