You make some valid points, but here again is my problem - we already have plenty of EH101s. Its just a shame that most of them are out chasing submarines that ain't there.Fleet Air Arm total fleet(2015):
30 Future Lynx
30 Merlin
20 either upgraded Sea King or a new airframe(possibly NH90)
On paper this is a much downsized fleet from the one a couple of years ago..
however it still is a significant and highly capable fleet given proper funding..
only time will tell..
There are 42 HM Mk.1 Merlins in service with the Fleet Air Arm - not to mention another 34 HAS Mk.6 Sea Kings. Why isn't the MoD stripping some of these Merlins of their ASW kit and painting them olive drab? We already own them and we sure don't have enough capital ships left anymore that demand all their time.
Perhaps I'm missing something?!!!