Thanks Feanor. Appreciate the response.

Wiki numbers - as I'm sure you do - are always taken with caution.
I fully agree with the cost and the good point on very low historical production output rates, but in my opinion, we will see these IFV's (T-64 chassis) in the field (albeit in small numbers), by year's end.
Just to note, the number of T-64BM Bulats were ~76 (2012) and I believe are close to double that now (~150) from various sources (minus losses). A limiting production factor to be considered, is down to 1st Arm Bgde was the only unit to be equipped with T-64BM Bulat MBT. That production output plan is obviously in the toilet now..
Having said all, production output has changed in the last six months and
all the following production & repair plants have adopted a daily
three shift policy.
- KMDB Malyshev Plant - T-72, T-64 & BTR-3/4 (& possibly some T-84 Oplot)
- MBTZ Mykolayiv Arms Plant - BTR-70
- Lviv Armored Plant - BTR-60PB, BTR-80 & BDRM
- Zhytomyr Armored Plant* - BMD, BMP & BREM
* I understand Zhytomyr is requesting approval to upgrade/ convert other armoured vehicle-types, but is awaiting for some sort of bureaucratic sign-off.
KMDB in particular, I'm sure is focusing on domestic concerns as of this point going forward. I haven't seen an export order's for quite some time now. I think you mentioned 1-2 deliveries on pending export contracts for BTR-3/4's (or maybe a MBT), were understandably cancelled by the Ukrainian Govt, for the vehicles to be put into Army's somewhat, haphazard vehicle allocation system..
Do you know if the RF have looked into development of this particular chassis as an IFV-variant previously? At 34tons + add-on SP, it looks attractive.
T-64 compares with BMP-64
BMP-64 profile
Looks like the first prototype was in '05 and its uses a BTR-3/4 wheeled suspension. 2-3 crew + 8 dismounts.