New Member
I can't see the Army having a Squadron of MRH ready to embark anytime soon so there will be some very fit LHD crew members in the future!I would hope in the new vessels they do actually dedicate decent space for a gym (and not just left over space). (Although won't be a roomy as a second hanger). While the AWD will be tight, the Anzac II & OCV's have seen significant growth over predecessors. For example the room to house 100 refugees on the OCV could easily be flexible space, gym, food and aid stores, make shift hospital/triage, troop space, ideally be able to load shipping containers/equipment, combat growth (ESSM) etc. With helo facilities this all becomes more capable.
All the rec space will be on the LHD's. Until we get some more helo's I would imagine its going to be very empty. I would imagine its hanger would look more like an indoor sports centre than an aircraft hanger. Then on deck you have all that deck space to run fitness, even a hill sprint area. Army guys will love it. Then at the rear you have an indoor/out door pool/spa area. Although it’s probably a bit too tall to throw a cargo net down the side and jump off.
I wonder if the RAN would consider purchasing and deploying A109's or squirrels on the OCV for aid delivery, basic search and rescue, EEZ enforcement/policing. While not a true naval helicopter, this would free up more larger more expensive helos for what they were intended for while these operated in shore or around coasts (not blue water gallivanting). For going 1 NH-90, we could pick up 8-10 smaller helicopters enough to supply any OCV that would benefit with one. It would also help with pilot training and hours. You might also be able to fit on 109 and one UAV rotary asset in the same small hanger (or 2 109s/as350).
The Navy deployed squirrels to Gulf war 1 with the Adelaide class and by all accounts served well and saved Seahawk hours on small jobs. Therefore I think 109's are the way to go for Navy and Army. Get a whole heap to replace Kiowa (not one for one I guess, but close) and have them at an ADF Helo school, 723 (i think??) sqn Nowra and 173 Holsworthy. An awesome multi role chopper that can train, embark, do CT support from Holsworthy, SAR, light utility, command and liason....I think thats it! There is probably more but the point is they are a cost effective way of taking pressure of the Blackhawks and Seahawks. And MRH when it comes in.........around 2050
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