As a non-engineer it seems to me that it would have been far more sensible to fit the T45s with the US Mk41 launcher system which could take Aster as well as TLAM, TASM and Harpoon as well as a few other missiles that might have come in handy.
To the non-engineer/layman, a choice like this would seem more logical.
However, T45 is a behemoth that started in the 1970's as CNGF/Horizon Project. Many of the decisions on what was fitted where made by men that are long retired & have left this debacle as their legacy !!
Speak to any reasonably high ranking Official in the RN in the last 5 years & if you gave them a choice between T45 & a new design, 8 out of 10 cats would say new design !
That said, ask the same group (now that it's reality) & the same 8 would no doubt say T45 !!
Pan European Politics & workload split up / costs of materials also made it impossible to make any major changes in the "Design for Build" of the ship. Added to that the UK Govt's numerous decisions WRT the unified shipbuilding Initiative in the UK & you really start screwing everything down to the deck, so it becomes impossible to budge !
All in all, I take my cap off to the companies for managing to still pull off one of the most advance build programmes that the UK has seen in it's history of shipbuilding !
Harpoon could probably be fitted in its own launcher ala T23 & T22.
I remember asking a WE a few years back why they weren't getting the Mk41 on the T45 - his robotic answer was that the staff requirement didn't ask for the ship to be able to take any other weapons. Why build in flexibility when you can pay a fortune for it 10 years down the line?!:hitwall
Again, yeah Harpoon will be fitted as per type 22/23, if it gets the go ahead / units become available from T22/T23's.
As for the flexibility you'll pay a fortune for, most of it has already been designed into the ships, it just needs Gordon Brown & his cronies to finance it & give the RN the ability it greatly needs in a class of "World beating" warships.
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