OK here`s an idea The Forward Active Fleet for the RAF Chinook Fleet acording to the DASA is 25 the total Chinook Fleet is 40 that leaves fifteen airframes in Reserve and if I recall the Merlin Forward Active Fleet is 15 again According to DASA which leaves Seven. So why can these not be brought into use to satisfy the immeduiate need and acquire new aairframes as attrition replacements. Or is it a case that those aircraft from the reserve fleet have been canablised that much that they will not be flying in a month of Sundays? The UK already owns these aircraft, would not have to go shopping for new and they are of a type already deployed into Afghanistan and Iraq
I believe that the problem lies with operating funding.. if we can think of using these spare airframes, I'm pretty sure the UK military commanders can too..
The UK is currently operating on a peace time defence budget and has an economy thats performing well.. thus defence gets just enough to get by and the private sector lures away pilots, maintainers etc. with salaries that the military cannot match.
Obviously the Lynx fleet is large and is capable of operating in the Afhgan environment.. however their utility in the troop transport role is limited.. Its basically the same problem that the Canadian Forces face in Afghanistan with their Griffons.. thats why they havn't sent any..
I believe these two countries and a few others were wrong in their choice of helicopters during the cold war era.. and now they're paying the price of their poor choices back then.. in their defence however back then they were'nt geared to expiditionary operations like they are today..
but blaming everything on the past is not the answer.. the only answer is more funding.. The UK government recently anounced an increase in defence spending for the next Comprehensive Spending Review period.. however the increase amounts to just a little more than inflation, so even though its an increase in real terms, it simply doesn't go far enough..
Difficult choices lie ahead for the UK armed forces as far as helicopter operations are concerned.. either they buy more airframes.. or face the reality that the shortfall is here to stay for the forseeable future..
My personal opinion on where they are headed is:
Army Air Corps total fleet(2015):
40 Future Lynx
48 Apache
20 Light helo's (maybe leased EC 145's)
RAF total fleet(2015):
40 Chinook
26 Merlin
20 either upgraded Puma or a new airframe(possibly NH90)
Fleet Air Arm total fleet(2015):
30 Future Lynx
30 Merlin
20 either upgraded Sea King or a new airframe(possibly NH90)
On paper this is a much downsized fleet from the one a couple of years ago..
however it still is a significant and highly capable fleet given proper funding..
only time will tell..