Some information.
1) Corax is not Raven, these are two different UAVs.
2) The new BAE Systems programme for a UCAV is Taranis, it will be bigger than Neuron and fly about 1-2 years earlier.
3) Generally speaking in autonomous systems the UK is quite cutting edge and in UAVs/UCAVs imo ahead of continental Europe.
Some examples, I am focussing on BAE Systems however there are also British or partly British UAVs under development and construction at other companies such as Thales UK, QinetiQ and many more.
UAVs/UCAVs by BAE Systems in the UK
1) BAE Taranis 8000kgs - first flight 2010
2) BAE Raven - two built - first flight 2003
3) BAE Corax - one built - first flight 2004
4) BAE Herti - several built - first flight 2004
Stealth R&D conducted by BAE Systems in the UK
1) BAE Replica - 1994 to 1999 R&D project - partially declassfied
2) Nightjar I&II - 1994-2007 - partially declassified