I note with some satisfaction that the Trident missile system replacement, currently comprising four Vanguard-class submarines, has passed the vote in the Commons. Lets hope addional funds will be made available going forward.
It will be interesting to hear if the MOD receives additional funds following the budget announcement this month, fingers crossed. Press coverage pushing for an increase (Telegraph / Times & redtops) coupled with the publics support for the armed forces has sent the right message to the Chanceller, and convinced him wars actually do cost money, kit wears out and soldiers need looking after!
The attached link shows a Vanguard class submerine. I note with interest the rectangler plate running along the side (recent addition). One suspects this is part of an upgrade to the the sonar system - correct?
It will be interesting to hear if the MOD receives additional funds following the budget announcement this month, fingers crossed. Press coverage pushing for an increase (Telegraph / Times & redtops) coupled with the publics support for the armed forces has sent the right message to the Chanceller, and convinced him wars actually do cost money, kit wears out and soldiers need looking after!
The attached link shows a Vanguard class submerine. I note with interest the rectangler plate running along the side (recent addition). One suspects this is part of an upgrade to the the sonar system - correct?