This depends on what you want to do with it. JC1 is not designed to be an LHD and a carrier at the same time. According to the Armada, before operating as a carrier, she will go into port, have some additional equipment installed (in containerised modules, which fit into prepared spaces) & have the dock door temporarily sealed. She'll then take to sea again as a carrier, with no LHD capability until it's time to revert to being an LHD. Meanshile, the main carrier will be repaired or refitted. Back to port, reverse the process. Care will be taken to arrange that both LPDs are available while JC1 is in carrier mode.
The carrier role is secondary, & only as a back-up to the main, dedicated carrier. She could, in theory, operate a handful of F-35B while retaining some amphibious capability, but it's not thought worthwhile. The bigger (40000 ton) US LHDs only carry 6 Harriers in addition to their amphibious role.
If you want a carrier, buy a real one. JC1 was never meant to be a real carrier, only an auxiliary, to provide back-up for a real carrier. With no primary carrier, she would have nothing to back-up, & should really stick to her true & main role as an LHD - as the Australians intend to use her. They're keeping the ski-jump, but I think that's partly to save messing around with the design, partly for insurance, & partly to enable her to act as a backup for US LHDs & maybe RN CVFs in the future. The Canberras will not be Australias aircraft carriers.
I think that you want to do more than is possible, even within your proposed expanded navy, & you should either think of a bigger expansion (& I think we both know how realistic that is) or try to do less, to make sure you can do it properly.