The Royal Navy Discussions and Updates

Dave H

New Member
Big E,

It may be stupidity, lunacy if you like but it will be a VAST leap in capability to what we have now so I suppose we should be grateful for that small fact.

Personally I thought the Navalised Typhoon should have been developed years ago but if we are honest, it is just symptamatic about the level of mismanagement of the last 30 years.

We balls'd up Suez, went far too NATO orientated never again to look eastwards.Big carriers were culled in the 1960's and the Ark soldiered on until 1978 (?) with Phantoms and Buccs. That ship alone would have deterred the Falklands.

Our Politicians were conned with the idea of the "through deck cruiser" eg the Invincible class and we were stuck with the Sea Harrier. Sharkey Ward the Falklands vet, refers to its great close in handling in his book, its duffing up of phantoms and even F15s in close turning fights but that was with 1970's technology.

Anyway...we narrowly win the Falklands campaign. Any intelligent politician would perhaps say we needed to reassert our independence to act carriers and amphibious ships and adequate escorts....but no. The 1980's was spent basing 55,000 troops in Germany and 20 squadrons of RAF when the Germans spent far less of their vast GDP than the UK.

We posessed 2/3rds of the NATO frigate force (similar ships that were mauled in the Falklands), had 18 SSN's and up to 19 SSKs planned. In short a powerful anti submarine force that was aimed solely to keep the Atlantic open from Soviet Subs.

Whilst Maggie Thatcher and Ronald Reagan (a great man in my opinion) coseyed up to one another, we in the UK became far to tunnel vision in our defence perspective...the soviets.

To make matters worse the peace dividend post cold war was napped up without concern that the same weapons, eg small carriers, the Tornado F3 etc were not much use outside the european arena.

We still have 25,000 troops in Germany, why? the cost must be massive. Germany doesnt need defending anymore. In my opinion the RN and the RAF (vulcan, victor etc) lost its power projection because we did more than the average other western european country in the defence of Europe. Meanwhile the irksomely independent french did their own thing, built homegrown aircraft and even a nuclear carrier.

At the current slow rate of change I hope that in 20 years the Uk forces are much more able to power project. Two carriers with F35B with stand off missiles such as Storm Shadow, AEW etc. Type 45's for airdefence and adapted Type 45's for ASW, Land attack with Tomahawk to supplement the Type 23 and Astutes leading into the Trident repalcement to keep our industry viable. Add the now more capable amphibious force, an RAF with Typhoon, some F35C for deep strike and the new UCAV's.

We should be in a far better position to do what we want to in the UK than for the last 30-40 years.

We have lacked a continuity in defence. The US whatever side of congress has always recognised the need for carriers and vast nuclear arsenals whereas politicians in the UK hunkered down during the cold war stuck between a rock and a hard place.

Two carriers may be insignificant compared to the US Navy, but we have 60 million people, you have 300 million and about 30 times the land space.

I am actually quite positive for the future. During the 1980's a labour win would have meant vast cuts in defence, scrapping of the nuclear deterrent and possibly a pull out of NATO, we have seen 10 years of labour and they have kept up many projects started under the Tories, had the balls to deploy to warzone and are keeping the deterrent. We just need a period of consensus across the political spectrum to keep spendding at the present level or with a small increase.


Defense Professional
Verified Defense Pro
I really have no idea why the UK stayed after 1990.
You were free to go but asked to stay and so the contracts were made.
Maybe a deep rooted fear of a new blitzkrieg... ;)

I can understand it with the US. They need some of their bases here but the UK...


Well-Known Member
I really have no idea why the UK stayed after 1990.
You were free to go but asked to stay and so the contracts were made.
Maybe a deep rooted fear of a new blitzkrieg... ;)

I can understand it with the US. They need some of their bases here but the UK...
I think, ironically, cost may have come into it. A lot of the barracks available were not up to scratch. If we had recalled the troops there would have been an even greater strain on the infrastructure than there is now.

The German bases are a God-send, at least until we can improve the accommodation over here.

Dave H

New Member
Does seem a bit daft, maybe easier for transport out of Europe? Deployment to the Balkans would have been easier from Germany but most heavy equipment could be sent by train from the UK. Possibly a few political back handers?

Systems Adict

The Bunker Group
Verified Defense Pro
While MoD continues to say they will build CVF we have to come to the reality of economies of scale in all ship building projects MoD has planned.

The Trident replacements are a committed priority now and will eat up most of the procurement budget for some time to come.

The Darings are not going to meet economies of scale benefits due to the lower procurement rates. The procurement budgets will not even be close to funding CVF unless supplementals are added.

The rising cost of shipbuilding is not only endemic to the US, rather it is felt even harder in the UK as their industries do not have proper orders to maintain skilled labor.
In fairness Big E, some of what you've said does ring true. The biggest reasoning for the CVF order not already being signed is due to our Defence Procurement Agency (DPA) trying to reign in the purse strings, after several highly public fiascos.

I would have to say however that the Budget for the Trident replacement has NO EFFECT on CVF. The UK Gov't has announced they intend to replace them, but they haven't agreed a design (although the maybe looking at "sharing" a US design (Virginia class maybe??)) The Manufacture of the replacement probably won't start till 2010, at the earliest. Funds won't need to be readily available till then.

At the moment it's a definitive when, not if for CVF. Just a pity Mr Blair & Mr McConnell didn't annonce it today when they visited the shipyard where it will be built in Glasgow, but that, as stated elsewhere in this thread is probably down to not wanting to curry favour during election season here, which IMHO is madness !!

As for the Daring's, there have been some "economies of scale", (I'd be a liar to say otherwise!). These however are down to having some outfits of equipment as FBNW (For, But Not With), which is a legacy of the Type-23 Duke Class FFG's. The way the ships were constructed, weapons equipment fitted then tested by the RN themselves, rather than the company who manufactured the Hull!

Additionally on that front, with systems such as Harpoon, it's a logical move on the part of the RN to have them FBNW, as they can remove the outfit from the Dukes that they've just sold to Chile, rather than having to buy new sets from Raytheon, saving them oodles of cash !

India on the other hand has boat loads of labor at dirt cheap prices. There ability to produce quality steel will have them up to a 3 carrier force within a short period of time. They will no doubt be less advanced as a CVF would be but I'm of the opinion it will never be built. If any carrier is produced it will be vastly scaled down to meet budget constraints.

I would hedge my bets on the RN acquiring F-35Bs instead of the Cs as the carrier they end up with will be along the lines of the traditional ski jump design.

The few Darings that will be built will only be enough to escort one carrier on station. The IN will easily be able to provide 2 carrier groups.

Their silent service has every intention of going nuclear and the Brahmos gives them a system that will put fear into any enemy. The IN is the rising superstar of the waves.
Again some of what you've said I can't fault, but would beg to differ with.

Yes, the IN will no doubt build some carriers in the future, unless they can strike a deal with the UK to acquire the Invincibles for pennies (old habits die hard :unknown). The Bramhos is also a competent missile, from the blurb I've read.

I won't go on about CVF & the F35 B/C arguement, as it's been documented to death in this thread (standard flight deck with ski jump ramp, with room to fit catapults, when technology catches up !!)

However, I feel that with x6 Darings, x2 CVF, x2 LPD's, x4 LSD(A)'s, x2 Wave Class Oilers, x4 Astutes & x8 of the 10 Duke's, It's pretty fair to say that the UK RN could capably field 2 CG's.

The reality of that is probably a slim prospect, but it could still happen.

...Or do you think I'm being optimistic & living in cloud Cuckoo land ??

Systems Adict


Defense Professional
Verified Defense Pro
I think, ironically, cost may have come into it. A lot of the barracks available were not up to scratch. If we had recalled the troops there would have been an even greater strain on the infrastructure than there is now.

The German bases are a God-send, at least until we can improve the accommodation over here.
And you have one of the biggest training areas right on your doorstep.
I am not sure but I think we are paying soething for you staying here and providing jobs to the local population.


New Member

yeh but it wont be long until the navy reaches that sort of size. the UK is currently the most powerful country in europe. if we continue to overstretch and underfund our forces then france will take our place at the top of the table. we just have ot hope for someone better to lead the country.
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what i don.t understand is why the british labour government maintains more than 12000 men in irak and afghanistan spending so much money and at the same time make so many savings in other areas of defence, for what you want nuclear ballistic submarines without carriers, it seems that they don,t want to abandon the position of global power but without the funds to support this policy.


Defense Professional
Verified Defense Pro
The question is not just if the UK should buy new SSBNs or not, the question is if they buy new ones or stop being a nuclear power because the boomers are the last remaining nuclear weapons.


New Member

The question is not just if the UK should buy new SSBNs or not, the question is if they buy new ones or stop being a nuclear power because the boomers are the last remaining nuclear weapons.
thankfully the government voted to save the nuclear program. just over half of the MPs voted to save it. they are going to spend up to £20 billion on the new type of subs that will enter service in 2020.

they over stretch our forces and dont fund them but when something important comes along a load of money just appears out of nowhere. like the government all of a sudden found the money to buy the "mastiff" armoured vehicles for our boys in afganistan. they also found the money to buy the RAF 2 predator UAVs from the USA. but when it comes to basic stuff the make up lame excuses. they then buy our troops new "osprey" and "kestrel" armour. the armour is thick and heavy that the troops are refusing to wear it. the MoD probably supplied it so they wouldnt get blamed for giving the soldiers weak armour. they probably think it makes them look good if they buy half decent armour. i reckon we should buy the better "crye industries" armour used by the US forces. but our funding wont stretch that far.

Systems Adict

The Bunker Group
Verified Defense Pro
they over stretch our forces and dont fund them but when something important comes along a load of money just appears out of nowhere. like the government all of a sudden found the money to buy the "mastiff" armoured vehicles for our boys in afganistan. they also found the money to buy the RAF 2 predator UAVs from the USA.

In fairness about the Predators, I believe the RAF has been training people since 2003-04, in the US. That would also mean that a purchase was always on the books & had been planned for.

As for the Mastif's, the Gov't. always has access to standby funds to replace what they call "Attrition Losses". The Treasury releases these funds to replace equipment that's been lost in action / damaged beyond repair. In this case, I think it was more that they needed this equipment to carry-out the job at hand.

Systems Adict

Dave H

New Member
When you talk of "they" IE, The current labour government I think you should realise that no government post war has ever funded the forces to the level the forces would like in an ideal world. We have been in decline since WW2, and even prior to WW2 the forces were struggling, eg underfunded fighter defence nearly cost us dear during the battle of Britain.

Kit shortages are something that can be used to beat the current lot with but at least be honest and look over the last 30 years.

The Tories were going to slash the navy in 1981 an go towards a north atlantic missioned submarine force. Troops during the Falklands got trench foot because of appalingly bad quality boots purchased on the cheap. It is argued that the Argentines had better and more numerous night vission devices.

We spent decades where thousands of troops went to Ulster, many died in soft skin landrovers, the ugly Humber Pig offered a poor solution. Did the tory government solve the problem of casualties from roadside bombs in Ulster? No and thay didnt find money for better vehicles so I cant see how you can criticise the current MOD for finding money to buy Mastiff.

Remember Bosnia and the Saxon wheeled vehicle? A bit of a pig that one.

Gulf War one The rush to make desert uniforms? Stripping Challenger down in Germany to find enough spare parts? Tornado being kept at the rear because it cant dogfight? That was 1991 under the Tories.

We fund at a level the electorate tolerates, we could squeeze more from the public pot towards defence but there is no suggestion the Tories will. It its a toss up between tax cuts in the 2013 election or kit for the forces, what do you think a tory government will spend the money on? Remember that had the Junta in Argentina not invaded in 1982, the navy would have been slashed, with no Falklands factor and massive economic problems then Michael Foot may have been primeminister. Polaris would have good, no cruise missiles in the UK and possibly a pull out from NATO. The forces would have been cut beyond recognition to fund re nationalising industry.

Liam Fox, not exactly a shadow defence minister with his finger on the pulse...


Super Moderator

Yes, the IN will no doubt build some carriers in the future, unless they can strike a deal with the UK to acquire the Invincibles for pennies (old habits die hard :unknown). ...

Systems Adict
I don't think they'll want the Invincibles. Their Harriers won't last forever, & when they go, the Invincibles become LPHs. To replace the ex-Hermes, India's already having ex-Gorshkov (now Vikramaditya) refitted, & a new STOBAR carrier of almost 40,000 tons is under construction in India. MiG-29s suitable for STOBAR are on order, & IIRC the first two-seater has flown. The Indian SHARs will have decks to fly from in their last years, & those decks will be bigger than the Invincibles.

Dave H

New Member

Why do you refer to France overtaking us as if that is a matter of horror.

France has a similar population though 2.5 times the amount of land mass, is a modern economic power as we are, a democracy and for the most part an ally. It points to some psycological point of the ability to be "bigger" than france is what drives you.

If France has shown the foresight to build its own SSBNS, truly independent, SSN's a nuclear carrier and a succession of succesful aircraft then good luck to them.


Super Moderator
In fairness about the Predators, I believe the RAF has been training people since 2003-04, in the US. That would also mean that a purchase was always on the books & had been planned for.

Systems Adict
We're also getting some Hermes UAVs from Israel off the shelf, pending the delivery of the Thales improved version, Watchkeeper.

Systems Adict

The Bunker Group
Verified Defense Pro
We're also getting some Hermes UAVs from Israel off the shelf, pending the delivery of the Thales improved version, Watchkeeper.
To go slightly off topic.

...Whatever happened to project Pheonix....???:confused:

The UK's 1st UAV that was launched off of the back of a 5 ton Army lorry in the 1980's ??

Come to mention it, I thought UK MoD were into purchasing some of the New UAV's that are being developed here by BAE SYSTEMS ??

Finally, although the Israeli's are good at doing what they do, I thought that it was frowned upon to purchase/sell Military equipment from them...?

Systems Adict


New Member

Why do you refer to France overtaking us as if that is a matter of horror.

France has a similar population though 2.5 times the amount of land mass, is a modern economic power as we are, a democracy and for the most part an ally. It points to some psycological point of the ability to be "bigger" than france is what drives you.

If France has shown the foresight to build its own SSBNS, truly independent, SSN's a nuclear carrier and a succession of succesful aircraft then good luck to them.
It is not a matter of horror, its is a matter of disapointment. we have always been the best in europe but now thanks to our government we are declining. the french are godd allies when they actualy decide to fight. they have done very well in defence. the charles de gaulle carrier has had its problems but for a europian nation to build such a large nuclear powered ship is incredible. I just find it rather iritating that we are declining. even you must feel just a little bit the same. going from number one, down to a two-bit rubbish country that cant defend itself. the Navys cheif personel are now doubting that we can launch an amada like we did in the falklands. we currently are second in the world when it comes to power projection but due to so many cuts we wont stay there.


Defense Professional
Verified Defense Pro
I also don't see the problem.
What is the problem in you being slightly above france or vice versa?

BTW, when it comes to power projection I would rate france slightly above the UK. The CdG is way ahead of everything the UK fields at the moment and they also have their amphibious forces. And they also changed to a full professional army with enough modern equipment.

I think there is too much national pride and not enough rationalism in your view.


New Member
To go slightly off topic.

...Whatever happened to project Pheonix....???:confused:

The UK's 1st UAV that was launched off of the back of a 5 ton Army lorry in the 1980's ??

Come to mention it, I thought UK MoD were into purchasing some of the New UAV's that are being developed here by BAE SYSTEMS ??

Finally, although the Israeli's are good at doing what they do, I thought that it was frowned upon to purchase/sell Military equipment from them...?

Systems Adict
project pheonex is a bag of dirt. thats why we are replacing it. us and the USA have made a joint squadron in nevada USA so we can use the american predator UAVs for now. a crew of brits are allowed to fly the predators because the pheonix is not capable of flying in the afgan heat. it brakes down all the time. the RAF is buying two predator IIs off the USA and should be delivered in august 2007. the watchkeeper should be entering service after the decade.

and its not national pride, its that says it. not me.

Dave H

New Member

As to not being able to send an "armada" as we did in the Falklands. In 1982 we had 2 small carriers with Harriers that were good for WVR combat. We now have 3 small carriers (one "resting"!) with harriers that can fight WVR combat with decent ranged Asraam, can bomb at night, drop PGM's and fly further than the FRS1/GR3 of 1982.

In 1982 the bulk of our escorts had out of date Sea Cat, Sea Slug missiles, old fashioned guns and took a pasting from non hi tech argentinian aircraft dropping dumb bombs. Only two ships had Sea Wolf and the Sea Dart armed ships suffered from compromises made in sensor fit but accountants.

Fearless and intrepid were rust buckets, we had to borrow many ships from trade.

In 1982 we were fortunate we faced a south american force, in realistic terms we couldnt have taken on a western european force (even if we wanted to), we would have struggled in an all out war wih many middle eastern countries and many north african ones. Get a perspective we were not able to do agreat deal without NATO in 1982, in many ways argentina with old mirages and skyhawks were the ideal oponent, heaven forbid they had more modern aircraft.

In 2015 we will have proper carriers, the cuts you seem so focused on are the same "cuts" that will see more Typhoons, JSF,Nimrod, Type 45, Astute, apache longbow ETC replacing Tornado F3, outdated Type 42, 30 year old SSN's , TOW armed Lynx etc etc.

No country in the world can afford to replace assets on a one for one bases.Take a look at what the MOD is procuring, what hi end industrial projects are in the pipeline or being deliveres before you speak of fictional cuts. We still spend 30 billion plus on defence, The Daily mail might rant on about Labour failing, I dont vote for them personallybut they did not embark on the domesday round of cuts that many feared.

How are we declining when in 8 years we should have two decent sized carriers and france will have two, particularly as I suspect F35 will be a step above Rafaele. We should have joined the french carrier project when they planned De Gaule, added our more powerful reactors but we didnt and hindsight is great.

If we had to fight argentina again we would win. Tomahawk missiles, amphibious ships, AEW, SSN, Harrier GR7/9 etc would ensure it. But we are not going to fight argentina in the forseeable future in fact I can see what major military power we are going to tussle with single handedly, certainly Iran will be a coallition.