Loved the story about the big bad M1 and the 3 little T-72,s.
Reminds me of a story in nursery, but l think that involved 3 pigs.
Lets talk facts: The M1,s out fought the iraqi T-72,s and other tanks during the gulf war because, and listen carefully.
The iraqis did not possess suitable night vision, were therefore sitting ducks at night and in bad light. The M1 could fire while on the move while the iraqis could not. M1 could load and fire more rounds per minute. The american tank crews also receiving overwhelming air support from Apaches and A-10,s.
The most important factor being BETTER TRAINED TANK CREWS.
Russians in T90,s against the M1, well that may be a different story as would Pakistanis in their T80,s and Khalids.
Regarding the 3 T-72,s story,
well a man called John Rambo took on half the red army in afghanistan, anythings possible

The Arjun, well at this moment in time it,s unproven, might look good on paper, if that. The indians will only induct it in small numbers so as not to cause an attack by the press at the induction of a white elephant. The arjun has already faced a lot of technical faults and problems.
l don,t think its wise at this stage to compare the arjun to other proven tanks. On paper, maybe !