Thailand selects Gripen and Erieye


New Member
With the ongoing development of the Grpen E/F with better range/avonics/radar, Thai s making a bad choice in buying the older version.

Why buy a plane that would be obsolete in a few years time? Trying to upgrade it to the latest version will only cost more.. n in terms of range, i dont think they could upgrade it to the E/F range due to structura differences.


With the ongoing development of the Grpen E/F with better range/avonics/radar, Thai s making a bad choice in buying the older version.

Why buy a plane that would be obsolete in a few years time? Trying to upgrade it to the latest version will only cost more.. n in terms of range, i dont think they could upgrade it to the E/F range due to structura differences.
What would you do?
Getting a bunch of "cheap" fighters and an AEW&C with acceptable performance within the next 2-3 years or gamble with several billions on a project that may take some 10-20 years before hitting the production line? Also consider that it may become a total failure. :D

Gripen "EBS" isn't "old".


New Member
With the ongoing development of the Grpen E/F with better range/avonics/radar, Thai s making a bad choice in buying the older version.

Why buy a plane that would be obsolete in a few years time? Trying to upgrade it to the latest version will only cost more.. n in terms of range, i dont think they could upgrade it to the E/F range due to structura differences.
It is always possible to wait for better and more capable fighters, but at a point you have to decide to buy whats best available at a reasonable price. Thailand will get a very good replacement for their F-5's and I believe they appreciate that it has an upgrade path that could make it a strong contender for replacing their F-16's in the future.

And the improved range, stronger engine and AESA radar will be demonstrated on an existing JAS 39B Gripen. So upgrades of existing Gripens could very well be possible at reasonable costs.


New Member
What would you do?
Getting a bunch of "cheap" fighters and an AEW&C with acceptable performance within the next 2-3 years or gamble with several billions on a project that may take some 10-20 years before hitting the production line? Also consider that it may become a total failure. :D

Gripen "EBS" isn't "old".
Well they just dont have the time for it, the need is urgent. Not only for a nation wide matter, even individual may encounter such circumstances.


New Member
Since one sqn. of Royal Thai Air Force consists of 18 aircraft, The last F-5T Tigres will be retired in 10 years and we are short of 1 attack sqn., and if the Gripen can impress RTAF, in 2020 RTAF may fly 36 - 54 Gripen along with 2 F-16MLU sqn. and 1 F-16 ADF. :) And suppose we have a permission to buy F-35 in 2030 and F-16 were phase out then, 2 - 3 sqn. of Gripen will operate together with 3 sqn. of F-35

Hope everything is on the plan.


New Member

นายไชยา แถลงเรื่องของกองทัพอากาศ ในการจัดซื้อเครื่องบิน สืบเนื่องจากคณะรัฐมนตรีได้มีการประชุม ครม. อนุมัติเมื่อวันที่ 16 ตุลาคม ที่ผ่านมา ตามที่กระทรวงคมนาคมเสนอ ที่จะจัดซื้อหาเครื่องบินขับไล่เอนกประสงค์ทดแทนเครื่องบินขับไล่แบบ เอฟ 5 อี จำนวน 6 เครื่อง เป็นงบประมาณทั้งสิ้น 19,000 ล้านบาท เป็นงบผูกพัน 2551 - 2555 โดยเป็นเรื่องเดิมที่อนุมัติเห็นชอบในหลักการไปแล้ว และในครั้งนี้ทางกระทรวงกลาโหมมีการนำเสนอในลักษณะที่มีการจัดซื้อเครื่องบิน เป็นเครื่องบิน กริพเพน 39 ซี/ดี มีข้อเสนอพิจารณา 2 ข้อ ที่ประชุมคณะรัฐมนตรีได้อนุมัติ 2 ประเด็น

ประเด็นที่ 1 กระทรวงกลาโหมพิจารณาเห็นว่ากองทัพอากาศดำเนินการอันเป็นประโยชน์สูงสุดต่อทางราชการภายใต้มติ ครม. ตั้งแต่วันที่ 16 ตุลาคม และกรอบบันทึกความเข้าใจว่าด้วยความร่วมมือ ตามข้อ 2 โดยจำเป็นต้องจัดหาเครื่องบินประจำการ ดังนั้นเพื่อให้การดำเนินการโครงการเรียบร้อย ได้มีข้อเสนอ ดังนี้

1. ให้กระทรวงกลาโหม โดยกองทัพอากาศ ดำเนินการจัดซื้อเครื่องบินกริปเปน จีอาร์ไอพีอีเอ็น 39 ซี/ดี จำนวน 6 เครื่อง พร้อมอุปกรณ์ อะไหล่ การฝึกอบรม การปรับปรุงอาคารสถานที่ และการบริหารโครงการ เป็นเงิน 19,000 ล้านบาท โดยวิธีรัฐบาลต่อรัฐบาล (จี2จี) ระหว่างรัฐบาลไทยกับรัฐบาลสวีเดน

2. ให้ผู้บัญชาการทหารอากาศ เป็นผู้รับมอบอำนาจลงนามในข้อตกลงการซื้อขายเครื่องบิน ในนามรัฐบาลไทย รวมทั้งแก้ไขข้อตกลงการซื้อขายเครื่องบินโดยวงเงินรวมไม่เปลี่ยนแปลง

ทั้งนี้ มีการอธิบายจาก พล.อ.ชลิต พุกผาสุข ผู้บัญชาการทหารอากาศ ได้ข้อสรุปเพิ่มเติมว่า เมื่อเป็นเช่นนั้นแล้ว มีเงื่อนไขพิเศษที่รัฐบาลสวีเดนจะจัดให้ เป็นข้อที่ 3 คือ ทางรัฐบาลสวีเดน ในการเจรจากับคณะกรรมการ จะมีการจัดเครื่องบินควบคุมและแจ้งเตือนทางอากาศ ติดตั้งอุปกรณ์เรดาร์แบบอีรีอาย 1 เครื่อง หรือ 1 ลำ กับเครื่องบินลำเลียงแบบ SAAV-340 จำนวน 1 เครื่อง พร้อมทั้งทุนการศึกษาระดับปริญญาโท จำนวน 92 ทุน และระบบดาต้าลิงก์ สำหรับการป้องกันทางอากาศในระบบควบคุมและแจ้งเตือนภาคใต้ เพราะฉะนั้นเครื่องบินที่มีการตกลงนั้นแบ่งเป็น 2 ส่วน ลักษณะประเภทเครื่องบิน คือ 1 ที่นั่ง จำนวน 2 ลำ และ 2 ที่นั่ง จำนวน 4 ลำ รวม 6 ลำ เฉพาะค่าจัดซื้อเครื่องบินพร้อมอุปกรณ์อะไหล่ และการฝึกอบรม 18,284 ล้านบาท

ส่วนเรื่องการปรับปรุงอาคารสถานที่และการบริหารโครงการ ในส่วนกองทัพอากาศรับผิดชอบ ซึ่งต้องดำเนินการก่อนและหลังการรับมอบเครื่องบิน เป็นเงิน 716 ล้านบาท ทั้งหมดมี 3 ประเด็นด้วยกัน
Another update just of yesterday.

I'll translated only the important part.

1. The ministry of Defense will conducted the procurment porcess on 6 JAS-39 Gripen with spare part, associated equipment, training, ground facility installation and project management on the Government-to-Government basis.

2. Commander-in-Chief of RTAF, on behalf of Royal Thai Government, will sign the contact.

3. RTAF will recieved 1 Saab 340 equipped with ERIEYE radar, 92 master degree scholarship and Datalink system. 6 Gripens will be devided into 2 single-seat C models and 4 dual-seat D models. Overall price is 18,284 million Baht. RTAF will take responsibility on facility installation on the budget worth 716 million Baht.


We can expect for the second batch soon. :)


New Member
I think there will be another deal maybe (just speculating here) as there are three Thai Air Bases as shown here by this picture posted by someone before.

Because I think there will be 18 fighters and three AEWC aircraft, 6x fighters and one AEWC for each base.

I am suprised that they do not but another 3 additional twin seater's for training

just my 2 c

No mate.

This pic only shown the combat radius of Gripen that airbrone on the different part of Thailand.

These 6 Gripen is only the first batch of this program. The overall program is 12 jets. And all Gripens will go to Wing7 on the lower circle. And RTAF may procure 6 more because 1 sqn. is consist of 18 jets.

We got another F-5 Sqn. It’s the Israeli-upgraded F-5T Tigres that we need to replace in 7-10 years. So if the F-5 replacement program was started again. It would be more 12 – 18 jets saparate from this procurement.

And we lack of 1 fighter sqn. which has no aircraft in commission.

Consider only RTAF , in 10 -20 years they might operate at least 24 Gripens or 54 Gripens on the optimistic looking.:)


New Member
Yeah. RTAF already releases the news about Gripen after the cabinet approval. (in Thai lanugage)

They also release the time frame as follow

- Gripen will be delivered within 36 months after the contact has been signed. (sign around Jan - Feb 2008) First 3 jets in Jan 2011 and another 3 on Mar 2011 and RTAF will declare the combat ready on Sep 2011.
- Saab 340 and ERIEYE will be delivered in 2010.
- Training will begin in 2008.
- Spare part will be delivered in 2010
- Master Degree scholarship will be handed to Thailand in 2009 to 2012

And finally, ACM Chalit, Commander-in-Chief of RTAF, will after the Children's Day air show on 12 Jan leave for Sweden to sign the contact.



New Member
Thai cabinet approves budget for Saab Gripen fighters
By Siva Govindasamy

Thailand's cabinet has approved a 19 billion baht ($568 million) budget for the first phase of its F-X fighter competition, advancing an order for six Saab Gripen C/D fighters, plus accessories, spare parts and flight training programmes.

The aircraft will be used to replace part of the Royal Thai Air Force's fleet of Northrop F-5Es, which have fallen behind a newer generation of fighters operated by other south-eastern Asian nations, such as Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore.

Thailand’s first Gripen is likely to be handed over late this year, with the last to be delivered in 2012, although Sweden’s Defence Materiel Administration is still waiting for approval from its government to finalise the sale.

Bangkok also has options on a further six Gripens, but a decision on these will have to be made by a new government, with general elections having taken place in December.

A budget of 15.4 billion baht has been set aside for the second phase, with deliveries expected from 2013. Two Saab 340 airborne early warning aircraft have also been included as part of the overall Gripen deal (both types pictured below in Swedish air force markings).

© Frans Dely/Gripen International

Confirmation of the Gripen order follows several years of lobbying by Saab and the Swedish government, which had faced competition from types including the Boeing F/A-18, Lockheed Martin F-16C/D, RSK MiG-29 and Sukhoi Su-30.

Buoyed by its success in Thailand, the Gripen team is now preparing its proposal for India's approximately $10.2 billion competition for 126 new multirole combat aircraft. The design faces opposition from the F/A-18, F-16 and MiG-35, plus Dassault's Rafale and the Eurofighter Typhoon.


Hey I need to explaine something on this news. :rolleyes:

- The name of this program is not F-X. In fact, the official name is "The procurement of replacement fighter of B.Kh.18A/B (F-5B/E)". But in Thailand we always called this program by its nickname, "Fighter Type 20th Porgram" or "B.Kh.20 Program"

- The delivery date is set to 2011

- MiG-29 never paticipated in this competition. It's only Gripen, F-16C/D, and Su-30MKIT. F/A-18E/F was added up later.



New Member

Press release
25 January 2008
Ministry of Defence

Sweden enters into an agreement with Thailand on Gripen

On Thursday 24 January, the Government authorised the Defence Materiel Administration to enter into an agreement with the air force in Thailand on the transfer of an integrated air surveillance system comprising JAS 39 Gripen and the Erieye radar surveillance system.

"It is very positive that Thailand has chosen Swedish Gripen now that it is renewing its air surveillance system. It will benefit Sweden and Swedish tax-payers. The Gripen system is very cost-efficient and I am pleased to see growing international interest in its acquisition," says Minister for Defence Sten Tolgfors.

Thailand is to replace its present air surveillance system when parts of the country´s current air fleet are phased out in 2011. The system´s role will be to monitor Thailand´s airspace and conduct incident preparedness.

The agreement covers six Gripen aircraft, the Erieye radar surveillance system and the accompanying data-link systems. The order amounts to some SEK 3.8 billion. Delivery is planned to take place in early 2011.

Entry into force of the agreement is conditional upon the Swedish Inspectorate of Strategic Products (ISP) issuing export licences after a review.


Swedish Government Approves Thailand Deal

2008-01-25 | The negotiations have been carried out between the Swedish Defence Materiel Administration (FMV) and the Royal Thai Air Force.

This deal implies that Thailand will purchase six Gripen systems from the Swedish state, two of the C-version (single-seater) and four of the D-version (two-seater). The deal also covers two Saab 340 aircraft, one of will be equipped with Saab’s Erieye radar.

“This is a milestone and a very positive reinforcement for Saab. This means that there are now customers in six countries who have chosen Gripen. It is also very satisfying that the deal involves several other products from Saab, such as Saab 340, the Erieye surveillance radar and advanced command and control systems”, Åke Svensson, Saab’s CEO and President, comments on the deal.

Now that the government has approved the deal the negotiations between FMV and Saab can be finalised.

“This deal is extremely important for us in our work with potential Gripen customers. This is a new region of the world that now also chooses Gripen for its Air Force. We are now definitely world leading in the export of the new generation’s fighter aircraft and this confirms Gripen’s future export potential”, says Johan Lehander, Business unit manager at Gripen International.


New Member
ACM Chalit is now in Sweden and the contact will be signed today. PM Samak said he was already informed by ACM himself and he give the green light.

And several days ago, senior US officer just meet RTAF chief of staffs to discuess about the MLU program from Lockheed Martin on RTAF's F-16A/B/ADF along with weapon procurement which will be used in F-5, F-16MLU, and Gripen. :)

News release here.


ACM Ittipol Supawong, Chief of Staff of Royal Thai Air Force welcomed Major General jeffrey A. Remington, Director of Air, Space and Information Operations, Headquarters Pacific Air Forces, Hickam Air Force Base, Hawaii on 4 Feb 2008 to discuss about the Exercise Cope Tiger 08 and MLU program on F-16. They were also discussed about the procurement of weapon that would equipped with F-5, F-16, and Gripen.


New Member
Gripen agreement between Sweden and Thailand signed

At a ceremony in Stockholm today, FMVs (Swedish Defence Materiel Administration) Director General Gunnar Holmgren and Air Chief Marshal Chalit Pukbhasuk, Commander in Chief of the Royal Thai Air Force (RTAF), signed an agreement for the delivery of six Gripen multirole fighter aircraft of the latest version and a surveillance system

2008-02-11 | With this agreement RTAF will be able to replace its outgoing F-5 aircraft at the beginning of 2011. RTAF will get six Gripen multirole aircraft of the latest C and D version (four two-seat Gripen D and two single-seat Gripen C fighters) together with one Saab 340 Erieye surveillance system and one Saab 340 aircraft for training and transport.

Gunnar Holmgren and the Thai Air Force Chief Chalit Pukbhasuk at the contract signing
The Gripen system together with the Erieye surveillance system will give the RTAF the capability they have asked for regarding air surveillance and protection of Thailand’s territory.

In a comment to the agreement FMVs Director General, Gunnar Holmgren stated:

- We are of course very pleased that the RTAF have chosen the Gripen and Erieye systems to meet their future needs. Since we are well aware of the capability of both systems in Sweden, I am convinced that the RTAF also will be satisfied when they have started to operate the Gripen and Erieye.

The agreement also includes comprehensive logistic support and training of RTAF pilots and technicians, as well as simulators. Sweden will also provide Swedish Air Force pilots and technicians as advisors in Thailand during the introduction of the Gripen and Erieye systems in RTAF.

The delivery of the aircraft will take place in the beginning of 2011. The training in Sweden will start in 2009.

The total value of the agreement is 19 Billion Baht.

For further information please contact Ulf Lindström, Communications Manager at FMV, cell phone + 46 70 982 63 96, E-mail: [email protected]

Photo: :D


New Member
Old news back to the signing date. But worth to look also.


Chalit hopes Samak govt won't review Gripen jets deal

Air force chief ACM Chalit Phukphasuk points at a model of the Swedish
Gripen jet fighter during a press conference at air force headquarters at Don Muang. The air force chief returned yesterday from Sweden, where he signed a deal to buy six Gripen JAS-39 C/D multi-purpose aircraft.
Air force chief ACM Chalit Phukphasuk hopes the Samak government will rise above politics and approve the second half of the Gripen jet fighter package with Sweden.

He also fervently hopes Prime Minister and Defence Minister Samak Sundaravej will not reconsider the 19-billion-baht order he signed this week for six of the multi-purpose jets.

ACM Chalit, who was a key member of the military junta that toppled the Thaksin government in 2006, was speaking yesterday on his arrival back from Sweden, where he signed a memorandum of understanding to buy six Gripen JAS-39 C/D aircraft.

The air force commander said Mr Samak and the new government should not review the deal.

''If politics changes the project, then our politics and our nation will be regarded as unreliable by the world community,'' he said.

''But I believe in the prime minister and defence minister because he is a senior figure in society and has been in politics for a long time.''

ACM Chalit said he had earlier explained the deal to Mr Samak. The prime minister had not baulked at the price and he believed Mr Samak had a good understanding of the deal.

The purchase of the first six Gripen aircraft was approved by the Surayud Chulanont cabinet on Jan 24, just before it completed its tenure.

The air force earlier submitted a 34-billion-baht proposal to buy 12 of the planes to replace its old Vietnam-era Northrop F5E fighters.

The cabinet agreed the air force should buy six jets first, using a five-year tied-over budget starting this year.

ACM Chalit said he was not certain the other six planes would be bought.

''The procurement of the other six will depend on my junior officers at the air force, and the new government as I am retiring this September,'' he said. Sweden is to deliver the first three planes in January 2011 and the other three in March that year.

The air force chief said the Gripen order marks a new era of military aircraft purchases. Thailand used to depend mostly on American products.

The air force earlier planned to upgrade its F16 C/D jets, but the US shelved assistance for upgrading the planes after the coup on Sept 19, 2006.

Under the Swedish deal, Gripen agreed to supply all accessories, including radar systems and air-to-ship, air-to-air and air-to-ground missiles that are comparable to the advanced medium-range air-to-air missiles of the US, ACM Chalit added.


There are some issues here.

- "The air force earlier planned to upgrade its F16 C/D jets, but the US shelved assistance for upgrading the planes after the coup on Sept 19, 2006." ..... it's actually restart now. According to this news. Also Thai Gripen will be equipped with US weapon.

ACM Ittipol Supawong, Chief of Staff of Royal Thai Air Force welcomed Major General jeffrey A. Remington, Director of Air, Space and Information Operations, Headquarters Pacific Air Forces, Hickam Air Force Base, Hawaii on 4 Feb 2008 to discuss about the Exercise Cope Tiger 08 and MLU program on F-16. They were also discussed about the procurement of weapon that would equipped with F-5, F-16, and Gripen.
- ''The procurement of the other six will depend on my junior officers at the air force, and the new government as I am retiring this September,'' ..... so it's mean that the second batch will be approved in late 2008 at the most early date. But I expect the approval in mid-2009 to meet the Thai Gripen production line so they can establish a 12-jets sqn. in the same time.

- There are still no news about the review of the program now.


New Member
Buying only 6 Gripen wouldn't make any sense whatsoever, cost-wise, training-wise, maintenance-wise...
I'm waiting to see what new attitude the US government will have towards the new democratically elected Thai government. If US military cooperation resumes then we might see a F18 deal reappear on the horizon... with all those obsolete A7s still in service !!



New Member

ehm. it´s at least two Batch, 6+1 and 6+1 and probably a third too.

so its at least 12 gripen, and with awacs, meteor,Irs-T it will be more than enough against the mig 29s

Aussie Digger

Buying only 6 Gripen wouldn't make any sense whatsoever, cost-wise, training-wise, maintenance-wise...
I'm waiting to see what new attitude the US government will have towards the new democratically elected Thai government. If US military cooperation resumes then we might see a F18 deal reappear on the horizon... with all those obsolete A7s still in service !!

Thailand like most SE Asian Countries simply doesn't have the budget to payf for her entire Squadron plus 2x AEW&C aircraft and the rest in one hit.

They can only afford to buy them in batches and whilst this may nt be the cheapest way of doing things, it's the only way it's going to happen...


New Member

ehm. it´s at least two Batch, 6+1 and 6+1 and probably a third too.

so its at least 12 gripen, and with awacs, meteor,Irs-T it will be more than enough against the mig 29s
No offence, but both RMAF and Vietnames AF operates more powerful aircraft with the mig-29 pending to retire.