I think it is fair to say the T45s are recognised internationally as very impressive ships, if offered to Brazil in combination with say 4 T22 (which must have 10+ years left and fit well with their existing T22) and maybe a couple of Bays this would be cheaper than 8 FREMM and a lot more capable/useful.Oh dear. Where to start?
If we sell 2 T45 now, we end up with 4 destroyers, & that's very likely to be permanent. Unlike the carriers, there's no contract which would cost more to break than complete. A 10 year plus capability holiday is never going to end. It never has. BTW, who out there is showing a serious interest in them? Anyone? Brazil isn't.
A CVF sold in 2016 would be STOBAR. Who will want a STOBAR carrier in 2016, & have the money? The Brazilian budget has no room in it for such a big purchase then, & Brazil doesn't want STOBAR. India is looking to build its own future carrier, & preferably with catapults. Its acquisition is seen as partly a way to gain technology, & shipbuilding experience.
The French have the CVF design, & can use it. They paid for the rights. They also made contributions to the design which we have adopted. It would be foolish to dismiss them as rivals.
You maybe quite right and they may say no not what we want, in which case we should keep the T45. Actually why not Saudi or Canada, buying an off the shelf proven design at a competitve price de-risks the who procurement exercise?. But we will never know unless we offer and whats the alternative just lay down and watch the RN die?
The UK politicans don't care what the RN buys, as long as its within what they want to spend on defence, so if there is the money in 2020 to build 2-3 T45 they will not care.
Yes the French can build a CVF but they don't have the money either. The art of a great deal is to offer them a compelling proposition. If the RN brought 40 Rafale M in exchange for POW, that is a real win/win.
Yes we would have to convert QE to catapults. I would agree the Rafale is inferior to an F35b or c but more than capable of dealling with anything we are likely to have to face and considerably better than nothing at all which is a strong possibilty. Also the Rafale is maybe £30m-£40m each cheaper (£1.2bn saving)
If you canned most of the RFA I recon you would save c£100m pa, plus the capital of replacement.
A fleet of:
2 Albions + I bay
8 AWD 8,000t
16 2500t frigates (keep to an average of £100m each)
2 carriers
60 Rafale & 6 Hawkeye
Is very acheivable and probably would cost less than the likely available budget. The would be other advantages of Brazil (or others having Sampson) reducing development costs. We need to get away from building 6 AWD ships over 10 years and moving to building 2-3 a decade, spreading development and maintaining a drumbeat construction.
Just because a country has not stated a public requirement does not mean if offered a bargin they will not grab it.
I know the 7000t T26 v 2500/3000t ASW/patrol frigate has been discussed at length but in the new post defence review reality a c£500m T26 looks most likely to kill the carriers.
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