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- #7,461
Old footage of Russian loitering munitions striking an S-300 TEL, Krab, 2S1, a towed gun, and a Strela-10 decoy.
Krab howitzer gets hit by something while moving and catches fire. We can see the crew bailing out. Based on the snow on the ground, I think this is old footage.
Ukrainian artillery position getting hit by a loitering munition. It catches fire, and it looks like ammo is cooking off.
Russian 123rd Bde, former LNR 2nd Bde, quadcopter munition drop on a Ukrainian fighting position causes a fire allegedly by striking a fuel storage container. You can see burning people trying to escape.
Allegedly a Ukrainian munition supply truck burns.
Russian loitering munition strike against a Ukrainian van parked next to a destroyed Strela-10. Note, striking trucks with loitering munitions isn't exactly good use of these scarce assets. Boris Rozhin thinks the van might be a UAV control vehicle.
Allegedly footage of a Russian FPV drone that lands at a Ukrainian position but doesn't detonate. Ukrainian service member takes the drone into a dugout and it explodes there. It's unclear if this is intentional or accidental.
Allegedly Ukrainian munition storage getting hit.
Allegedly a Ukrainian BMP getting hit by a Russian ATGM strike.
Ukrainian forces digging out soldiers after a Russian strike presumably against a Ukrainian staging area.
Ukraine's PRP-BMD hybrid is destroyed already. Note we've seen at least 3 such vehicles.
Some footage of Russian forces mounting a roof cage on a 2S1 and showing off their S-60 guntruck.
Russian Buk-M3 in Ukraine. Note the shortage of missiles. These are relatively modern and capable systems but remain highly scarce. I don't recall seeing new deliveries take place since the war started.
Russia claims to have shot down a Ukrainian Grom-2 missile.
Russian mobilized personnel in Ukraine, footage of positions. This is likely somewhere along the Dnepr where the front line is highly static.
Russian FPV drone with a MON-50 landmine as a payload (Claymore equivalent).
Russia has begun using plastic munition containers as opposed to the usual wooden ones. Note, this change is long overdue.
Russian supply truck with a ZU-23-2 with an improvised turret (but a rather well designed one). Apparently it's used to ferry food to the front line.
Ukrainian service member mounting a Fagot ATGM on a Humvee.
A Ukrainian technical with a triple Maxim gun setup.
Ukrainian territorial defense training on KS-19 AAA. Note they claim they captured these from Russian forces in Kharkov region. I'm of the opinion that these were Ukrainian guns all along in the Balakleya arsenal. We have seen no signs of their use by Russian forces.
A look at an improvised FPV drone, Ukrainian. Note the cheaper these munitions can be made, the more they can be used.
Ukrainian forces operating the M58 MICLIC mineclearing system. It's being towed by a MaxxPro MRAP.
Ukraine has received Bandwagen 206 transporters. We can see at least two.
Ukrainian forces receiving Strykers and Cougar 4X4s.
Light Weight Mine Rollers for Strykers heading to Ukraine. All in all Ukraine is set to receive 20 of these.
Reportedly Ukraine will receive 100 Polish Rosomak APCs.
Old footage of Russian loitering munitions striking an S-300 TEL, Krab, 2S1, a towed gun, and a Strela-10 decoy.
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Krab howitzer gets hit by something while moving and catches fire. We can see the crew bailing out. Based on the snow on the ground, I think this is old footage.
Ukrainian artillery position getting hit by a loitering munition. It catches fire, and it looks like ammo is cooking off.
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Russian 123rd Bde, former LNR 2nd Bde, quadcopter munition drop on a Ukrainian fighting position causes a fire allegedly by striking a fuel storage container. You can see burning people trying to escape.
Подрыв топливной емкости с помощью дрона. Горящие ВСУшники убегают из опорника. Точная работа бойцов 123-й бригады (бывшая 2-я бригада войск ЛНР).
Allegedly a Ukrainian munition supply truck burns.
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Russian loitering munition strike against a Ukrainian van parked next to a destroyed Strela-10. Note, striking trucks with loitering munitions isn't exactly good use of these scarce assets. Boris Rozhin thinks the van might be a UAV control vehicle.
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БПЛА-камикадзе "Ланцет" уничтожил автомобиль ВСУ. Скорее всего, это был пункт управления бпла.
Allegedly footage of a Russian FPV drone that lands at a Ukrainian position but doesn't detonate. Ukrainian service member takes the drone into a dugout and it explodes there. It's unclear if this is intentional or accidental.
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Allegedly Ukrainian munition storage getting hit.
Артиллеристы 1 ТА накрыли склад БК ВСУ и тем самым принесли тепло и свет. @razved_dozor
Allegedly a Ukrainian BMP getting hit by a Russian ATGM strike.
Наши бойцы чуток прогрели технику врага. Расчет ПТРК из новосибирского отряда спецназа РФ уничтожает БМП националистов ВСУ
Ukrainian forces digging out soldiers after a Russian strike presumably against a Ukrainian staging area.
ВСУшники вытаскивают уцелевших из под завалов после ракетного прилета по располаге.
Ukraine's PRP-BMD hybrid is destroyed already. Note we've seen at least 3 such vehicles.
Some footage of Russian forces mounting a roof cage on a 2S1 and showing off their S-60 guntruck.
Russian Buk-M3 in Ukraine. Note the shortage of missiles. These are relatively modern and capable systems but remain highly scarce. I don't recall seeing new deliveries take place since the war started.
VK.com | VK
Russia claims to have shot down a Ukrainian Grom-2 missile.
VK.com | VK
Russian mobilized personnel in Ukraine, footage of positions. This is likely somewhere along the Dnepr where the front line is highly static.
VK.com | VK
Russian FPV drone with a MON-50 landmine as a payload (Claymore equivalent).
VK.com | VK
Russia has begun using plastic munition containers as opposed to the usual wooden ones. Note, this change is long overdue.
VK.com | VK
Russian supply truck with a ZU-23-2 with an improvised turret (but a rather well designed one). Apparently it's used to ferry food to the front line.
Пушка 2000 выстрелов в минуту для охраны машины с хлебом Таковы реалии нахождения в зоне боевых действий. Колонны служб материально-технического обеспечения противник выслеживает и атакует так же, как боевую технику, возможно, считая более легкой мишенью. Расчет зенитной установки находится в...
Ukrainian service member mounting a Fagot ATGM on a Humvee.
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A Ukrainian technical with a triple Maxim gun setup.
Ukrainian territorial defense training on KS-19 AAA. Note they claim they captured these from Russian forces in Kharkov region. I'm of the opinion that these were Ukrainian guns all along in the Balakleya arsenal. We have seen no signs of their use by Russian forces.
Moscow calling
ВСУ и тероборона начали использовать 100-мм зенитные орудия КС-19 обр. 1947 г. Судя по всему, речь идет о режиме работы по наземным целям. UPD Предположительно, орудия были брошены при отступлении ВС РФ из Харьковской области. Но это не точно.
A look at an improvised FPV drone, Ukrainian. Note the cheaper these munitions can be made, the more they can be used.
VK.com | VK
Ukrainian forces operating the M58 MICLIC mineclearing system. It's being towed by a MaxxPro MRAP.
Moscow calling
Применение ВСУ американского аналога "Змея Горыныча" - системы дистанционного разминирования M58 MICLIC. Впрочем, принцип тот же - ракета тянет за собой "кишку" с пластидом, после чего происходит её подрыв, за счёт чего прокладывается проход в минных полях.
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Ukraine has received Bandwagen 206 transporters. We can see at least two.
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Ukrainian forces receiving Strykers and Cougar 4X4s.
Новинки ВСУ - M1126 Stryker и Cougar 4x4,
Американские бронетранспортёры M1126 Stryker и бронеавтомобили Cougar 4x4, поступившие на вооружение десантно-штурмовых войск Украины. Семейство боевых машин ПИРАНЬЯ Пиранья (I / II / III/ IV), LAV, IAV Страйкер

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Light Weight Mine Rollers for Strykers heading to Ukraine. All in all Ukraine is set to receive 20 of these.
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Reportedly Ukraine will receive 100 Polish Rosomak APCs.
Украине будут поставлены 100 бронетранспортёров Rosomak польского производства
Премьер-министр Польши Матеуш Моравецкий во время посещения 1 апреля 2023 года польского предприятия Rosomak SA (входящего в состав польского государственного оборонно-промышленного объединения Polska Grupa Zbrojeniowa SA) в Семяновице-Слёнске (Силезское воеводство) заявил , что за день до того был…