When I read the Coles report, didn't he criticized New Zealand for not setting up a supply line chain as well. Even though the ship is mostly commercial parts bought off the shelf, much of the parts for the Canterbury are of European make. While the OPVs and IPVs were built locally in Australia and New Zealand, and with companies that have license agreements for parts, this is not the case with the Canterbury. Being able to find and acquire spare parts in the future is very important, as important as building the ship in the first place.
Its comforting to buy a ship the parent navy has in its inventory on the basics of spare parts alone. What may be commercial parts bought off the shelf today may not be so in thirty years. There has been a reason why New Zealand has bought in the past British, and recently Australian built ships. Its been said before that New Zealand could go alone and buy cheaper ships on their own designed for New Zealand's needs. Project Protector is an example of doing this, as neither the Americans, British, or Australians have such ships in their inventory.
Keep in mind I didn't bring this subject up, Mr. Coles did.