...You make 2 very valid points WillS, but having been on board for a visit a few years ago, during sea trials, I can help put your mind at rest.
Firstly, although I understand that the anthropomorphic proportions of the "average" Bruneian/Asian were taken into consideration, this would I feel, in no way detract from the operability of the ships. I myself am 6ft tall, & while at times it felt that I was going to bang my head, I didn't during my stay on board.
A lot of the procured equipment I saw came from various UK & European manufacturers whom produce similar items for other national navies across the globe. From the kit I observed, I would say that it appeared to be identical to similar equipments I'd seen on other vessels.
Secondly, the Heating/Ventilation/Air-Conditioning issue. Again, from what I observed in way of HVAC, it appeared to be no different from that which I've seen on other vessels.
In my understanding of such systems, an electrically powered heating box is integrated into the major ventilation trunk, coming away from each air treatment unit. This, in my opinion, would be a simple, straight forward task requiring the removal of a section of trunking, inserting a heating unit & running the cabling to an isolation switch, fed from an adjacent power supply unit / cabinet.
This action would have only minimal cost implications & would not be an obstacle in the bigger picture of buying 3 state of the art, heavily armed warships, @ £XX-million each.
Your thoughts...
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