Moskva and her sisters and all other large Russian Destroyers supposedly being maintain until Lider program come to fruition.
The largest Russian warship to be conceived since the Soviet collapse, the mysterious Lider-class destroyer promises to revolutionize Russia’s surface warfare capabilities. Reports emerged as far back as 2009 that Russia’s top military brass is mulling a brand new destroyer acquisition. Citing...
I know there's enough interest for Moskva to be really sunk by Ukranian Neptune SSM. So let's see which is telling the truth. Again the truth will always come out.
And if Moskva still affloat and Russian manage to tow her back to Sevastopol, I agree with OPSSG that chances to rebuild her is going to be very slim. Unless Russian manage to capture Nikolayev and the yards in there on relatively good conditions. That's too much "if".
Lets see how the truth will come out on Moskva real condition.
I have put in this thread before that some probable Neptune battery be operational. I put there base on information that Ukranian put when they are doing marketing of Neptune land based SSM system to Indonesia two years ago.
It is probable they are keeping them for potential defense of Odessa. Despite this, Russian Black Sea fleet still have enough resources for Amphibious operation.