I just want to post a comparsion between the north and the south.
Source: Defense White Paper 2006 Ministery of National Defence, Rep. of Korea (English version)
South / North
Total Troops: 674,000 / 1,170,000
Army: 541,000 / 1,000,000
Navy: 68,000 / 60,000
AF: 65,000 / 110,000
Tanks: 2,300 / 3,700
Amoured Vehicles: 2,500 / 2,100
Field Artillery: 5,100 / 8,500
MLRS: 200 / 4,800
Suface to Suface: 20 / 80
War Ships: 120 / 420
Landing Vessels: 10 / 260
Support Vessels: 20 / 30
Submarines: 10 / 60
Fighters: 500 / 820
Special Aircraft: 80 / 30
Support Aircraft: 190 / 510
Hellicopters: 680 / 310
Reserve Forces: 3,040,000 / 7,700,000
I hope it is helpful.