The Russian-Ukrainian War Thread


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I have been wondering how many KA-52's Russia has available since the have stand off capability. A recent count by a Ukrainian is possibly quite accurate. He does not count machines he believes to be under maintenance and comes up with a minimum of 25 in the AO.



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There seems to be a breakdown in the exchange of prisoners , perhaps Russian sources may provide further information?
Prisoner Exchange Stalled Due to Russian Reluctance, Says Ukrainian Ombudsman (
There were rumors on Russian social media that Ukraine was routinely substituting less valuable prisoners for more valuable ones in violation of the agreements. I.e. the deal would be to trade X officers and Y enlisted, and they would show up with X-2 officers and Y+2 enlisted instead. However I don't have anything firm just general discussion/rumor.


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There were rumors on Russian social media that Ukraine was routinely substituting less valuable prisoners for more valuable ones in violation of the agreements. I.e. the deal would be to trade X officers and Y enlisted, and they would show up with X-2 officers and Y+2 enlisted instead. However I don't have anything firm just general discussion/rumor.
Umm I may have just reported a comment by mistake ....


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@Feanor Yes. The lancet has been used before but, still as an experimental device. More generally, I was surprised how an army like the Russian Army had so little expertise and so few drones in their arsenal. Whereas the Ukrainian army made extensive use of them from the very start of the invasion.


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@Ananda Beside the steel plant, the Russians are rebuilding residential areas at full speed. They offer to rebuild the homes of the those who lost them during bombardments. But instead of rebuilding the house and apartments in the same area, they relocate people to the suburbs and build housing in the most valuable areas for themselves. People are not very happy.
Nevertheless reconstruction work is really impressive. and look very nice on the surface. Of course, one shouldn't expect too much for the long term quality of these building. It's impossible to built very fast and durable at the same time.
One thing is, the Russians are pouring a lot of money in Mariupol. They want to create a sens of normalisation. To show that they are in control, and that this is Russia now.
In this context, it's no surprise that they also invest a lot of money in an accelerated reconstruction of the steel plant.

IMO, this is a little bit early since the Ukrainians are still willing to retake the town whenever possible.


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@Larry_L I watched a few of these videos. While I think the reporting is accurate, they don't reflect the broad picture.
Very true. He is a Ukrainian propagandist. When he has something to work with there is a lot of truth. Some of his video clips are not worth watching because he has nothing to work with, yet he still tries.


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@Larry_L As a supporter of Ukraine I like the way he use Zaluzhny's photos in the pictures. I also praise his almost perfect use of English. A rare occurrence in Ukraine. It may seem anecdotal, but their deficiency in mastering the English language shows how far Ukraine is culturally from the West, in the context of NATO and EU integration.


Well-Known Member
@Larry_L As a supporter of Ukraine I like the way he use Zaluzhny's photos in the pictures. I also praise his almost perfect use of English. A rare occurrence in Ukraine. It may seem anecdotal, but their deficiency in mastering the English language shows how far Ukraine is culturally from the West, in the context of NATO and EU integration.
I dont want to digress too much from the main topic, but if lack of english mastery is a sign of western integration and vice versa, then Bangladesh and India should replace France as part of the Western wolrd. ;)
An alleged computer remake of a Mig-31 shooting a Mig-29 with a R-37M back in 2022. I post it here, in the hopes of a defense professional prviding insight if this is credible or not.
A bradley absoluetly shredding 3 MTLBs in Avdeevka. We already discussed in this thread about UA sources praising the 47th's Bradleys in their defensive role. This is a great video example of it. While Western armoured platforms may not have helped Ukraine with their offensive as much( due to a myriad already of discussed factors) ; they are being immense during defensive operations.

Short of a full sized MBT, the Bradleys with their superior FCS and electronics, outclass any IFV Russia can throw in.


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Cyril Budanov acknowledges acute issues with mobilization and motivation. Those who were motivated for fighting already came, and some already died or were wounded or made prisoner. Those who would be mobilized now, will not have the will to fight. He understands, and more importantly, he says that it would be useless to mobilize them.
A rare acknowledgement from an Ukrainian official.


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UK Forces News look at the USSR Gvozdika howitzer. It may be old but still works.

Ukrainian updates. Usual caveats apply.



The Bunker Group

Austrian Defense Academy assesment on the result of Ukranian Offensive, Russian Counter move and results in Black Sea. According to this the offensive bog down most Ukranian gain, and Russian able to reclaim back some of the Ukranian gains.

Interestingly according to the Major, seems Ukranian doing pretty well in containing Russian Black Sea fleet movements with mostly Sea Drones (whether surface or underwater drones). However their missiles got intercepted much bigger by Russian Air Defences. Shown Russian air defences just as in the ground doing better during the Ukranian Offensive.

In the end as this war already become war of attrition, the ones that can win in logistical replacement will win. If the logistics come to stand still on both sides, then the result more likely be frozen stagnation conflict.


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Interesting thread analyzing RU vs UKR KIA throughout the war (until August).
The methodology seems quite solid:
1. Compile verified KIA on both sides (updated daily).
2. Compile external estimates by reliable bodies (updated monthly).
3. Calculate estimated/verified ratio for both sides.
4. Test ratio maintenance for every data point (month) - otherwise the whole project is nullified.
5. Multiply verified KIA by ratio.



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The Russians made a remarkable improvement in their tactic and in their drone arsenal, In this sens, they learned very well from the Ukrainians. They have accelerated arms production and upgraded soviet era bombs. Even more remarkably, the morale and motivation of the Russian soldiers have improved somewhat despite heavy losses.
This is because the Russians see as a victory the failure of the Ukrainian counter-offensive and perhaps because there are more troops sent to the front. The more they are, the stronger they feel.

Russia has currently >617K regular Russian army troops inside Ukraine + an undisclosed amount of non regular troops + the entire logistic inside Russia. (617K is the number given by Putin himself during his press conference). This compares with the 190K troops at the beginning of the Special Military Operation. More than 3x more.
Adding those who already left the front line either because they were too severely wounded to return or because they are dead, the total contingent was about 900K. When you know that you need 3 persons behind the war zone for each soldier on the battelfield, it can be concluded that the entire Russian army is working for the war in Ukraine.

So not only the Ukrainians lack just about everything, including men willing to fight, while Russia have every of these things in greater number. This is because when Putin saw that he was about to be defeated completely, he ordered maximum effort at every level of the Russian defence aparatus.
So it's not just that the Russian line of defence was well prepared, it's also because the Russians have increased their forces by threefold and their efficiency.

The Ukrainian army improved also, but the numbers don't match the clash of the titans happening in south east Ukraine.. And they still lack fighter jets, bombers and long range missiles.
Their only hope is that they receive them next spring. They are expected by May or June next year if everything goes well. if Trump wants to stop military aid to Ukraine, they better get them before he is re-elected.

Their second hope is that the Russian front line collapse suddenly after sustaining too many losses. There should be a point where Russians will decide that they don;t want to be killed. For the moment they don't have that feeling. Quite the opposite. But the trend could reverse one day when no one expects it, if Ukrainians can keep up the tempo.


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BBC item on problems facing future Ukrainian prosecution of the war.

Ukrainian claims that Wagner is back. Usual caveats apply.