Ahhh good good, I've been waiting for people's Sunday postings.
How do people view the reasoning behind the UK selecting the F-35B variant of the Lightning II? Do people see that this selection is because like the USMC the RN has a unique history of STOVL? Or are there people with the view that a STOVL configuration carrier has been selected as this is the cheapest design and support option compared to the likes of STOBAR / CTOL? Do many consider this to be a justified approach considering the F35B has the shortest range and lowest payload due to the different engine?
1 or 2 questions there, just trying to get an consensus of opinion of readers in this forum.
One area of concern to myself is, not trying to belittle the projects many intelligent designers, is the area of AEW aircraft. I suspect it's purely financial in that they don't have any money left but this area seems to be "we'll address this problem when we get to it and not before more funding is available."
Considering the vast expense of the CVF program where the attached aircraft's 25 year lifespan far outstrip the costs of the ships themselves, I can't help but wonder if the whole STOVL package as a whole isn't just a little bit cheapskate in regards to overall effectiveness such as helicopter mounted AEW.
Having said all that I've always been happy with the Invincibles. It's nearly 2008 and the first QE class to due to touch water I believe now in 2015. Not too far away, still can't believe we're getting them. Hope I live to see the day.
Is there any more news on Meteor being downsized for the internal weapon bay, or is shrinking it just me dreaming. Is it dependent on the US selecting it over next generation AMRAAM or will the USN stay with their own home produced missiles due to the expected volume of the market?
Does any well informed soul have any knowledge if carrier borne F35B will be able to operate / land safely with Storm Shadow for example?
No info, just lots of questions
Answers on a postcard, 1st prize is a mini metro..