New rifle for Turkish Forces?


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Verified Defense Pro
now your rong you just made that up please hit the books again
Yes, I'm sure I am wrong as I really know too little to comment.

Please let me know what is actual fact if you can, thanks.


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They build rifles, mostly German designs.

I was wondering if they ever built their own indigenous design.
indeginous sniper rifle, JNG-90( apperently, it is slightly more accurate than the accuracy international rifles)

there are about 4 companies who make pistols of their own design,

Atilla [TR]

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indeginous sniper rifle, JNG-90( apperently, it is slightly more accurate than the accuracy international rifles)

there are about 4 companies who make pistols of their own design,
Turkish pistols are the best Accuracy and reliability to the supreme.

Atilla [TR]

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Seems quite good.Do you have any links,pics etc?I would be thankful.
These are the Tisas pistols.

First one is Tisas Zigana C45 .45 caliber
Second one is Tisas Zigana Sport 9mm
Third one is Tisas Zigana T 9mm
fourth one is Tisas Kanuni S 9mm, I do not like this one but it sells a lot. Even this one gets 2 inches at 30 yards the first three do much better.

More about Tisas at
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In a recent interview Murad Bayar was asked:

Turkish:"Türk piyade tüfeği üretim süreci ne aşamada hangi firmalar görev alacak ve bu tüfeğin dünyadaki benzerlerine göre belirgin bir özelliği olacak mı ? "

English:"What is the development stage the Turkish infantry rifle has reached, which firms will be involved and how will this new rifle have any outsanding features compared to similar ones internationally?"

....he answered as following:

Turkish:"Her şeyden önce kendi tasarım ve üretimimiz olacak. TSK, jandarma ve polisi dikkate aldığımız zaman 1 milyon civarında bir rakam söz konusu. Hem tüfek hem de mühimmat için dışarıya para ödemeyeceğiz, üstelik bu tüfek piyade ve makineli çeşitleri ile bir aile olacak. Dünyanın en iyi askeri tüfekleri olacâk ve ihraç edebileceğiz. Üretimde de tabi ki MKEK'in çok önemli katkısı olacak."

English:"Above all things its going to be our own design and production. When we take into consideration Turkish armed, gendarmie and police forces we talking about 1 million units. We will not be losing money to outside country due to rifle or its armament. Above all it will be a family of products including rifles and machine guns (referring to variety of designs). It will be (one) of the best rifles in the world and will have export potential. Obviously MKEK will have a great deal share invested in its production."


Atilla [TR]

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I love the my pair of zigana pistols, but they don't compare in accuracy to the HK P7.
Well those are hard to compare because HK P7 has unmatched accuracy nothing else has the same almost, but the difference of Accuracy between the HK P7 and the Zigana pistols are not going to make a difference in real combat.


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Atilla [TR];135936 said:
Well those are hard to compare because HK P7 has unmatched accuracy nothing else has the same almost, but the difference of Accuracy between the HK P7 and the Zigana pistols are not going to make a difference in real combat.

Hk P7 has a greater barrel life then the Zigana pistol due to its polygonal barrel, ergonomics on the P7 is also very good just like pointing your finger.

Why wouldn't a overall better pistol make a "difference in real combat" i dont understand your logic.. :confused:

Atilla [TR]

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Hk P7 has a greater barrel life then the Zigana pistol due to its polygonal barrel, ergonomics on the P7 is also very good just like pointing your finger.

Why wouldn't a overall better pistol make a "difference in real combat" i dont understand your logic.. :confused:
Barrels can easily be changed not a problem. As for ergonomics yeah it has better one but still will not make huge difference in combat. I like the HK P7 too but the Zigana is much better for combat the HK P7 is good for target practice. Also Tisas Zigana is very easy to take apart and clean. I will leave you to think about this, how many different armed forces around the world use the Hk P7? They have a reason.


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Atilla [TR];135945 said:
Barrels can easily be changed not a problem. As for ergonomics yeah it has better one but still will not make huge difference in combat. I like the HK P7 too but the Zigana is much better for combat the HK P7 is good for target practice. Also Tisas Zigana is very easy to take apart and clean. I will leave you to think about this, how many different armed forces around the world use the Hk P7? They have a reason.
As i said on the above post i OWN a pair of Zigana Sport, I've shot an hk p7m8 and fell in love with it.

The hk 97 is an expensive pistol, equiping a large army would cost an arm and a leg. German special forces,German police , Greek armed forces all have them in inventory though.

Atilla [TR]

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As i said on the above post i OWN a pair of Zigana Sport, I've shot an hk p7m8 and fell in love with it.

The hk 97 is an expensive pistol, equiping a large army would cost an arm and a leg. German special forces,German police , Greek armed forces all have them in inventory though.
I am sorry I hate the HK P7 I like tall big slides not because of look but because I fell more comfortable carrying that around then small pistol that feels like you are pointing a stick. I have huge hands I have hard time typing on keyboard in fact so I need a big pistol, and I really cannot make the difference in accuracy between them they both get on the spot groups they have same accuracy IMO and they have special rubber grips (the P7 can have them too but no one makes them) and they feel much better on my hands. Anyway you have your opinion and I have mine. SO there I think the Tisas Zigana is much better then the HK P7, and that is just my opinion.

But there is the HK P7 M7 .45 cal there is only 6 in the world I love this one it is much bigger then the normal P7 and it is in .45 caliber. These are them.


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here i found another picture from the M-1,credit goes to tfist from
it really looks good,hope it will work like it looks


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Weighing in at 3.6kg, we'll see how it "weighs" in field use in the long run. Fingers crossed.


Atilla [TR]

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You guys do release that the one he is holding is a German made HK 416 it is not even built by them the rifle in there hands! MKE might even get a lawsuit filed against them from HK.


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Atilla [TR];136916 said:
You guys do release that the one he is holding is a German made HK 416 it is not even built by them the rifle in there hands! MKE might even get a lawsuit filed against them from HK.
what makes you think that it is german made?if you look closer you can see that there stands MKE on the rifle,guess it´s one of the prototypes when shown on TV,that guy holding it, is one of the participant of that presentation.