In case anyone is interested this is a chart of proposed 2016 budgets by province, for Ukraine, in millions of dollars. The top line, separately, is the budget of Crimea under Russia, for 2016. It's very instructive comparison, when Ukraine talks about Crimeans wanting back into Ukraine. The region directly across the new border from Crimea, Kherson, has a budget of 50 mln dollars, the smallest in the country. An amazing 25 times smaller then Crimea. And yet it has ~ half the population of Crimea. The most well funded, Dnepropetrovsk region, has a million more in population, yet less then half (~42%) of the budget. 5 years of this discrepancy, and Crimea will look a lot better then the rest of Ukraine. This, more then anything else, will make re-joining Ukraine almost impossible.
Бюджет-2016 - Colonel Cassad