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- #8,921
Oskol Front.
Russian forces have made another gain near Kupyansk, this one to the east. Russia has been inching forward here slowly, but has a long way to go to the town. Ukraine is bringing up reinforcements and laying down many mines.
It appears I was mistaken. Next steps for Russia don't involve another push at Berdychy to the west. Instead Russia is attacking northward towards Novokalinovo. The intent may be to take a stronger position there since there were reports of Ukrainian reserves there and Russian airstrikes against the village. The intent may be to prepare for a counter-attack. There may also be an intent to take the village, and then push on Ocheretino to swing around towards Berdychy from the north. Russian forces have also gained some ground along the rail berm. However Russian forces are also pushing on several other areas. They've approached the chemical plant from the east, likely using the superior vantage point of the refuse mound to cover their advance. There were also reported minor Russian advances towards the filtering station, and on the southern outskirts. Nothing significant, but Russian forces are reportedly right outside the town presumably in preparation for a push into it. The air defense base south of there is fortified and held by Ukraine but reportedly cut off by Russian forces. Lastly according to rybar Russia has overrun the main Ukrainian defense line on the hill finger south of Severnoe. If true, and if Russia can hold it, they are in a much better position to assault the village.
Three Bradleys and a Leo-2A6 destroyed near Avdeevka after a failed counter-attack by Ukraine's 47th bde.
Interesting piece of Russia expending a Lancet to finish off a knocked out Bradley, though it's not clear how successfully from this footage. It does hit it and we get smoke.
Russia is continuing to move forward on the Vremyevskiy bulge. Ukrainian Marine units have been moved to Kherson region and reportedly replaced by territorial defense formations that are having a hard time holding the area. So far these are minor advances west of Staromayorskoe. It's possible they're laying the foundation for recapturing the village. Interesting to note is that the unit involved from the Russian side is reported as the 394 MRRgt of the 127th MRDiv, an unremarkable line motor-rifles unit.
A Leo-2A4 with extra armor knocked out together with a pair of M113s and either a Strkyer or a BTR.
Other interesting tidbits.
We have better footage of the Kul'bakino airbase in Nikolaev where Russia apparently destroyed three Ukrainian MiG-29s on the ground. Note this is not the Dolgintsevo airbase near Dnepropetrovsk where the combined cruise missile and Lancet strike took out at least 4 jets, including 3 MiG-29s and an Su-25. The jets appear to have missiles, meaning these were active jets not dead donors for spare parts. Reportedly this was a missile strike in September. If Russia had done this on day 1 of the war, it would have been a much different fight, though of course later is better then never.
A destroyed Ukrainian vehicle repair base, location unclear. Reportedly a Russian missile strike. It appears to be mostly unarmored trucks though it's hard to tell.
Reportedly another Stormer SAM hit near Donestk by a new-type Lancet.
Russian remote minelayer system mounted on a tiny buggy. There have been reports recently of Russia doing quite a number on Ukraine's near-rear in the Orekhov area with remote mines causing major problems for Ukraine's supply vehicles.
Russia's 11th Para-Assault Bde riding a Toyota MegaCruiser vehicle with a ZU-23-2 mounted in the back. Allegedly this is a captured vehicle.
Reportedly the DPRK delivered 1 million artillery shells to Russia. Presumably this will be a boon for the DPRK arms industry, and much needed help for Russia.
Oskol Front.
Russian forces have made another gain near Kupyansk, this one to the east. Russia has been inching forward here slowly, but has a long way to go to the town. Ukraine is bringing up reinforcements and laying down many mines.

Купянский участок: продвижение ВС РФ у Первомайского
Под Купянском продолжаются позиционные бои. Российские подразделения группировки войск «Запад» ведут планомерное подавление позиций украинских сил, обеспечивая продвижение без больших потерь.
It appears I was mistaken. Next steps for Russia don't involve another push at Berdychy to the west. Instead Russia is attacking northward towards Novokalinovo. The intent may be to take a stronger position there since there were reports of Ukrainian reserves there and Russian airstrikes against the village. The intent may be to prepare for a counter-attack. There may also be an intent to take the village, and then push on Ocheretino to swing around towards Berdychy from the north. Russian forces have also gained some ground along the rail berm. However Russian forces are also pushing on several other areas. They've approached the chemical plant from the east, likely using the superior vantage point of the refuse mound to cover their advance. There were also reported minor Russian advances towards the filtering station, and on the southern outskirts. Nothing significant, but Russian forces are reportedly right outside the town presumably in preparation for a push into it. The air defense base south of there is fortified and held by Ukraine but reportedly cut off by Russian forces. Lastly according to rybar Russia has overrun the main Ukrainian defense line on the hill finger south of Severnoe. If true, and if Russia can hold it, they are in a much better position to assault the village.

Битва за Авдеевку: активное продвижение ВС РФ с юга и севера
В Авдеевке сводные подразделения российской армии продолжают штурм укреплений ВСУ вокруг населенного пункта. Параллельно ВС РФ выполняют задачи по уничтожению подкреплений, снятых с других участков фронта.

Операция Z: Военкоры Русской Весны
⚔️Наступление на Авдеевку: Армия России продвигается на фланге ▪️Успехи наших войск признают украинские военные аналитики. ▪️"Севернее и западнее Красногоровки российские войска продвинулись в направлении Новокалинова и Степового. Бои продолжаются", - говорится в украинской сводке. ▪️"Ещё...

Операция Z: Военкоры Русской Весны
‼️Армия России с боями прорвалась к Авдеевскому коксохиму ▪️Украинские военные аналитики публикуют новую карту обстановки у Авдеевского коксохимического завода с выделенным красным и серым последних успехов ВС РФ — противник признаёт, что Авдеевский террикон под полным контролем наших войск и...
Three Bradleys and a Leo-2A6 destroyed near Avdeevka after a failed counter-attack by Ukraine's 47th bde.
VK.com | VK
Операция Z: Военкоры Русской Весны
Бои под Донецком: 1-й корпус уничтожил 3 американских «Бредли» на севере Авдеевки Армия России продолжает наступление на Донецком фронте, уничтожая вражескую бронетехнику и живую силу. На кадрах видна поражённая НАТОвская техника, переброшенная с Запорожья 47 бригады "Магура". ВСУ применяли БМП...
Interesting piece of Russia expending a Lancet to finish off a knocked out Bradley, though it's not clear how successfully from this footage. It does hit it and we get smoke.
VK.com | VK
Russia is continuing to move forward on the Vremyevskiy bulge. Ukrainian Marine units have been moved to Kherson region and reportedly replaced by territorial defense formations that are having a hard time holding the area. So far these are minor advances west of Staromayorskoe. It's possible they're laying the foundation for recapturing the village. Interesting to note is that the unit involved from the Russian side is reported as the 394 MRRgt of the 127th MRDiv, an unremarkable line motor-rifles unit.

❗️ Времьевский участок: контратака 394 полка ВС РФ обстановка к исходу 2 ноября 2023 года На рубеже Приютное — Старомайорское на Времьевском участке российские подразделения не первую неделю ведут тактическое наступление, продвигаясь планомерно позиция за позицией. Если на прошлой неделе...
A Leo-2A4 with extra armor knocked out together with a pair of M113s and either a Strkyer or a BTR.
VK.com | VK
Other interesting tidbits.
We have better footage of the Kul'bakino airbase in Nikolaev where Russia apparently destroyed three Ukrainian MiG-29s on the ground. Note this is not the Dolgintsevo airbase near Dnepropetrovsk where the combined cruise missile and Lancet strike took out at least 4 jets, including 3 MiG-29s and an Su-25. The jets appear to have missiles, meaning these were active jets not dead donors for spare parts. Reportedly this was a missile strike in September. If Russia had done this on day 1 of the war, it would have been a much different fight, though of course later is better then never.

Уничтоженные МиГ-29 ВВС Украины на аэродроме Кульбакино в Николаевской области — результат работы наших ВКС. Самолеты ВВСУ поражены ракетным ударом в сентябре 2023 46.947369, 32.111038

Рубрика от Ледка
МиГ-29 - уничтожен На аэродроме Кульбакино в Николаевской области. Геопривязка РЛ: (46.947369, 32.111038) Самолет ВВСУ успешно поражен ракетным ударом ВС РФ в сентябре 2023. Прислано подписчиком.

Рубрика от Ледка
Перезалив с уточнениями МиГ-29 - уничтожен На АБ Кульбакино в г. Николаев Николаевской области. Геопривязка СК: (46.935898, 32.080930) Успешное поражение истребителя ВСУ в 50-ти км от ЛБС. Источник ; №2

Рубрика от Ледка
МиГ-29 - уничтожен На авиабазе Кульбакино Николаевской области. Геопривязка РЛ: (46.936637, 32.082347) Второй самолет ВВСУ с Р-27, сожженный ракетным ударом в сентябре 2023. Прислано подписчиком.
VK.com | VK
A destroyed Ukrainian vehicle repair base, location unclear. Reportedly a Russian missile strike. It appears to be mostly unarmored trucks though it's hard to tell.
Повёрнутые на войне
Уничтоженная ремонтно-восстановительная база ВСУ в результате ракетного удара.
Reportedly another Stormer SAM hit near Donestk by a new-type Lancet.

Рубрика от Ледка
Stormer HVM - поражен Юго-западнее с. Елизаветовка в Донецкой области. Геопривязка СК: (47.865230, 37.280790) Расчет Изделия Х-51 из 155-й гв. ОБрМП поразил ЗРК ВСУ. Источник #Ланцет
Russian remote minelayer system mounted on a tiny buggy. There have been reports recently of Russia doing quite a number on Ukraine's near-rear in the Orekhov area with remote mines causing major problems for Ukraine's supply vehicles.
VK.com | VK
Russia's 11th Para-Assault Bde riding a Toyota MegaCruiser vehicle with a ZU-23-2 mounted in the back. Allegedly this is a captured vehicle.
VK.com | VK
Reportedly the DPRK delivered 1 million artillery shells to Russia. Presumably this will be a boon for the DPRK arms industry, and much needed help for Russia.

North Korea Sent 1 Million Rounds of Artillery to Russia, Spy Agency Says
North Korea has sent more than 1 million rounds of artillery to Russia that President Vladimir Putin appears to be using in his bombardment of Ukraine, according to a lawmaker briefed by South Korea’s spy agency.