Thailand selects Gripen and Erieye

Dr Freud

New Member
Someone asked how much for erieye: PS-890 ERIEYE. IOC: 1997 Production: 16 Unitary Cost: USD$100 million.
I dont know if this include aircraft or accosiated equippment.

Grand Danois

Someone asked how much for erieye: PS-890 ERIEYE. IOC: 1997 Production: 16 Unitary Cost: USD$100 million.
I dont know if this include aircraft or accosiated equippment.
It was me who asked in another thread. That is actually quite cheap, even if it's only for the aircraft.


New Member
Air force to finally receive early warning eyes in the sky
Specialised aircraft to be deployed in 2010

By Wassana Nanuam

It took a decade to fulfil its dream, but the air force is now set to equip its fleet with an airborne early warning (AEW) plane, although it will be a second-hand one. The first AEW aircraft built by Saab of Sweden will be deployed in 2010, about a year ahead of delivery of the first batch of Gripen C/D jets, according to an air force source.

The AEW plane comes as part of a 19-billion-baht aircraft procurement package, which includes six Gripen fighters, a used plane for transport and logistic support and training in Sweden for Thai pilots to get familiar with the multi-role Swedish Gripen.

Both the AEW and transport planes are the same model _ the two-engined Saab 340. They have been in operation for about 10 years, but will be refurbished before delivery to Thailand.

President and chief executive officer of Saab Ake Svansson said at the Saab manufacturing base in Linkoping in Sweden last month that Thailand will get a complete early warning system under a contract signed between Sweden and air force chief ACM Chalit Phukphasuk in February.

The AEW is an eye and ear in the sky for air force surveillance and operations. The radar on the aircraft can detect other planes and coordinate with the ground control system to direct fighters to their targets.

Although the AEW aircraft [Thailand will get] is a used one, it is still worthwhile for us to have this kind of technology. It will be a big change in the history of the Thai air force, Air Support commander Sutthirat Kasemsant na Ayutthaya said.

The air forces desire to have an AEW plane started about a decade ago. It planned to modify one of its C-130 transport planes for this purpose in 1997 and 1998 to use with the F-16 fighters and probably the F-18 fighters to be bought from the United States.

But the plan, which required about three million baht for modifications, was shelved due to budgetary problems. The dream of having F-18 jets was also shot down by Washington, which refused to sell them to Thailand. :)shudder This is not true. Because it's RTAF that asked USMC to buy back the contact for 8 F/A-18C/D due to the budget shortage in Asian Financial Crisis 1997)

The AEW aircraft will be the air command to link all ground and air data with pilots in the Gripen jet fighters, according to ACM Sutthirat.

It will boost the capability of the air force in finding targets in the air, ground and sea in the southern region. The Gripen fighters and the AEW plane will be stationed at Wing 7 in Surat Thani.

The air force plans to develop data links with the US-made F-16 and Gripen fighters in the future, he added.

Now the data link with the F-16 jets can only come by radio from a ground station or by pilots making decisions themselves in urgent circumstances.

An air force source said the facilities and maintenance system at the Surat Thani air base will be improved this year to prepare for the arrival of the Gripen jets.

The first three fighters will be delivered in January 2011, and another three will arrive about two months later.

They will replace the F5 B/E jets based in the southern province, which will be decommissioned in 2011.


New Member
Swedish delegates visit Wing7 of Royal Thai Air Force

11 June 2008 - Brig. Gen Arne Heden and his staffs from Swedish Air Force and Vice Chief-of-Staff of RTAF ACM Itthaporn Subhawong along with RTAF staffs of Gripen program visit Wing7 of Royal Thai Air Force in Surat Thani for 2008's 2nd Gripen meeting. RTAF plan to upgrade facility in Wing7 this year to prepare for the commission of Gripen in 2011. :)

some photo on the following link.


Saab develops Royal Thai air defence

Saab has received an order worth 158 MTHB from the Royal Thai Air Force for development of the Royal Thai Air Force air defence command and control system.

2008-09-24 | The system will be developed in close collaboration with the customer and adapted for the specific requirements of the Royal Thai Air Force. The system involves the latest technology within for example data fusion capabilities, and is developed to be intuitive and user friendly.

“The order is important for the continued development of Saab’s expertise in command and control systems for air defence”, says Peter Wimmerström, President of Saab Systems.

The contract has been awarded in competition with the major command & control companies in the world and marks the continued cooperation between Saab and the Royal Thai Air Force.

Thank Signatory at for the news.:)


New Member
So... now we know. Gripen with a shark-theme. Interesting. :rolleyes:
:) I highly doubt it would be a official painting because these photo was from the work of Thai Gripen fan art. I have a ton of these kind of photo. But in fact I live the shark since Gripen gonna oversee the sea. :rolleyes:

I took these photo from recent training of RTAF. Normally, RTAF uses scale model to design new painting of their aircraft. For example, If you go to RTAF museum you will see many scale models of F-16, those models were the F-16 of different painting made when they designed the Falcon color. So seeing Gripen model from RTAF can give us some clues how Thai Gripen will be looked like. :D

SRT is from SuRat Tani Air Base. Gripen will be put in Wing7.

compare with the cuurent F-5E in the same sqn.


A little update.

Director of Strategic of FMV visit RTAF

Brigadier General Arne Heden, Director of Strategic of FMV and head of a Swedish committee in a Joint Refernce Committee, met with Air Chief Mashal Ittipon Supawong, Commander-in-chief of Royal Thai Air Force, on 25 Nov 2008. He came to Thailand to paticipate a 4th 2008 Program Management Review (PMR). RMR will be held four times a year by Thailand and Sweden to oversee the progress and development of RTAF Gripen program.

After the closure of airport, I really hope he could find the way back to Sweden now. :)



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Thanks for the update Skyman - I usually read your posts with interest but don't comment. This is because I have nothing of value to contribute.

However, I am really pleased for Thailand that the RTAF chose the Swedish AWACs along with the Gripen, instead of a variant of the Su-30, which is expensive, more maintenance intensive and less durable than the Gripen. The Gripen and the F-16s can share the same AIM-120C missiles and other weapons - which would simplify logistics greatly. Further, Thailand's combination of AWACs, Gripens, and F-16s would give Thailand a first-look, first-shoot capability unmatched by her neighbours.

In contrast, Malaysia's choice of a mixed eastern (MiG29N & Su-30MKM) and western fleet (F/A-18D) would mean that they need to stock both types of A2A missiles and bombs. A big unnecessary cost due to their numerous illogical choices.

I believe that the RTAF's wise choice will ensure that Thailand can easily maintain air superiority over her immediate neighbors (at a lower cost). More importantly, Thailand is developing its own engineering capability for her C3 systems. This will enhance Thailand's growing military power.

I wish Thailand all the best in her time of political turmoil and I hope that things will go back to normal at Bangkok's airport.


New Member
Thanks for the update Skyman - I usually read your posts with interest but don't comment. This is because I have nothing of value to contribute.

However, I am really pleased for Thailand that the RTAF chose the Swedish AWACs along with the Gripen, instead of a variant of the Su-30, which is expensive, more maintenance intensive and less durable than the Gripen. The Gripen and the F-16s can share the same AIM-120C missiles and other weapons - which would simplify logistics greatly. Further, Thailand's combination of AWACs, Gripens, and F-16s would give Thailand a first-look, first-shoot capability unmatched by her neighbours.

In contrast, Malaysia's choice of a mixed eastern (MiG29N & Su-30MKM) and western fleet (F/A-18D) would mean that they need to stock both types of A2A missiles and bombs. A big unnecessary cost due to their numerous illogical choices.

I believe that the RTAF's wise choice will ensure that Thailand can easily maintain air superiority over her immediate neighbors (at a lower cost). More importantly, Thailand is developing its own engineering capability for her C3 systems. This will enhance Thailand's growing military power.

I wish Thailand all the best in her time of political turmoil and I hope that things will go back to normal at Bangkok's airport.
Thank for your hospitality. The airport is normal today. But its effect will be going on for many months. I also wish it would end soon. :(

I do not support Flanker deal also. We need intensive maintaince for Su-30 and RTAF never uses a pure Russian aircraft before so we have to learn all the new system and stock all new spare and weapon and after all Su-30 is fuel-hungry fighter. We surely can not effort these cost. :rolleyes:

PS. Thank you. In fact I think you could post RTAF-related topic or anything here. Atleast making the thread more lively. :D


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The information dominance Eryeie will bring to the RTAF...

As a really basic example (there are plenty more), the Gripen will be able to take BVR missile shots without using its radar and can maneuver as soon as the missile is launched, the flankers can not (they need to track the target with their own radars untill the R77 acquires the Gripen). This means if the Vietnamese want to have a decent chance of the R77's hitting their rapidly maneuvering gripens they have to fly directly into the incoming Meteors/AMRAAM's. That is a HUGE disadvantage.

This doesnt take the huge decision making advantages into account.
1. On the issue of information dominance over a battlespace (with the Eryeie) -- Do you have any new information on the Thai UAV development efforts? I've seen your post and pictures on the UAV in another forum. More information on Thai UAVs please?

2. As you said before, the RTF has 57 F-16A/Bs (plus Thailand's long term plan to acquire a squadron of 18x Gripens) - so Thailand has enough fighters to meet any regional threat:

(i) The key to meeting future threats is keeping Thailand's F-16s updated. These updates include:

[a] a MLU (F-16 flight computers & the data-bus);
the purchase of advanced helmet systems (like the Israeli DASH) and night vision devices for the pilots (to negate the Su-30's WVR combat capabilities); and
[c] buying the latest BVR missiles (including the Aim-120C AMRAAMs and the Meteors) will maintain RTF's lead in BVR.

(Anyone who tells you that the R-77 is better than the Aim-120C AMRAAMs is biased) Please post more updates when you get them.

(ii) Thailand will also need to keep the RTA updated on the latest electronic warfare (EW) counter measures.

Working with the Swedish air force (on tactics and information dominance) and the Israeli companies (who supplied some of the EW equipment in Singapore's F-16s) - would be a step in the right direction. Investments in EW will give RTF a secret edge.

However, EW is a very dark art and there is very little public domain information in these matters - so I don't think we can have much of a discussion on this area.

3. As you might know, in May 2007, Richard Bitzinger published a paper on Chinese military modernisation and the rearming of SEA. It gives a quick overview on the military capabilities in the region. I enclose a link for your reference. I think that is a good starting point to review what RTF needs in the future.
The RTF comprises 154 combat aircraft:
(i) ... F16A/Bs [Skyman said 57x F-16s, Bitzinger says 60x F-16s],
(ii)... F-5Es, and
(iii) ...L-39ZA... ground attack aircraft... and ....

At one time... the RTF had intended to purchase F-18s, but it was cancelled...
4. In another thread, nevidimka, Aussie Digger and I had a detailed discussion on BVR combat and the advantages that an AWAC brings to the table in air warfare. I've made some edits to keep what I pasted short (see link for full details).

OPSSG said:
1. Modern BVR combat (with the AMRAAM D and Meteor in the pipeline) don't make dog fighting obsolete, they just make it less likely. With off-bore-sight, high agility missiles, dog fighting becomes much more lethal for everyone. Weapons like these become equalizers between highly maneuverable aircraft and less maneuverable competitors. While the high maneuverability found in the Su-30 is still very worthwhile - it is simply not as decisive as it once was.

2. Your must agree that Singapore [and soon Thailand] is currently the only country in ASEAN with AWACS. This means according to your argument, the Singapore [or RTF] F-16... supported by an AWAC, knows the range, bearing and altitude of a notional opponent's aircraft (Red Plane) before it is seen.

2.1 So what does a SG [or RTF] Plane do, once it is fore-warned? Your answer must be the SG [RTF] Plane tries to intercept at a good shooting position, altitude and speed (to ensure that Red Plane is in a no-escape zone)...

2.2 So what are the odds for a Red Plane vs a SG[or RTF] Plane? It must be poorer - right? ...
nevidimka said:
Nice argument, but please do not mistaken my response as a SG vs MAF, coz I mentioned a Su 30 class aircraft, not SU 30 MKM. Su 30 class is being used by CHina, Malaysia, Indonesia, India and possibly Vietnam.

Its true SG is only nation to be using AWACS at this time, hence the advantage. But a Su 30 equipped with a BARS radar is also able to link up to each other securely and become AWACS themselves, and when equipped with anti Radiation missile is able to target an opposing AWACS. Its all relative to how efficient use of tactics are used by SG compared to an opposing AF that has these capabilities...
Aussie Digger said:
...The idea that fighters will somehow equal the radar range and capability of an AEW&C aircraft is nonsense however. An AEW&C is more about battlespace command than pure sensing capability, though it obviously has sensors far more capable than any mere fighter sized fire control radar. I would suggest even the most capable pilot/wso is going to be rather busy with their own fight, to be commanding a Blue force in battle. There IS a reason why an AEW&C aircraft, features multiple tactical consoles, for multiple operators...
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New Member
1. On the issue of information dominance over a battlespace (with the Eryeie) -- Do you have any new information on the Thai UAV development efforts? I've seen your post and pictures on the UAV in another forum. More information on Thai UAVs please?
1. This is bad. Thai military still too conservation so they do not have a good public communication skill and Thai media only care about which General gonna launch the coup so only a few development new come public. :lul

I lost my news post on this but as far as I remember the reseach team deliver the half-size prototype to RTA last year. I still wait for the development of this UAV also.

2. As you said before, the RTF has 57 F-16A/Bs (plus Thailand's long term plan to acquire a squadron of 18x Gripens) - so Thailand has enough fighters to meet any regional threat:

(i) The key to meeting future threats is keeping Thailand's F-16s updated. This updates include:

[a] a MLU (F-16 flight computers & the data-bus);
the purchase of advanced helmet systems (like the Israeli DASH) and night vision devices for the pilots (to negate the Su-30's WVR combat capabilities); and
[c] buying the latest BVR missiles (including the Aim-120C AMRAAMs and the Meteors) will maintain RTF's lead in BVR.

(Anyone who tells you that the R-77 is better than the Aim-120C AMRAAMs is biased) Please post more updates when you get them.

The MLU gonna start soon. Right now they implementing a Falcon Up/Star on all F-16. I don't know much about which system they will install in MLU program but some rumors said that this time they will buy LITENING pod. It's highly believe that they will upgrade their BVR capability too.

But I doubt RTAF will go for Meteor. This missile was not initially designed for F-16. (corret me if I'm wrong) If you want to use it with Falcon I think it's not worth to pay for integration work consider today's economic condition. RTAF today operates AIM-120C (the first batch was purchase at the same time with RSAF) and Gripen can works with this missile so I believe it would be AIM-120C.

(ii) Thailand will also need to keep the RTA updated on the latest electronic warfare (EW) counter measures.

Working with the Swedish air force (on tactics and information dominance) and the Israeli companies (who supplied some of the EW equipment in Singapore's F-16s) - would be a step in the right direction. Investments in EW will give RTF a secret edge.

However, EW is a very dark art and there is very little public domain information in these matters - so I don't think we can have much of a discussion on this area.
I don't have this information also. On RTAF side they got the ELINT version of IAI Arava. Don't know things inside. Don't know about the other branch. Don't know about the future project .... We can safely say I almost don't know anything. :eek:nfloorl:

3. As you might know, in May 2007, Richard Bitzinger published a paper on Chinese military modernisation and the rearming of SEA. It gives a quick overview on the military capabilities in the region. I enclose a link for your reference. I think that is a good starting point to review what RTF needs in the future.
The RTF comprises 154 combat aircraft:
(i) ... F16A/Bs [Skyman said 57x F-16s, Bitzinger says 60x F-16s],
(ii)... F-5Es, and
(iii) ...L-39ZA... ground attack aircraft... and ....

At one time... the RTF had intended to purchase F-18s, but it was cancelled...
Yes. 8 F/A-18C/D were purchased just a year before 1997 economic crisis. So when the Tom Yum Koong Crisis embark we asked USMC to buy this contact because we can no longer able to pay. Instead, RTAF bought second-hand 16 F-16ADFs.

In fact Bitzinger is somehow right. Official quote of RTAF F-16 inventory is 61. But two of them is Block 10 in unflying condition bought to be the source of spare. Another two suffered a serious accident; one got hardlanding and one skip off the runway. I heard they already repaired them but in the worst case I count only 57 F-16s.

This is a good reading! Some update from this document is Thailand defense budget is $4 billion. On the RTAF part, F-5s upgrade were finish several year ago, and Alphajet is for strike mission only. :rolleyes:

4. In another thread, nevidimka, Aussie Digger and I had a detailed discussion on BVR combat and the advantages that an AWAC brings to the table in air warfare. I've made some edits to keep what I pasted short (see link for full details).
In my point of view, on the combat capability term, the most important thing is MLU program on F-16. Going out with only Sidewinder is almost useless in today's air combat scenario. But to save budget I think RTAF should for now left F-16ADF out of MLU program and put the rest in line of avionic upgrade. Those aircraft will not as modern as new aircraft in the region. Consider the budget I don't believe I will see a full CCIP package here. Should be a mini-CCIP instead. but it's a big jump on those old Falcon and they still got some ability to perform.

And of course, an inter-datalink between Erieye-F-16-Gripen-HQ need to be implement if you want to go to the real network centric capability which they are trying to do.


Banned Member
(Anyone who tells you that the R-77 is better than the Aim-120C AMRAAMs is biased) Please post more updates when you get them.

How do u know about R-77? there are thousands of R-77 in IAF/PLAAF service. They would have no problem in dispatching F-16s from PAF/Taiwanese forces into bottom. They simply no worry about AIM-120C.
Flanker being Superior airframe.(No need for ET/higher weopon carrying speed than F-16/Gripen) allow it to impart greater energy for BVR shot. And i have not included even longer range R-27 ET/EP/AE/ER missiles.


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Staff member
Flanker being Superior airframe.(No need for ET/higher weopon carrying speed than F-16/Gripen) allow it to impart greater energy for BVR shot. And i have not included even longer range R-27 ET/EP/AE/ER missiles.
1. I have said elsewhere before, the Su-30 has an advanced airframe - that was specifically designed to counter the F-15. Most observers would agree that in a WVR turning fight - any US designed teen series fighter would be in trouble. Therefore, teen series operators don't want to get into a turning fight, if possible. I'm also saying to skyman, Thailand must upgrade her F-16s (to keep with the flankers).

2. The first look, first shoot advantage is not determined by the R77's range.

(i) Other determinants like AWAC support, type of radar and electronic support measures are important considerations.

(ii) Thailand's immediate neighbours (like Malaysia & Vietnam) are flanker operators too. However, they are not in the same league as the IAF or the PLAAF (both of which operate AWACS).

(iii) All of Thailand's immediate neighbours do not have AWACS. So advantage Thailand - with the Eryeie.

(iv) If the RTF and the RSAF (as teen series operators) can render our opponents blind with EW - advantage goes to us. Turning performance and fighter radar performance of the Su-30 not relevant, if we can blind our opponents.​

3. Not all Su-30s are made equal. IMHO, the Su-30MKI of the IAF is the most advanced Su-30 in the market (the Malaysians will tell you that the Su-30MKM is even better - they have S. African missile warning systems & French targetting pods & avionics). What I'm saying is that it's a systems fight - don't focus on the platform alone.

4. I did not say IAF and PLAAF's flankers cannot do their job to meet their respective threats. It's a systems fight - numbers and technology matter.

5. In fact, IMHO, the choice of suppliers is important too. Both the IAF and the RSAF use some Israeli systems. Please remember IAF SAM threat is not the same as RSAF's SAM threat - so there will be some differences - in what was installed and how the EW product is programmed.

6. Both the IAF and the RSAF train together - so as to provide each other with DACT (F-16s vs Su-30s) - so it means our air forces trust each other. I can only say - it benefits the pilots of both countries. For that matter, the RSAF also trains with RTA/USAF/RAAF and so on too.
How do u know about R-77? there are thousands of R-77 in IAF/PLAAF service. They would have no problem in dispatching F-16s from PAF/Taiwanese forces into bottom. They simply no worry about AIM-120C.
7. OK, if you say so...

8. I'm not going to have a online discussion on the R-77 vs the AIM-120C7. Its a waste of time discussing theoretical missile Pks, when we know that there is no reliable online sources. Further EW, will render any hypothetical PK comparison meaningless. EW data is secret. We will never know if it works until war occurs.

9. The PLAAF by itself out numbers the combined air forces of every ASEAN member added together by a significant margin (so no contest - any comparison a waste of time).

10. Besides IAF & PLAAF has limitations with force projection - so Singapore and Thailand are not very concerned now. It may be different once both these regional powers get their aircraft carriers. For additional security - USN gets 'free parking' in Singapore.
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Banned Member
1. I have said elsewhere before, the Su-30 has an advanced airframe - that was specifically designed to counter the F-15. Most observers would agree that in a WVR turning fight - any US designed teen series fighter would be in trouble. Therefore, teen series operators don't want to get into a turning fight, if possible. I'm also saying to skyman, Thailand must upgrade her F-16s (to keep with the flankers).
I said Su-30 carry different mix of missile load outs to a greater speeds and heights than especially F-16 whose performance and sustain speed decreases with height. (It is limited to 50K). Even M2K-5 is better BVR option against Su-30.
2. The first look, first shoot advantage is not determined by the R77's range.
It is Flanker sensor reach and superior energy impart unhindered by external ETs that impart greater range to its missiles. I will not go into its quick turn ability to convert head on engagement into tail chase. that decrease missile performance considerably.

(iii) All of Thailand's immediate neighbours do not have AWACS. So advantage Thailand - with the Eryeie.
Erieye is just flying Radar in absense of Airsupriority it is meaningless. AWACS operates at 25K which can be easily spot by ground based radars to direct Superior range/Speed flankers against slow moving AWACS. So AWACS will operated far away from battlefield from threat of Flanker. That will decrease its importance. AWACS is not toy for smaller airforces with limited protection assets.
(iv) If the RTF and the RSAF (as teen series operators) can render our opponents blind with EW - advantage goes to us. Turning and fighter radar performance of the Su-30 not relevant, if we can blind our opponents.
So you think there is no EW sytem in Flanker? from where this belief comes from. Most Flanker carries external pods and have space for internal systems.
3. Not all Su-30s are made equal. IMHO, the Su-30MKI of the IAF is the most advanced Su-30 in the market (the Malaysians will tell you that the Su-30MKM is even better). What I'm saying is that it's a systems fight - don't focus on the platform alone.
I have seen Rafale like wide angle greenish HUD and MAWS system on RMAF Flanker. So there is no reason to believe there other subsystems are not top notch.
4. I did not say IAF and PLAAF's flankers cannot do their job - to meet their respective threats. It's a systems fight - numbers and technology matter. In fact, IMHO, the choice of suppliers is important too. Both the IAF and the RSAF use some Israeli systems.
They use systems from Israel ordered in 90s. I think by now most of them they had replaced domestically. IAF is testing new EW system from Su-35.
5. Both the IAF and the RSAF train together - so as to provide each other with DACT (F-16s vs Su-30s) - so it means our air forces trust each other. I can only say - it benefits the pilots of both countries. For that matter, the RSAF also trains with RTA/USAF/RAAF and so on too.
Vietnamese will be trained by Russians who built the aircraft and can maximum exploit the airframe. I doubt IAF will share the secrets of aircraft with anyone. Even in redflag they were using test modes. IAF pretty confident of holding Typhoon with Flankers. F-16 is simply no match of it.
and ever Flanker customer gets different frequencies for missiles. I dont think IAF and PLAAF R-77 are the same nor are RMAF R-77 will internally similar to other customers.


Super Moderator
Staff member
I said Su-30 carry different mix of missile load outs to a greater speeds and heights than especially F-16 whose performance and sustain speed decreases with height. (It is limited to 50K). Even M2K-5 is better BVR option against Su-30.

It is Flanker sensor reach and superior energy impart unhindered by external ETs that impart greater range to its missiles. I will not go into its quick turn ability to convert head on engagement into tail chase. that decrease missile performance considerably.
Good for you, flanker supporter. I really need the physics lesson (plus I'm sure the actual operating ceiling of the F-16s & Su-30s are classified).

Do what you need to convince yourself. There are lots of intelligent flanker supporters in DT. I do not adopt this tone towards their arguments.

Erieye is just flying Radar in absense of Airsupriority it is meaningless. AWACS operates at 25K which can be easily spot by ground based radars to direct Superior range/Speed flankers against slow moving AWACS. So AWACS will operated far away from battlefield from threat of Flanker. That will decrease its importance. AWACS is not toy for smaller airforces with limited protection assets.
To talk about air superiority is to talk about a systems fight against a specific enemy (Red Air). RTA's likely Red Air - Malaysia and Vietnam. Not even bothering to say why the RTA is superior (please read the link provided).

Please don't call the RTA a small air force (which leads me to believe you don't know, don't want to read and want to have your say without sufficient information). With close to 60x F-16s (not counting their F-5s), the RTA is a medium sized air force - so no reason why they cannot protect their AWACs.

If the RTA needs to go to war - I can assure you they will not be alone.

So you think there is no EW sytem in Flanker? from where this belief comes from. Most Flanker carries external pods and have space for internal systems.
Notice the word "IF" we can blind our opponents, with EW. Everybody's got EW systems - comparisons not possible (no open source information).

I have seen Rafale like wide angle greenish HUD and MAWS system on RMAF Flanker. So there is no reason to believe there other subsystems are not top notch.

They use systems from Israel ordered in 90s. I think by now most of them they had replaced domestically. IAF is testing new EW system from Su-35
I'm really pleased that Malaysia is happy with the Su-30MKM. We are happy they like it too. We are glad that the Malaysians can convince themselves that they can maintain air superiority. Its a great deal - 18 xSu-30MKM for US$900m (not all in cash) plus a free ticket to space.

I'm glad the IAF is testing a new EW system. Hmm... Su-35 (Is it in production?) I really don't know - please tell me more.

Vietnamese will be trained by Russians who built the aircraft and can maximum exploit the airframe.
Good for Vietnam. IMHO, the RTA is overmatch against Vietnam just as the RSAF is overmatch against RMAF. Just as the IAF is overmatch against the PAF.

... and ever Flanker customer gets different frequencies for missiles. I dont think IAF and PLAAF R-77 are the same nor are RMAF R-77 will internally similar to other customers.
Good for IAF, PLAAF and RMAF. We are glad the Russians have a system.

I doubt IAF will share the secrets of aircraft with anyone. Even in redflag they were using test modes. IAF pretty confident of holding Typhoon with Flankers. F-16 is simply no match of it.
Good for you.

You keep citing DACT as evidence of IAF superiority (READ!! There is a pinned thread on DACT). As other DT forum members have expressed before - not again (another person who does not know what he is talking about).

You know what - I happen to think the IAF is a great air force. I think they will win against the PAF.
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Banned Member
Good for you, flanker supporter. I really need the physics lesson (plus I'm sure the actual operating ceiling of the F-16s & Su-30s are classified).
talk about physics? there is exact replica of F-16 called FC-1 which is not going to take role of J-10 which is more aerodynamic layout of Tyhpoon. It is enough to convince that F-16 design as far as airsuperiority role is concerned is obsolete.

Please don't call the RTA a small air force. With close to 60x F-16s (not counting their F-5s), the RTA is a medium sized air force - so no reason why they cannot protect their AWACs.
60 F-16s are not big deal. A Flanker can carry 12 AAMs and with better endurance it can maintain control of air for longer period of time. Flanker has longer range Standoff weopons. u simply cannot fight war from single airbase. u need deep facilities.
If the RTA needs to go to war - I can assure you they will not be alone.
u dont have Oil
No one fight wars behalf of others. u started war all investment gone.

I'm really pleased that Malaysia is happy with the Su-30MKM. We are happy they like it too. We are glad that the Malaysians can convince themselves that they can maintain air superiority. Its a great deal - 18 xSu-30MKM for US$900m (not all in cash) plus a free ticket to space.
RMAF got good deal as Flanker as assembly linke a Irkut was in production of IAF but they put extra stuff.
I'm glad the IAF is testing a new EW system. Hmm... Su-35 (Is it in production?) I really don't know - please tell me more.
Various subsystems of Su-35 are understests on other aircrafts. U can consider it as production aircraft as it is going to be supplied to Ruaf in 2010 and for export in 2011.

Good for Vietnam. IMHO, the RTA is overmatch against Vietnam just as the RSAF is overmatch against RMAF. Just as the IAF is overmatch against the PAF.
how is RTA overmatch against Vietnam or RSAF against RMAF. RMAF is already undertraining for Flankers. They had BVR capable MIG-29 for more than a decade which are superior to any F-16 with slot array radars.


Super Moderator
Staff member
how is RTA overmatch against Vietnam or RSAF against RMAF. RMAF is already undertraining for Flankers. They had BVR capable MIG-29 for more than a decade which are superior to any F-16 with slot array radars.
I have said elsewhere before, the Su-30 has an advanced airframe - that was specifically designed to counter the F-15. Most observers would agree that in a WVR turning fight - any US designed teen series fighter would be in trouble.

I'm just not convinced by your arguments. NO NEED to REFUTE!

Looks like you are strong supporter of the Malaysian air force. Nothing wrong with that.

But you've managed to lose all my respect for you ability to reason when you cite DACT as evidence of Su-30 superiority.

As other DT forum members have expressed before - not again (another person who does not know what he is talking about).

Keep telling yourself that: "the <insert favorite air force> will win (the Su-30 is better than anything else short of the F-22), the <insert favorite air force> will win (the Su-30 is better than anything else short of the F-22)". I'm sure wishing it, will make it happen.


Banned Member
I have said elsewhere before, the Su-30 has an advanced airframe - that was specifically designed to counter the F-15. Most observers would agree that in a WVR turning fight - any US designed teen series fighter would be in trouble.

I'm just not convinced by your arguments. NO NEED to REFUTE!

Looks like you are strong supporter of the Malaysian air force. Nothing wrong with that.

But you've managed to lose all my respect for you ability to reason when you cite DACT as evidence of Su-30 superiority.

As other DT forum members have expressed before - not again (another person who does not know what he is talking about).

Keep telling yourself that: "the <insert favorite air force> will win (the Su-30 is better than anything else short of the F-22), the <insert favorite air force> will win (the Su-30 is better than anything else short of the F-22)". I'm sure wishing it, will make it happen.
It is not WVR fight but BVR fight that Su-30 is superior than teen series. It has to do with its placement of weopons for reduced drag/internal fuel/high altitude/nose size for Radar power and FOV.
If F-16 aerodynamics could do the job. PLAAF would have simply upgrade FC-1 desigh with AL-31FN engines. No need to go over the complexity of canard/delta design for superior supersonic performance. ur trying to pass F-16C which are essentially a bomb truck as Superior to RMAF of MIG-29SE which are lighter and more agile for air superiority role. so all ur information is wrong. Recently RMAF got deal with Russians to upgrade IRST of MIG-29. New IRST is built with similar technology (quantum optico) as Pirate on Typhoon. they can do ranging and see things much further with simultaneious engagement. so u cannot blind them with EW systems. ur F-16 lacks that critical element for air to air fight.
Ural optical-mechanical plant will supply to Malaysia equipment for the aircraft MiG-29
the Optico- locating station of 13, by developer and official producer of which is [FGUP] “ON “[UOMZ]”, enters into the composition of control system of the armament of fighter MiG-29. Station is intended for the work along the aerial targets at all combat altitudes at any time of day and night, against the background water, the earth and clouds under the conditions of the action of electronic jamming. By means of 13 is achieved target search on its thermal emission, determination of coordinates, seizure and tracking with the transmission of information to weapons of destruction for applying of gunnery armament and guided missiles.


Super Moderator
talk about physics? there is exact replica of F-16 called FC-1
Not only not an exact replica, but not a replica at all. No connection at all. Aerodynamically & structurally very different. I suggest you look at some pictures of both.


Banned Member
Not only not an exact replica, but not a replica at all. No connection at all. Aerodynamically & structurally very different. I suggest you look at some pictures of both.
Look at the wings. lenght and width exactly matches. only intakes changes. with less bubble canaopy for reduced drag.they have to change intakes as F-16 are no good at all for high altitude performance.


Super Moderator
Look at the wings. lenght and width exactly matches. only intakes changes. with less bubble canaopy for reduced drag.they have to change intakes as F-16 are no good at all for high altitude performance.
Firstly, they are neither exactly the same width nor exactly the same length.Nor is the ratio between them exactly the same. There is a superficial similarity in wing shape, but many differences in detail.

Secondly, even if they were, that would not make it a replica. The positioning of the intakes makes a great difference to the aerodynamics, & is far from being the only difference. The fuselage is a completely different shape. The wing/fuselage join is completely different. Fin is a different shape. Etc, etc. Each of these affects the flow of air over the aircraft, & thus the aerodynamics. In reality, there is not a single part which matches.