Ownership is very interesting. The RAF will fight very hard and probably win, and as we know cannot be trusted with Naval affairs (Harrier or MR4). I was looking at the capability of attack helicopters and they really are fairly poor compared to an A10 (hitting power and protection). Do they exist in such numbers because airforces do not let armies have fixed wing aircraft?
The A10 is likely to be replace by F35 but would the US Army chose it? In the same way the RAF has chosen Tornado over Harrier, when all the evidence is that the Army and Certainly the Navy would have retained the Harriers.
The issue of GR9 Harrier is a contentious one, and the RAF have pulled an absolute blinder. In A-Stan the GR9 maintained a much greater sortie rate over the GR4. Both have surveillance pods, both can deploy the latest generation of Paveway. The GR9 has CRV-7, whilst the GR4 has 27mm cannon. The UK is one of the lucky few to have a high level of owned CAS assets on station, with Apache (fitted with hot & high engines) and .50 equipped Lynx Mrk9 (fitted with hot & high engines) adding to existing RAF fixed wing close support.
Comparing the two:
Tornado GR4 is a day or night, all-weather attack aircraft, benefitting from a two crew layout - Load wise it carries Storm Shadow, Brimstone, ALARM, AIM-9 Sidewinder, Paveway II, Paveway III, Enhanced Paveway, General Purpose Bombs, Mauser 27mm cannon and a Raptor Surveillance Pod
Harrier GR9/9A provides excellent close air support for a single seat aircraft - Load wise it carries AIM-9 Sidewinder, Maverick, Paveway II, Paveway III, Enhanced Paveway, General Purpose Bombs, CRV-7, Lightening Surveillance Pod.
If we look at potential future flashpoints, which might require UK participation such as Iran/NK, then the RAF would argue a combination of GR4/Typhoon operating out of Saudi (BAE has thousands of employees/engineers in-country) or Pusan SK is a better combination than Typhoon/GR9. The long range GR4, fitted with Storm Shadow can undertake deep strike missions against selected high net-worth targets protected by coalition CAP, something the GR9 can't. Any UK maritime force (Commando) in a Iran/NK scenario will operate alongside a USMC task group. They will benefit from USN/USMC CAP/CAS and its own Apache/MK9 find and kill fleets operating from either Lusty or Ocean (hopefully the former).
Even if we see increased sabre rattling in the Falklands, a mix of Storm Shadow equipped GR4's, Typhoon and Apache supported by increased Army assets on the ground would be enough to deter all but the most determined antagonists.
As far as I know GR4 is the only UK airframe capable of carrying Storm Shadow? If they had ditched GR4 instead of GR9 that capability would have been lost until F35 arrives.
Pleased to hear both QE's will be fitted for fixed wing (make then very attractive for sale, particualry as they are designed for low TLC). UK's financial status will dictate whether we end up with just one, with one in reserve, or just one (the other sold off). Thinking out the box maybe NATO should buy one and operate it as a pooled asset, the same way they plan to pool a limited number of C17? Keep one with cat & trap plus ramp, allowing it to operate F35B, C & Rafi. Rotate it through UK, French & Spanish command flying a mix of each countries STOVL & conventional cat & trap aircraft. France and UK can then dovetail their respective carrier downtimes with the availability of the NATO owned vessel.