No. T-80 and all of its modification were done by Ukrainian plant which now is in the territory of independent Ukraine. may be they also called their new tank T-95 but in all russian sources T-95 is the index of russian next generation tank and the "Black Eagle" from Omsk is one of these projects and may be the main project.The Black Eagle, (Cherniy Orel), is the Project 640 sometimes referred to as the T-80UM2. It's from the Omsk KB is and unrelated to the "T-95" project from UVZ. Neigther one is in production, and only the T-90A is ready for acceptance into units right now. Given that it's production is accelerating, and that the new tank has yet to be seen publicly, it's unlikely to get into line units before the 2012-2015 timeframe. Chances are that the T-90A will indeed be a "mass" tank given it's current production trend.
The Black Eagle, (Cherniy Orel), is the Project 640 sometimes referred to as the T-80UM2. It's from the Omsk KB is and unrelated to the "T-95" project from UVZ. Neigther one is in production, and only the T-90A is ready for acceptance into units right now. Given that it's production is accelerating, and that the new tank has yet to be seen publicly, it's unlikely to get into line units before the 2012-2015 timeframe. Chances are that the T-90A will indeed be a "mass" tank given it's current production trend.
Да знаю я почти все кроме банкротства. И то что ленинградский завод своими разработками не занимается и то что основным разработчиком Т-80 выстал Харьковский завод. И то что Нижний Тагил занимается также разработкой новой машины неа базе Т-90С но пока что ни их вариант ни Омский "Черный Орел" не приняты и кто из них как будет называться пока не ясно. По крайней мере такую инфу я читал везде где видел. Чаще всего объеденяли Т-95 "Черный Орел" (ну конечно нашим СМИ так проще). Может быть я и не прав но такая инфа вот ходит.No. It's not the main project. Here I'll explain in Russian. Скользкий слушай есть объект 640. Это новый ОБТ от ОмскТрансМаш. Но он был закончен в 2006 году и на вооружение не поступил. Он основан на танке Т-80У который выпускался в Омске, и называется Т-80УМ2 (был ещё Т-80УМ1 Барс, тоже из ОмскТрансМаш). В СССР было 4 танковых завода. В Ленинграде, Харькове, Омске, и Нижнем Тагиле. Из них Ленинградский, Омский и Харьковский выпускали Т-80 (разные варианты) а УВЗ в Нижнем Тагиле выпускал Т-72. ОмскТрансМаш обанкротился и был распродан полностью. Т-95 это новый ОБТ от УралВагонЗавод. Два разных танка.![]()
Then why bring it up, this is a pure Russian design not of Ukrainian even though that it is based on a T-80 chassis, as stated by another forum contributor, the main Russian tank will in fact be the T-90 series, you will be lucky to see the T-95 enter service even by 2015, other priorities are needed.I know that it is dead =) it is 10 years old and morally old already for series =)
Russians are in fact working on a designated T-95 model, the question is will it be fielded any time soon which is doubtful. You guys should also keep in mind that Russia is also working on their own version of FCS combat vehicles that could share the same design principals as U.S vehicles, one chassis for multipal tasks.I've already read all this. But I couldn't find any info about new tanks after 2002 year.
Target, ceasefire Waylander.Thanks god the possible adversaries are doing the same mistakes...
BTW, any new pictures of Algerian T-90SAs?
Really? Do you have a source? And could you elaborate on your explanation? I was under the impression that Relikt was an ERA package in it's own right.That is not how Relikt is designed to work, all it comprises of is a ERA upgrade to existing Russian packages that relies on initial projectile penetration. I have to laugh though at some of these so called experts who have stated to me that Relikt was not being mounted on T-72 and T-90 series when I knew very well that it was and may very well be mounted on Algerian T-90SA models.
Yes, my source is the U.S Department of Defense, the majority of these articles that get posted like the one you referenced to is nothing more than fanboy Russian, Western propaganda, not that I havent read some of the same crap from the U.S sites.Really? Do you have a source? And could you elaborate on your explanation? I was under the impression that Relikt was an ERA package in it's own right.