Don't answer a question with a question. Out of the countries you listed which do you think the Royal Navy is likely to come into conflict with on their home turf.
Likely, hmmm. in the current strategic environment probably not, but then again how likely is it that the daring will ever fire an air defence shot in anger? Not very. So if we take your logic a step further,i.e. if something isnt "likely" it shouldnt be considered, if the type 42's could continue to do the job hey?
Again, you're twisting what he said. He didn't say having more missiles was not good, he argued it didn't necessarily mean AEGIS vessels were better.
No mate. I said IT WAS AN ADVANTAGE, not that AEGIS is better, he said it was not. Look, if your english i assume you can read it:
harryriedl said:
i don't see why Quad packing is thought to give the US [an US based vessels] over eqiverlent PAMMS vessles.
Its a bit messy but my enterpretation of that is "i dont see why quadpacking is thought to give the US [on US based vessels] (an advantage) over equivelant PAAMS vesels". But your right i'm just twisting everyones words around because obviosly he wasnt saying, clearly that quadpackable ESSM was not an advantage that AEGIS equiped ships enjoy over PAAMS.
Mate your clutching at straws here. I never said, or implied quadpackable ESSM makes AEGIS a better system. I clealy stated that it was an advantage. (i'm sick of repeating myself on this) Harryried clearly stated that he disagreeed that it was an advantage. Hence the discussion on the merits of having a biger missile load with comperable missiles.
IF all you intended to point out was that there was more envolved than a missile load i'm not sure why you felt you needed to. I CLEARLY i.e. in clear plane english, stated that missile load was an
advantage AEGIS held over PAAMS, and for the life of me i have no god damn idea how you could have constued that i was claiming AEGIS was the superior system. I will post my original comment (the only one previous to our conversation that mentioned PAAMS directly) AGAIN so you might, finally get it...
Ozzy Blizzard said:
Inability to quadpack a point defence weapon is a serious disadvantage for PAAMS compared to AEGIS at the moment. The equivelant of a Type 45, an F100 has the same tube count, 48, but because of ESSM has a load out either 40 SM2/SM3 and 32 ESSM, or 32 SM2/SM3 and 64 ESSM. Thats 72 and 96 missiles compared to 48 on the Type 45. A slimeline, quadpackable Aster 15 is definatly needed IMO.
See? understand? See how it says "advantage" and that it even notes that it is a temporary one by saying "at the moment". Were does it say "AEGIS is better" or "PAAMS is crap"????? Guess what it doesnt. It doesnet even remotely imply that, unless you have a very active imagination. What seems more likely to me is that you are offended that i critised, constructively, PAAMS, due to your own nationalistic investment in the system and the vessel.
That isn't a good enough justification.
lol.. for what exactly?
You seemed to be showing AEGIS' technical superiority in the past as being representative of something today, whereas I rightly pointed out there was no real competition until PAAMS came along.
Yea mate, thats exactly what i was doing.
I'm getting sick of repeating myself and i'm getting sick of reposting stuff from earlier to set you streight. So instead of reposting 4 post's i'll summerise. You replied to the topic that AEGIS equiped vessels having a biger missile load for the same cells by stating how good PAAMS was, here, i'll show you:
Musashi_kenshin said:
When coupled with SAMPSON and the S1850M you've got yourself a first-class package. Any fool can pack his ships out with lots of munitions - how he uses them is key. The Type 45 should be able to intercept targets with more accuracy than any other ship out there at the moment.
This statement clearly implies (in addition to clearly stating, ) that PAAMS was a better system, my dog would contrue that considering the context of the conversation. i.e. "how he uses them is key" impleying that PAAMS is better able to use them (this is a comparison between AEGIS and PAAMS afterall), in adition to "the type 45 should be able to intercept targets with more accuracy than any other ship out there at the moment" pretty hard to misinterperate that!
SO i figured AEGIS needed to be defended somewhat, and the fact that it is a battle tested system that has been in service, and evolveing, for years and at the time had no comperable system. All of those points indicate the systems capability.
Any objective person who thought about his/her response first wouldn't react as you did.
Your right, i'm so sorry, it was so immature of me to reply to this:
Musashi_kenshin said:
Any fool can pack his ships out with lots of munitions
with this:
Ozzy Blizzard said:
Is that what the designers of the Arleigh Burke destroyer familly (including the Korean KDX-III) are? Fools who pack their ships with lots of munitions???? Those munitions are some of the most capable in service anywere, utilised by a system as batlle proven and capable as AEGIS. Hardly packing their hulls with hundreds of SA2's are they???
So immature! You were absoloutly right to have a major sook about that, i was so far out of line!
You're hardly going to convince anyone to the opposite if you're going to use words like "precious" - a lot of people would take that negatively.
i wasnt saying anything negative about the ship, only YOUR attitude towards it. See how i said "your" then "precious" indicating your defenceive attitude towards the platform and "ship' meaning ship. Again i dont see how someone could see a statement about your attitude towards the subject as something negative about the platform envolved.
Needed for what? Daring isn't a multi-role ship. It's designed to escort big ships and that's pretty much it. If it really needed anything it would be more cells for the Aster 30s.
Have you even been reading the thread??? Needed to negate the advantage equivelant AEGIS vessels hold in this reguard, i.e. number of mid ranged sams carried for the same amount of cells. THAT was the whole god damned point of the discussion.
Anyway i thought no one was disputing that the ability to carry more missiles is a good thing? isnt that what YOU said?
But if you really were interested in the Royal Navy you'd know that MBDA is developing a replacement for Rapier, Seawolf and ASRAAM - the sea-launched version would be slim enough to be quad-packed. I've already said that once on this thread.
"but if i was really interested", c'mon mate! Is this now about who knows more about the RN? You wanna have an intelectual pecker measuring contest? We can test out metal on who know more about X or Y or even Z. keep clucthing mate.
If MBDA is develping a quadpackable system then super, why didnt you just say so, instead of trotting on about how good PAAMS was and how Daring is the most acurate AAW system on the seas ect ect. Next gen quadpackable MR SAM would indeed negate this advantage, and IMO is something that would be very usefull for Daring. Thats ALL i was trying to say.
What's the point of the thread? Oh, I don't know. Talking about news and more mature topics, rather than the childish "this needs more guns; this needs more missiles" rambles.

Your a laugh a minet mate.
Ofcource your right any discussion of an AAW destroyers missile loadout is immature, "childish" even. And all of the points i have made can be described as a "childish ramble".
If its just a "childish ramble", then i'm sure you'll be able to rebut all of the points is made in my "childish ramble" about "more guns" & "more missiles". Hmm? Like persistance in a realistic high intencity air threat environment, or being swamped by any tier one (ore even 2) air threats. But you havent have you bud? Maybe because missile payload an maximising it is an important thing to discuss, and th epoints i made were valid, and your pouting because someone critisized, constructively Daring class.
So, in conclusion, It is my contention that quadpackable ESSM is an advantage AEGIS holds over ASTER 15 and PAAMS. By no means do i think that makes it a better system. I also believe that missile loadout is an important consideration and Daring relatively small load is something that the RN should rectify, and one way would be a quadpackable ASTER 15 (or equivelant). I understand that there is more to it than missile load out and i have no idea why you think i didnt understand that fact. END OF GOD DAMNED STORY! There you go, nice and clear.